Chapelle Show Dead?

Chappelle’s Show Is ‘Done,’ Murphy Says

NEW YORK – Time to face the facts: Dave Chappelle’s hit Comedy Central series isn’t coming back, says one of its stars. “`Chappelle’s Show’ is over, man. Done,” comic Charlie Murphy told TV Guide. “It took me a long time to be able to say those words, but I can say it pretty easy now, because it’s the truth.”

Chappelle’s sudden “spiritual retreat” to South Africa on the eve of his show’s third season has left the series in limbo since May. About half of a new season had been filmed before Chappelle left, Murphy said.

“I’m disappointed it ended the way it did, but I’m not angry with anybody,” he said. “`Chappelle’s Show’ was like the Tupac of TV shows. It came out, it got everybody’s attention, it was a bright shining star, but it burned out and for some strange reason, it burned out quick.”

Comedy Central has always said the door is open for Chappelle to return, spokeswoman Aileen Budow said Wednesday.

Network chief Doug Herzog met with Chappelle on June 3, but that has been their last communication, she said.

Murphy, the older brother of comic Eddie Murphy, said his two seasons with Chappelle made him a star.

“Now I can go out and do stand-up,” he said. “I’m getting movie offers. It’s off the hook. Me getting to the next level or whatever’s going to happen is going to come from the next things I do, but `Chappelle’s Show’ served its purpose and I’ll always be grateful.”


Richard Seymour is signed – Chapelle Show is gone…a perfect example of balance in the universe. My universe, perhaps not Robert Novak’s universe. This is horrible news, as I just watched the ‘blind black white supremicist’ skit tonight on a rerun, and as far as comedy is concerned Chapelle Show was as good as it gets. I’m holding out hope, but if Charlie Murphy is saying it’s over, it doesn’t look good.

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5 Responses to Chapelle Show Dead?

  1. karl says:

    I work with a couple of guys who re-enacted the little john skit for months, I haven’t been able to watch the Schappell show since.

    Awhile back Jim Rome interviewed some guy from the show, and the gist of what he said was that Dave almost got to big to fast. It is a shame, the little john skit not withstanding, the show was very funny.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Oh – that sucks! Kind of like after Austin Powers came out…everyone beat ‘Yea Baby!’ into the ground, dug it back up, back into the ground, on and on.

    I never get tired of Chapelle reruns. Maybe he’ll get it back together in a few years.

  3. karl says:

    I hope so. I heard he was supposed to play Rick James in the movie, that could be pretty funny.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    The movie? I don’t know if that bit can play for a full hour and a half. A handfull of Saturday Night Live players come to mind on that score.

  5. karl says:

    Good point, “I’m Rick James bitch” could get just as old as “WHAT? WHAT?”

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