Palmeiro Used Steroids? Bush Steps Up

“Well, Rafael Palmeiro is a friend…He’s the kind of person that’s going to stand up in front of the klieg lights and say he didn’t use steroids, and I believe him. Still do.” – George W. Bush

Yea, don’t worry about all this stuff in the press. The satanic media will say anything to bring down stand up fella’s like you. What’s a test result anyway? Science, I mean, it’s a ‘theory’. There are two sides to this and the fact that God purposely tampered with that test result to teach us all a lesson is the ‘intelligent’ answer to what’s going on. The people who believe you took steroids are probably the same knuckleheads who believe in evolution!

And don’t worry about what you said in front of Congress for a second. If you don’t believe that you lied, it’s absolutely not a lie – and if you’re teetering a bit, thinking ‘maybe I did lie’ or something like that, just remember that Satan works in mysterious ways. As does God…yea, it’s all mysterious and completely over our heads, so pop some of that Vi*gra and go make love to your wife. This will blow over.

“Athletics play such an important role in our society, but, unfortunately, some in professional sports are not setting much of an example. The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in baseball, football, and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message — that there are shortcuts to accomplishment, and that performance is more important than character. So tonight I call on team owners, union representatives, coaches, and players to take the lead, to send the right signal, to get tough, and to get rid of steroids now. ” – George W. Bush

bud selig

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5 Responses to Palmeiro Used Steroids? Bush Steps Up

  1. Paul says:

    Palmeiro is a liar and has been found out. The thing is that steroid use has created a crisis in baseball. The Players’ Union isn’t helping the situation and now Palmeiro may face hard questioning by a congressional committe that used him as a poster boy. Politicians hate to get egg on their face. Win at any cost ang greed spell disaster for sports !!

  2. karl says:

    What I don’t get is why wouldn’t you just use HGH? They cannot test for it and it works.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Either he’s a huge idiot or really arrogant…perhaps a little of both, but for Bush to mention it in his state of the union then renig is pathetic.

    It tells me that he wasn’t really serious about all the ‘they’re role models, bad for America, blah blah blah’ – he was just paying lip service. I mean, you don’t think they double checked his specimin? Please…

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Paul’s post on this topic from Shadow of Diogenes:


  5. karl says:

    I have probably said this before, but I think sometimes the qualities that make a good athlete, that is, a single minded obsession with winning, does not make for good role models. Just because someone can run fast or hit hard they are not neseccarily a good person.

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