Family Pictures!

Sign I may have lost a step…that it took me this long to figure out how I was going to shrink these photos for free. I’m very proud of my family, and hope everyone enjoys these.

Maxwell Adams Austin on the left – Samuel Jefferson Austin on the right

The boys and I in the OR

Heather and the boys in the recovery room



Sam’s showing me his Rocky impersonation

Max’s rollercoaster pose

Max, deep in thought


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9 Responses to Family Pictures!

  1. Jaaaman says:

    Wow! Great pictures Chris! 🙂

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Thanks Jaaaman – Sam and Max are sleeping beside me now. This is such an incredible experience!

  3. Mom says:

    what happened to the new pictures ?

  4. Chris Austin says:

    They’re off of the front page, but I’ve got a new set on the way. I’ll go back in and link up all the old ones to the new ones. You should save the page as a favorite so it takes you right there.

  5. Dusty says: sweet Al..the whole family, including Miss Cleo at the end 🙂

  6. captain_menace says:

    Those certainly are some radical underpants you’re sporting there Al.

    So, are the kids what… 16 months old now? Time flies eh? My little pumpkin-head is now able to tell me that I make her crazy (she turned 3 in May). I wonder where she picked up that phrase 😉

    Hard to imagine that you could be any luckier huh?

    And I swear there is something very weird about that cat. When I look at the picture I’d swear she was looking right back at me… with a hungry stare.

  7. Yea, coming up on 16 months…I’m most certainly the luckiest guy in the world! That’s funny about your 3 year old and her choice of words…I can’t wait to hear what these guys come up with…Sammy is already a champion wiseass. I’ve got to get a video camera.

    Many many many people have said that about Cleo. She’s very protective of us and her territory, but once she understands that you’re not up to no good, she’ll make w/ the lovin’ – – – always loved to pose for pictures. I should bust out some of her old kitten photos (we got her when she was about 3 months old, and the breed is known for growing into their ears, heh)

  8. captain_menace says:

    It was a c-section delivery? My wife had a c-section… after 3 days of induced labor that never resulted in more than 3 centimeters dilation. I’m convinced that 100 years ago my wife would have died in childbirth. Very lucky indeed.

    There is a definite upside to having a cat like Cleo. Very easy to pick ticks and fleas off of. Also, it doesn’t look like she sheds too much. Now if only you could train her to poop in the toilet you might have damn near the perfect pet. I guess for perfection I would want to throw in deadly laser vision to fight off any potential trespassers. Now we’re talking Hollywood movie rights.

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