bBlogBouillabaisse – Hiatus

deadissue logo on The Blue RepublicI’m posting every Thursday on The Blue Republic from now on, so check that out. Dusty was responsible for landing the spot for me, and she posts there as well. Politics and humor mix for a great read on a daily basis. Thanks to Dusty and Dude for allowing me to contribute!

Just a closer walk with thee” – Jim at Borrowed Suits celebrates Charles Darwin’s birthday with some great words.

Catnip does a great job of breaking down your typical “Snow Job“…btw, Snow’s latest: “I’m not sure anything went wrong in Iraq

jurassicpork from Pottersville writes on the Edward’s campaign mistake of hiring on two full time blogsmiths without considering all the what-ifs

My head’s feeling heavy everytime I try to write, so I’m staying away. Might be the end of a semester, maybe a tumor or something in between; probably a head cold. Peace – DI

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