Iraq War Protest

Apparantly some righties have been undercounting the amount of people who participated, for obvious reasons. They cited a picture that had the right edge cut off…here’s the real one. Notice the red arrow on the right:

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6 Responses to Iraq War Protest

  1. Paul says:

    Hedging eh Chris. Not 100,000 people .

  2. Chris Austin says:

    How can you be sure it wasn’t 100K?

    Rush Limbaugh said there were only 30 people there. Seems to me like the right-wing is going to claim there weren’t that many people protesting regardless of the facts. The photo that I posted is the same one posted by Michelle Malkin and others…only when they posted their copies, they cut off that right edge showing a line of people stretching down several city blocks.

  3. Paul says:

    Is that a right wing conspiracy Chris?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Hearing Bill O’Rieley and Rush Limbaugh peddle the ridiculous notion that the Vietnam War protestors were the reason we lost…the playbook is very predictable at this point.

  5. captain_menace says:

    Is that a right wing conspiracy Chris?

    There’s no conspiracy involved when the DC chief of police says that there were over 100K.

    And I think Chris is right… I can already see the conservatives blaming any Middle-East failures on the weak progressives.

  6. Paul says:

    There is no question that protests at home weakened the US war effort in Viet Nam. I personally knew Americans who wanted us to lose that war and Ho Chi Minh and General Giap realized early on the effect of protests in the USA.

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