Monthly Archives: February 2005

Saudi Terrorists

The number of Saudis taking aim at us in Iraq is reported to be 2,500. It seems as if the realities of life are getting in the way of our politics. The stated list of enemies is swiss cheese, similar … Continue reading

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What Happened to ‘Support the Troops’!?!

I just heard a 78 year old WW2 veteran on Limbaugh’s program who said that his prescription cost through the VA during the 90s was $32 dollars a month.  Under Bush it has gone up to over $90, and the … Continue reading

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Liberals and Conservatives

In the American political process these two words are mostly irrelevant in terms of what’s passed into law. Republicans are anything but conservative in any sort of a fiscal sense, and Democrats are not universally liberals.  With this said, the … Continue reading

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Stock Prices Own Us

In a newsgroup recently I was confronted with the typical right-wing opinion that Gingrich had to chastise the Democrats for the pork they allowed into their bills, and the person writing it hadn’t a clue as to the fact that … Continue reading

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Cleo the Brave

My cat is looking at me. She’s snuggled in beside me here on the couch in between me and the keyboard like she does. A not so subtle gesture letting me know that she is concerned by the lack of … Continue reading

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Changing Up

The site has so far been used to collect the finished articles, the polished pieces. Unfortunately the reality of this business…the article business, is that there are only so many dollar bills to go around. It’s something I can do, … Continue reading

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