Weekly Standard Editor Kristol Predicts Indictments

There are moments when right and wrong comes before politics, and in the Plame leak case we’ve got a perfect example of this. When Bill Kristol goes onto FoxNews conceding that it will happen and turn out bad for the Bush administration…it’s time to come around to reality if you’re a righty.

Lee from Right Thinking From The Left Coast and I had a wager on the outcome of all this. The bet was one of us would admit we were wrong on the front page of our blog. He didn’t think indictments would be handed down. Let’s see how he types is way out of this one.

Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday:

Criminal defense lawyers I’ve spoken to who are friendly to the administration are very worried that there will be one or more indictments in the next three weeks of senior administration officials, just looking at what Fitzgerald is doing and taking him at his word, you know, being a serious prosecutor here. And I think it’s going to be bad for the Bush administration.

Someone like Bill Kristol doesn’t get information like this by accident. It’s being fed to him so, if there is an indictment, he can prepare the base. Towards the end of the segment, Kristol got started, saying, “I hate the criminalization of politics.”

The best way to stop the criminalization of politics is to get the criminals out of politics.

From Think Progress

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14 Responses to Weekly Standard Editor Kristol Predicts Indictments

  1. karl says:

    No wonder you were banned, Lee saw tis coming and did not want to be reminded.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    One of us needs to when the indictments are handed down.

  3. karl says:

    When the indictment gets handed down I will post it over there, under an assumed name of course.

  4. karl says:

    Speaking of Bill Krystol, I heard he used the term girlie man, has he looked in the mirror recentely?

  5. Nuala Kavanagh says:

    Krystol was supposedly dead set against Bush when he was nominated to run for President, but Bush has not let the neo-cons down.

    Just like Bush warning us that violence is going to get worse before the elections ( which it does, because the U.S. soldiers are out there stirring up dust), Krystol is out there softening up the “base” just in case Rove finally falls on his own sword. Wouldn’t that be the day.

  6. Chris Austin says:

    So Kristol is hedging his bets at this point? That analysis is heady…lets see how this plays out in the upcoming months.

  7. Paul says:

    This too shall pass. There are more pressing matters than this tempest in a Washington teapot.

  8. Chris Austin says:

    I have no doubt that it’ll pass, but Kristol’s act of mutiny is interesting nonetheless.

    Cronyism is a part of life I think most Americans can agree, truly sucks. Bush’s ability to spot tallent leaves a lot to be desired. A pro sports GM with his track record would be unemployed.

  9. Paul says:

    Cronyism will never go away Chris. Republicans and Democrats do it as did Communists in the old Soviet Union. You know it and I know it. Americans may not like it , but they tend to tolerate it if it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

  10. karl says:


    I agree that cronyism is a part of almost every govt, but it seems to be an art form with the current administration. Part of the reason is that they control both houses and the presidency, so thier is no one saving them from themselves.

    Two parties are a good thing.

  11. Paul says:

    We have the best politicians that money can buy !! (Democrats and Republicans)

  12. karl says:


    You are not trying to suggest that money plays a part in politics, are you?

    If you could get the big money out of politics the system would work much better.

  13. karl says:


    I think the next big conservative whine fest is going to be about the Rove Libby indictment. I have a feeling it is going to be something to the effect that they did not do anything wrong and are the victims of a the left wing smear machine.

    It is kind of fun to watch the Neo-cons operate without Rove, the neo-cons don’t seem to know how to talk to the social conservatives without Rove their to translate.

  14. Chris Austin says:

    karl: I think the next big conservative whine fest is going to be about the Rove Libby indictment. I have a feeling it is going to be something to the effect that they did not do anything wrong and are the victims of a the left wing smear machine.

    It is kind of fun to watch the Neo-cons operate without Rove, the neo-cons don’t seem to know how to talk to the social conservatives without Rove their to translate.

    Here’s where the ‘personal accountability’ conservatives lose their credibility.

    When it comes to entitlements, it’s “why should I have to pay for someone else’s mistakes?” – – – then a republican politician breaks the law, and they see wiggle room.

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