Novak Blows a Gasket on National TV

Novak Blows Gasket

On CNN’s Inside Politics:

Novak: Just let me finish what I’m going to say, James, please. I know you hate to hear me —

Carville: He’s got to show these right-wingers that he’s got a back bone, ya know? Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching. You show ‘em you’re tough…

Novak: You know I think that’s bullshit. And I hate that. Just let it go.

Novak removes his microphone and walks off the set.

Update I: Novak Was About to Be Asked About Leak The Inside Politics host ended the Carville/Novak segment saying, “Thanks, James Carville. And I’m sorry as well that Bob Novak left the set a little early. I had told him in advance that we were going to ask about the CIA leak case, he was not here for me to be able to ask him about that. Hopefully, we’ll be able to ask him about that in the future.”

Update II: Media Matters has the video.

Update III: Flashback to the first time Ed Henry challenged Novak to talk about the Plame leak, on June 29. Novak wasn’t very happy then, either:

HENRY: Do you understand why in general there’s frustration among fellow journalist after 41 years of distinguished work, where you’ve always pushed and been a fierce advocate of the public’s right to know, you’re not letting the public know about such a critical case, and two people may go to jail.

NOVAK: Well, they are not going to jail because of me. Whether I answer your questions or not, it has nothing to do with that. That’s very ridiculous to think that I am the cause of their going to jail. I don’t think they should be going to jail.

HENRY: Yes. But I didn’t say you were the cause. But there are some people…

NOVAK: Yes, you do did.

HENRY: No, but some people feel if you would come forward with the information that you have, that maybe they would not go to jail.

NOVAK: But you don’t know — Ed, you don’t know anything about the case. And those people who say that don’t know anything about the case. And unfortunately, as somebody who likes to write, I’d like to say a lot about the case, but because of my attorney’s advice I can’t. But I will. And there might be some surprising things.

HENRY: We’ll all be waiting to hear that story finally told, Bob.


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6 Responses to Novak Blows a Gasket on National TV

  1. Chris Austin says:

    Gotta love this! Jon Stewart is going to have a field day with this!

    I hope it’s covered on The Daily Show tonight. They tape at around 6PM, so it may have happened too late. They’ve been known to react quickly in the past though.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Stewart was on it! Very funny!

  3. Chris Austin says:

    CNN Suspends Novak After He Walks Off Set

    By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer
    9 minutes ago

    NEW YORK – CNN suspended commentator Robert Novak indefinitely after he swore and walked off the set Thursday during a debate with Democratic operative James Carville.

    The live exchange during CNN’s “Inside Politics” came during a discussion of Florida’s Senate campaign. CNN correspondent Ed Henry noted when it was over that he had been about to ask Novak about his role in the investigation of the leak of a CIA officer’s identity.

    A CNN spokeswoman, Edie Emery, called Novak’s behavior “inexcusable and unacceptable.” Novak apologized to CNN, and CNN was apologizing to viewers, she said.

    “We’ve asked Mr. Novak to take some time off,” she said.

    A telephone message at Novak’s office was not immediately returned Thursday.

    Carville and Novak were both trying to speak while they were handicapping the GOP candidacy of Katherine Harris. Novak said the opposition of the Republican establishment in Florida might not be fatal for her.

    “Let me just finish, James, please,” Novak continued. “I know you hate to hear me, but you have to.”

    Carville, addressing the camera, said: “He’s got to show these right wingers that he’s got a backbone, you know. It’s why the Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching you. Show ’em that you’re tough.”

    “Well, I think that’s bull—- and I hate that,” Novak replied. “Just let it go.”

    As moderator Henry stepped in to ask Carville a question, Novak walked off the set.

    Only two weeks ago, CNN executives defended their decision to keep Novak on the air during the ongoing probe into the revelation of CIA officer Valerie Plame’s identity. In a July 2003 newspaper column, Novak identified Plame, the wife of administration critic and former U.S. ambassador Joseph Wilson, as a CIA operative.

    Wilson has said the leak of his wife’s name was an attempt by the administration to discredit him. Two other reporters connected to the case openly fought the revelation of their sources, and Judith Miller of The New York Times has been jailed for refusing to cooperate with prosecutors.

    Novak has repeatedly refused to comment about his role in the federal investigation.

    After Novak walked off on Thursday, Henry said that Novak had been told before the segment that he was going to be asked on air about the CIA case.

    “I’m hoping that we will be able to ask him about that in the future,” Henry said.

    Novak has been a longtime contributor to CNN, taking the conservative point of view during the just-canceled “Crossfire” show.


  4. karl says:

    The next scandal may be even better:

    Fom tpmcafe:

    An early administration attempt to cover for Abramoff?
    This from today’s LA Times …

    A U.S. grand jury in Guam opened an investigation of controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff more than two years ago, but President Bush removed the supervising federal prosecutor and the inquiry ended soon after.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Texas politics…first in number of inmates, first in number of inmates executed, first in thieving dirtbags…Parcells is where he belongs!

  6. Pingback: The United Chickenhawks of America

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