Appeal For Redress

Appeal for Redress - Delivery to Congress1270 active duty military personnel have signed the Appeal for Redress as of today. It was delivered to Congress, and I haven’t heard much about it since.

A site (Soldier Voices Forum) that is run by an active duty soldier has become a primary destination of mine in recent days, and for my comrades who visit frequently, I’d appreciate it if each of you could take the time to sign up, link to, read some of the content there. Here are a couple samples:

My pre-deployment rant…“This is not an easy position to be in. I never thought I’d put myself in so much danger. I don’t like to be inconvenienced when it comes to my day-to-day life. And dying is a rather large inconvenience. Not that I believe I will die. I’m not sure, to be quite honest. But I am definitely tempting fate with this deployment. And for what? The chance to “make a difference”? A difference for who?” (Ginia2269)

A little more about me…I psychoanalyze myself a lot because I don’t know what happened in my brain. I don’t know how I went from a pro-Bush conservative to a hippie. I re-enlisted (not to be confused with reenlisted) in early April. I was a civilian and in school and wanted to finish the semester, but couldn’t knowing that my country was at war. But they didn’t ship me out until late August. During that time, an end to major military operations was declared. Ok fine. I wouldn’t have come back in if I wasn’t prepared to make the military a career. (ShockandAwe)

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4 Responses to Appeal For Redress

  1. Jim says:

    “…but your neighbors WILL call the cops.”

    Now that was funny.

    Nothing beats the news from someone who’s actually seen it happen. Great site.

  2. Indeed – – – I caught the address in The Nation, an issue I borrowed from the library. I guess the site owner was to be on 60 minutes, but it’s been put off. They’ve conducted interviews and have the tape already (the show), but there’s been no word on an airtime as of yet. There’s more background on that over on the site, but I haven’t had time yet to look into it.

    End of semester, I’m feeling like Novak on the stand these next two days.

  3. S. R. says:

    Great little snippets. I’ll definitely take a look…right now in fact.

  4. Pingback: Decapitated Slave Army - The Largest Minority

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