Blame Game Got You Down? Destroy Some Evidence and Feel Better!

Can the press wake up and get on this story sometime before the next terrorist attack? Why do I feel like I’m at an AA meeting? “Hello, I’m Chris” -HI CHRIS- “Been wondering about that whole 9/11 thing.”

A Pentagon employee is testifying in front of Senate at the behest of a REPUBLICAN Representative, Curt Weldon (PA-7th District), that they were “ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks.”

Can we finally investigate what actually happened? We get blown away by something and as a country are now stuck in a rut where the only answer seems to be…’let’s get to work on making sure it doesn’t happen again/let’s not play the blame game/you know, the important thing now is that we get to work on doing better tomorrow’…what good does it do? Did ignoring stuff like this in the bible-sized 9/11 Comission Report (purposely enormous to keep people from actually reading it) manage to improve the state of affairs in our federal agencies?

Not that I’ve noticed. So, we didn’t figure out who was responsible for ignoring information that might have prevented 9/11, and our federal agencies remain dysfunctional. The ‘pretend it never happened’ strategy is NOT WORKING!

Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders

By DONNA DE LA CRUZ, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – A Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks, a congressman said Thursday.

The employee is prepared to testify next week before the Senate Judiciary Committee and was expected to name the person who ordered him to destroy the large volume of documents, said Rep. Curt Weldon (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa.

Weldon declined to name the employee, citing confidentiality matters. Weldon described the documents as “2.5 terabytes” — as much as one-fourth of all the printed materials in the Library of Congress, he added.

A Senate Judiciary Committee aide said the witnesses for Wednesday’s hearing had not been finalized and could not confirm Weldon’s comments.

A message left Thursday with a Pentagon spokesman, Army Maj. Paul Swiergosz, was not immediately returned.

Weldon has said that Atta, the mastermind of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and three other hijackers were identified in 1999 by a classified military intelligence unit known as “Able Danger,” which determined they could be members of an al-Qaida cell.

On Wednesday, former members of the Sept. 11 commission dismissed the “Able Danger” assertions. One commissioner, ex-Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., said, “Bluntly, it just didn’t happen and that’s the conclusion of all 10 of us.”

Weldon responded angrily to Gorton’s assertions.

“It’s absolutely unbelievable that a commission would say this program just didn’t exist,” Weldon said Thursday.

Pentagon officials said this month they had found three more people who recall an intelligence chart identifying Atta as a terrorist prior to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Two military officers, Army Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and Navy Capt. Scott Phillpott, have come forward to support Weldon’s claims.


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6 Responses to Blame Game Got You Down? Destroy Some Evidence and Feel Better!

  1. Paul says:

    Information is controlled and distorted all of the time wheether the government does it, corporations or private citizens. The Left does it and the Right does it to achieve their own ends. Whomeevr controls access to information controls the playing field. Read George Orwell !

  2. Chris Austin says:

    I’m with you on that Paul. And when it comes to skewing global warming data or pushing intelligent design in schools, I’m confident that we’ll elect leaders in the future who will get smart. It’s the fact that 9/11 was a multiple murder, and whoever failed to do their job needs to ‘get got’!

    I can’t, and I hope no American can abide the fact that the 9/11 Commission hoodwinked us in a lot of ways. Information like this coming out now tells me that Congress didn’t really care to get to the bottom of it. So disrespectful to those who perished.

  3. NupstateNY says:

    “A Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks, a congressman said Thursday.”

    Does this mean that the documents that identified Atta were destroyed in 1998 or simply that they identified Atta in 1998?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    No, he was asked to destroy them following the 9/11 attacks. People are responsible for these intelligence failures. To simply ignore them basically tells others that being wrong is good enough for America.

    Consequences exist within all of our lives for certain bad deeds, so when the government protects it’s own even to the tune of over 3000 dead – – – – how can any of us trust it?

  5. NupstateNY says:

    Does it make sense that Weldon would persist in bringing this entire situation forward?

    I know he has a book to sell, but his career will be over if what he’s saying is true. Actually unless he stops right now, his career is over if it isn’t true.

  6. Paul says:

    To make the government work reasonably well, we (the citizens) must actively monitor its performance and be willing to take beauracrats et all as well as our elected officials to task. We have no right to bitch about things if we expect other people to care of any potential trouble spots. Vigilance is the price of our American liberty!

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