Delay is Indicted

I’m hoping this is the first of many to come for Republicans of his ilk. Delay is the definition of a ‘pay to play’ politician, and in spite of his Christian facade, he’s done some despicable things for money. On the island of Saipan, people are forced to work in sweatshops and sexshops. Jack Abramoff, working on behalf of the companies who benefit off of Saipan’s flesh, set up a FREE vacation for Delay and his family. So you’ve got inhumane treatment of fellow human beings on one side, and money on the other…which do you think Delay sided with? He’s a scumbag.

For someone who makes such leadership decisions based personal profitability to call himself a Christian is indicative of what passes for ‘character’ these days in the United States. How did he last this long? Photo ops in churches and the mention of God, guns or activist judges in every speech he could squeeze them into.

Full text of the indictment


β€œThe criminal indictment of Majority Leader Tom Delay is the latest example that Republicans in Congress are plagued by a culture of corruption at the expense of the American people.”House Minority Leader Pelosi

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10 Responses to Delay is Indicted

  1. captain_menace says:

    This just in…

    Donald Rumsfeld just gave the president his daily briefing.

    He concluded by saying:

    “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident.”

    “OH NO!” the President exclaimed. “That’s terrible!”

    His staff sat stunned at the display of emotion, and nervously watched as the President sat, head in hands.

    Finally, the President looked up and asked……….

    “How many is a Brazillion?”

  2. karl says:

    Remember Chris like all Republicans Delay is innocent until proven guilty, maybe the republicans can use that as their campaign slogan.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Better yet – ‘An Indictment is NOT a Conviction!’

  4. karl says:

    A vote for a republican is a vote for reasonable doubt.

    If these guys keep up this pace they will have to build a whole new federal penitionary just to house all the repubs that eventually get convicted.

    Just for fun I may go try to start a thread at asking whether Bush should pardon Frist and Delay, as well as Abramhoff.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Great topic idea…speaking of righties, where’s Michael and Right Thinker???

  6. karl says:

    I have some republican friends and they have lost some of their swagger since katrina. Mostly they just make fun of the victims in New Orleans now, and stay away from what Bush did or did not do.

    Maybe right and micheal are in the same boat.

  7. captain_menace says:

    Mostly they just make fun of the victims in New Orleans now

    It really is their compassion for mankind that attracts me to the republican party. It’s also nice when you are on the receiving end of one of the their nice pork deals… oink, oink.

  8. karl says:

    If Frist really was stupid enough to trade on insider information I think that one will be better than Delay. A puppy killer is worse than a bug killer.

  9. Paul says:

    How about this mixer. I will invite Michael Moore, Al Franken, Tom DeLay, Martha Stewart, Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez, Karl Rove, Slick Willie Clinton, Mother Moonbat (aka Cindy Sheehan), Ozzie Guillen , Donald Trump, Chris, Karl and myself. Up for it guys? πŸ™‚ Oops I forgot Billy Bob Thornton .

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