Must See Video

Recruiting Righties on Campus – Jon Stewart/Christopher Hitchens – Coulter: New Yorkers are Cowards

First link is to a video shot by a student attempting to gain entry to a campus Republican meeting to distribute flyers that urged members to join the military. He was taken aside and told that he wasn’t being ‘sensitive’ to those people who would ‘like to serve’, but for one reason or another can’t. Yes, the feelings of our college students must be considered first and foremost. Our next generation of chickenhawks shouldn’t have to be reminded of their cowardice…God forbid reality were to seep into the meeting agenda for that day.

Quicktime – A Gathering of Campus Chickenhawks

In the following clip from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Christopher Hitchens (Vanity Fair) has apparantly booked the wrong appearance to plug his new book on Thomas Jefferson. I enjoy reading his stuff…one piece from a while back I was able to dig up was his take on Ronald Reagan. I think this interview marks perfectly what’s happened this summer. The protest down in Texas has done wonders for maintaining the Iraq War’s status in terms of what the establishment deems ‘news worthy’. Stewart has always had a knack for blasting the absurdities that surround most issues and how they’re covered by our media, but on this night he was on another planet!

Stewart-Hitchins Duel

And finally we have Ann “plagarist” Coulter proclaiming that New Yorkers are cowardly. Alongside Pat Robertson, she’s unfortunately made the mistake of not retiring two weeks ago.

Coulter on the Cowardice of New Yorkers

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11 Responses to Must See Video

  1. Paul says:

    Chris you need to read “As I Lay Dying” by Richard John Neuhaus .

  2. God forbid reality were to seep into the meeting agenda for that day.

    I don’t understand why Republicans should have to serve in the military so Democrats can get a free ride. What, should Republicans pay Democrat’s rent and do their dishes. This is just dumb on soo many levels.

    Hey, I want liberals to wash my car and do my job on Mondays and Fridays.

  3. Paul says:

    Chris you don’t have to recruit Lefties on college campuses, because they are there in droves !

  4. The left keeps saying how they support the troops and then rally against recruiters who can help find new replacements for the guys over tere. Btw, the guys over there are re-enlisting in large numbers but the bad taste from the left is still there.

  5. Ronald Reagan

    Those sure were the good ole days. Were just now starting to get our national pride back after being vindicated in Afganistan and Iraq. Fricken U.N.!!!

  6. Chris Austin says:

    Paul: Chris you need to read “As I Lay Dying” by Richard John Neuhaus.

    Will do…Paul, do you have that one? Perhaps we could work a trade? While I’m a big fan of the publishing business, when I can read for free…that’s what it’s all about! is awesome for picking up used books…sometimes I can get one for a penny.

  7. Chris Austin says:

    Paul says:
    Chris you don’t have to recruit Lefties on college campuses, because they are there in droves !

    The clip was of a kid recruiting Republicans for the military.

    RT: The left keeps saying how they support the troops and then rally against recruiters who can help find new replacements for the guys over tere. Btw, the guys over there are re-enlisting in large numbers but the bad taste from the left is still there.

    I think the complaint against recruiters is that they’re dishonest and prey on the most vulnerable. Kids should be able to go to school without being bothered by salesmen. Let them have their booth at college day w/ the rest of the schools. Recruiters shouldn’t be walking aorund unescorted throughout the school…as they were at my high school.

    It never ceases to amaze me that I’m 27 now…10 years ago I enlisted…I’d be in basic training right now ten years ago…apparantly marching through a hurricane in Missouri!

  8. Drumwaster says:

    You claim to be against the war because “Bush lied”, isn’t that right? Does that mean you supported the war before that point, or is that just another lame excuse?

  9. Chris Austin says:

    Drumwaster says:
    You claim to be against the war because “Bush lied”, isn’t that right? Does that mean you supported the war before that point, or is that just another lame excuse?

    If the case was made based on evidence (ie: aluminum tubes) that was known to be false at the time it was presented, then obviously one’s entire point of view regarding the war can change without it being the product of some sort of character flaw.

    I’ll answer any question you have Drum. I won’t have profanity, insults or trolls on my site. You’re welcome to pose any question you want. I answered this one.

  10. Drumwaster says:

    “then obviously one’s entire point of view regarding the war can change without it being the product of some sort of character flaw.”

    So you ARE claiming that you supported the Iraq war – and Bush – right up until that “lie” happened?

  11. I think the complaint against recruiters is that they’re dishonest and prey on the most vulnerable.

    It was just like the abu situation, a micro number of people reuining it for the rest of us. The government doesn’t approve of people with underwear on their heads any more than recruiters promising the world.

    Kids should be able to go to school without being bothered by salesmen.

    School is one big endoresment, McDonalds, Coke, Pepsi, Candy, Pizza. The government pays the bills and it’s every citizens duty to support the society and military service part of this support.

    It never ceases to amaze me that I’m 27 now…10 years ago I enlisted…I’d be in basic training right now ten years ago…apparantly marching through a hurricane in Missouri!

    If you look at the photos, there doesn’t seem to be much ground to march on.

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