Bush’s Approval Ratings

*A June 24-26 USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll gave Bush a 53% job disapproval, his worst ever.
*A June 27-29 Zogby poll gave W only a 43% “excellent/good” job performance rating, his worst ever showing in that poll.
*An early June Washington Post/ABC poll registered Bush’s worst job disapproval rating ever (52%).
*A mid-June CBS News/New York Times poll gave Bush a 51% disapproval rating on his job performance, a tie for his worst ever in that poll.
*A Pew Research Center poll about the same time gave W a record-low approval rating, only 42%.

According to plan? Hell, I don’t know – it’s just a series of policies that put this image in my head…that guy on the Monopoly box.

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