House Republicans Opposed the Following Amendments on Party Line Votes

An amendment offered by Reps. Van Hollen and Waxman prohibiting suspected and known terrorists from purchasing firearms;

An amendment offered by Reps. Lofgren and Jackson Lee allowing courts to hear lawsuits concerning gun injuries to law enforcement officers;

An amendment offered by Rep. McCarthy permitting gun liability lawsuits to go forward until the US Attorney General has 90% of the records necessary to conduct criminal background checks for gun purchases;

Another amendment offered by Rep. McCarthy expanding the bill’s prohibition on armor-piercing bullets to include bullets capable of penetrating body armor; and

An amendment offered by Rep. Linda Sanchez permitting courts to hear suits based on sales of weapons to persons with domestic violence convictions.


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One Response to House Republicans Opposed the Following Amendments on Party Line Votes

  1. karl says:

    Republicans know better than to upset the NRA, what is it with these people and senile old fools like Heston and Reagan.

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