Fate of Humanity

Was said by the recently fallen Pope to be threatened because of our war in Iraq.

If you’re watching the press conference of Scott McClellan (White House Press Secretary), he refers to the Pope and his belief in a ‘right to life’ about five times. Then he compares the Pope with President Bush along these lines. A reporter asks about the contradiction in this with Bush being pro-death penalty, and Scotty explains that he’s not there to talk about the differences.

So spinning the Pope’s death to coincide with a political movement you’re trying to get off the ground is alright, but pointing out a contradiction is of bad taste???

I’ve said it before…but McClellan is a robot…he’s got motor oil running through his veins. As soul-less of a being I’ve never seen in my life.

Republicans are spinning the Pope’s death to further their agenda, so watch out for it and blink twice when it happens…perhaps you’ll wake up to find it was all just a bad dream.

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