Sunshine Daydream

Someone I consider a good friend and part-time mentor on technical matters (captain_menace) had a request for some good stories that weren’t sports related, and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple days now. Mostly about how difficult it is to approach the task of writing here with such a concept as my goal. The past month has been a continuous riff on all I consider to be wrong in the world besides Chuck Hagel and Google, with the committed analysis of an optimist rarely seen within any of the paragraphs, and especially not within any of the most crafted paragraphs, tending to become more precise in terms of their darkness with each added moment of attention.

Though it wasn’t only the state of human suffering that bothered me, but also the state of Boston sports in general…as right now I’m only rooting for the Celtics to lose enough games to score Greg Oden in the draft & for Boston College to make it through the brick-wall portion of their upcoming ACC schedule in spite of the fact that their best low post player got kicked off the team for no doubt something canibis-related. Yes, the memory of Shawn Williams jumping out from the box in less than half a second to block a three point shot at the end of last year will have to remain as the one memory from last season to this one when I actually believed that the loss of Craig Smith could be overcome. Turns out that our point guard Rice, who was a freshman last year, can play at a very high level and with Williams prowling down low, grabbing rebounds along with Dudley, this team was good enough to win in big games down the stretch. That’s a much tougher thing to believe in now that the crack team of athletic suits at BC has managed to start off this new year as badly as they ended the last. Incompetence or a prudish expectation that doesn’t jive with reality…whatever it is, they’re cheap and embarrassing in my opinion. Great coaches who can’t get paid what they deserve, great players who have their feet sawed off on a regular basis, and a destiny that appears to be largely focused around the concept of self-flagulation for the sake of God’s approval. As for me…I’m only interested in the scoreboard, don’t care if players smoke weed and believe that the money generated through the athletic programs should largely remain within the athletic programs, hence being able to ensure a head coach like O’Brien doesn’t quit prior to the bowl game! I understand that the school is interested in being different and having the ability to look its nose down on other less-ethical programs, but there’s a big difference between merchants in the temple and paying a head football coach what the market deems he’s worth. And there’s a HUGE difference between a boozed up player raping or beating some woman and one that has THC in their urine.

So perhaps the topic I’m longing for has something to do with HBO, as I figured this weekend while pulling photos from the Rome webpage, but they’re still drying…good news about Verenus finding his children, having been allowed to leave Mark Antony’s army and go looking in a slave camp. Quite a bit of torture in this last episode, but whadayagonnado?

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6 Responses to Sunshine Daydream

  1. S. R. says:

    I’ve thought about creating a fiction story and posting it on my blog. When I brought it up to bernie kosar and Hoat, they shot it down.

  2. bernie kosar says:

    Reality seems so much better, it seems. You were always a great story teller, though.

  3. Jim says:

    Well, it looks like you’re going to have some competition. My eyes are still stinging a little from all the Katie Couric ABC showed me while I was trying to watch the superbowl. But I do remember that she’s apparently disappointed in all the “bad news” we’re forced to listen to. It went something like this:

    “We’re always hearing about all the things that are wrong with America, but there are plenty of stories of uplifting and inspiring Americans…” blah blah blah. Apparently, Katie’s tired of doing her job and is going to pack your ears and eyes with an avalanche of sugar and spice instead of keeping tabs on the timid Jackasses and depraved Pachyderms.

    So you’re going to have to out-positive the Queen of Aspartame, Al. Good luck on your happynews…

  4. S. R. says:

    Katie is on CBS.

    Al, I remember some of your fiction stories from back in the day. Very good.

  5. Jim says:

    CBS ABC, what’s the differ…oh yeah. Phil Simms. that’s the frickin’ difference. How could I possibly forget, after nearly a full season of hearing him labor through Pats games. Is there anything he brings to the table?

  6. Jim, that is precisely why I turn down the volume and get Gill and Gino on the radio. Even with the delay, I can handle it as long as I’m not subjected to the commentary of…pretty much every professional football analyst in the world. I’m at the point by the end of the season where I either block it out, or I’ve got the radio on. It used to be all radio all the time, but the family gets mad at me for it lately.

    Thanks SR! I’m reading a lot and trying to figure out what I’m trying to say w/ the stories I write. I’m glad someone out there likes them!

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