Here We Go! Game 2

Already I have a few things bothering me…first being why in the hell does Francona start Millar vs. the right hander and then go with Trot and Olerud vs. the left hander??? The spirits of Jimmy Williams and Grady Little are ALIVE and working their asses off to turn Terry Francona into a pariah. We need to root out the voodoo sects in Chicago immediatly! On to my second gripe. Chris Berman needs to stick to football. I could go on, but national broadcasts, and their affinity for explaining the obvious to us over and over and over for nine or more innings in a game has dumbed down baseball and football for years – and sports fans already know all of this.

This thing is far from over. Ramirez already burned Chicago for 2 RBI, and I’m expecting a 3-1 win after the 4th game in Boston.

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4 Responses to Here We Go! Game 2

  1. Paul says:

    Could the curse be back ? 🙂

  2. Chris Austin says:

    The curse has always been real…but not nearly a ‘curse’ like we think of them to be. I saw it as more of a sickness. The sickness of stupidity has pervaded in the quest for playoff greatness for decades.

    Pitching Clement in game one is the move that lost this series. Ala Buckner…Graffiano will be the goat, but it was the manager picking a pitcher like he hadn’t seen a game all year that may have buried the Sox this time around.

    In ’86, Buckner got crucified most, but John McNamara had a 2-0 lead GOING IN TO games 3-5 at Boston. A travel day and a rain day. Three days rest for the game 1 pitcher Hurst and the same for Clemens. Both had been pitching on three days rest for a while already and were practically unhittible. I’ve got to go, but in games 3,4 it was Al Nipper and Oil Can Boyd…never gets said.

  3. Paul says:

    Down here in South Carolina we call it the “chicken curse” Chris. 🙂

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