
Postcard from Iraq to Laura Bush

Gorilla’s Guides is a great blog from within Iraq that I lurk around on regularly, and this postcard came from there. The point of view you’ll find here is very “man on the street”, and being an American, what that man has to say about my country is very sad. I cannot blame anyone for having such opinions in light of what we have done to them, but it is even easier to appreciate the source of their anger when a statement like this is made by the first lady. She’s had some others ones in the past, but this one right here is typical of the world view of the Bush family, as Barbara could have said it just as easily I’d imagine. With that in mind, the President is now beginning to remind me of Norman Bates.

Blue Man in a Red District is a blog that I think is unmatched in its relentless documentation of the facts regarding the treatment that service members and veterans  are (not) receiving from our government. Honestly, I’ve been heading there for updates on these types of stories, as ‘Blue Man’ (posts here as Hal Kimball) puts a great amount of time and effort into each one and I’ve found that our perspectives are very similar. One from a couple days ago I enjoyed reading in particular is titled: Problems in Minnesota Veterans Homes…and more

4:30 on Day Seven – Firedoglake’s coverage of the Libby trial has hit a rut as of late. Not their fault of course, but because of the jury not being able to figure it out yet. That said, this site is without a doubt the #1 resource for everything involving the leak case.

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5 Responses to bBlogBouillabaisse

  1. Jim says:

    The “jury not being able to figure it out yet” is bad news for the prosecution. If they have to think this hard about whether he lied or not — a simple question — then the defense has done its job: make a simple question hard to answer.

  2. I have to figure you’re right about that. That he attributed his learning of Plame from Russert was what I thought would sink him.

    I don’t know…the defense wasn’t really able to refute testimony, but rather it was the opening and closing statements where the ‘I forgot’ defense was presented mostly.

    Not being in the courtroom and just relying on transcripts, maybe I missed something, but this one seemed easy compared to other criminal trials I’ve followed over the years.

  3. Hal Kimball says:

    Thanks for the mad props! Your stuff is great over here too. We’ll continue to do everything we can to stir the pot!

    I finally saw the last White Rapper show. I did like John Brown’s car wars bit, but Shamrock was great with his act as well.

    His pointing thing was off the hook!

    As a Timberwolves fan, you’re welcome for that number one pick too. McHale was a great player, shitty front office guy.

  4. Hal Kimball says:

    actually, you can thank us for the other first round pick…maybe not the number one though…

  5. That #1 pick is in jeopardy – – – I feel bad for you and other Timberwolves fans…losing all those picks over Joe Smith of all players, but McHale was stupid to take on Blount’s contract! Same for Portland taking on LaFrenz’s contract. Ainge lucked out there, but if either Oden or Thomas don’t declare and he ends up with the #2 pick, it won’t end well for him in Boston.

    Delonte West is nice, but there’s something about his decisionmaking that makes me cringe. This year has to be the low point. If it’s not, and we’re this bad for years to come, then the entire experiment was for not.

    Paul Pierce…I’d rather have him than Garnett…it sounds crazy, but I believe in this guy.

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