Karl Rove, ‘Professor Chaos’

The Machiavellian spinmeister Karl Rove is hard at work to convince us that following 9/11, America was divided. That conservatives wanted to go into Afghanistan, and liberals wanted to send over therapists. Of course not a single Democrat voted against sending our military into Afghanistan, but the fact that what he had to say was a complete lie will not disqualify his words from fueling the right-wing media’s engine. I’m sure that FoxNews, Limbaugh and Michael Savage have already laminated his sentiments concerning the country following the 9/11 attacks. All the talk from Bush about being a uniter rather than a divider comes to mind…as does the pledge of allegiance, that part of it that says, ‘one nation, under God, indivisible’. We’re entering a dark age in our history, and no one says it better than the families of those who were murdered on 9/11.

“As families whose relatives were victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, we believe it is an outrage that any Democrat, any Republican, any conservative or any liberal, stakes a ‘high ground’ position based upon the September 11th death and destruction. Doing so assumes that all those who died and their loved ones would agree. In truth, some would and some would not. By definition the conduct is divisive and, because it was intended to be self-serving and politicizes 9/11, it is offensive.

We are calling on Karl Rove to resist his temptations and stop trying to reap political gain in the tragic misfortune of others. His comments are not welcome.”

Families of September 11 is a non-partisan nonprofit organization founded by the relatives of those who died in the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Their website: www.familiesofseptember11.org

South Park has a character that embodies this man and his current ramblings to perfection. Butters is a kid whose picture in the yearbook is captioned with the title, ‘Most Likely to be Shoved in a Locker’. Hence his destructive alter-ego ‘Professor Chaos’, who lashes out against the society that shunned him. He’ll stop at nothing to destroy the world.

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8 Responses to Karl Rove, ‘Professor Chaos’

  1. karl says:

    Rove is trying to remind people about 9/11 because that is when the GOP agenda actually worked. People need to remember that 9/11 occurred on Bush’s watch, maybe the GOP is not the party for the job.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    I think it’s also a smokescreen to distract from the Friday story about the VA budget being underfunded by a billion, after Republicans killed an ammendment to fund it by 250 million extra within the 82 billion that went for emergency funding in Iraq. That was a piece of bad news that could have been used this weekend, but most likely the talk shows will run Rove, Durbin, Iraq and maybe the veterans if there’s time.

    I just wrote an article on this…the new one ‘Born Under Punches’…anyone know the reference?

  3. karl says:

    Another good point, one thing about Rove is his political instincts are very good, I doubt he said what he said without a reason. Repubs used to have the nifty colored warning system when they needed to distract people, now they just let Rove off his leash.

    Until recentely I viewed politics a lot like sports, entertaining but not that important. I think my view came from the Clinton years where everything ran well even with the partisan politics. Now I realize that Clinton was a good president and a master politician, now we have plenty of master politicians but no good leaders.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Yea – part of being a leader is the ability to say ‘no’ once in a while. If you’re a foreman and allow half of the crew to take an extra break and drink beer during lunch, eventually everyone will be doing it and the place will fall apart. Bush has allowed everyone to get whatever pork they could squeeze into every single bill. Since it’s an aspect of our government the media thinks would fly right over our heads, nobody mentions it for the most part. Not while there’re sexy issues like Right to Life and Frail White Hype in Danger or Those Poor Oppressed Christians.

    Better yet, Guess What the ACLU is up to Now? I can’t wait for a reprisal of Rap Music is Killing Our Children…got my copy of Fear of a Black Planet ready to go!

  5. Democrats were forced to vote for Afganistan because of public outcry. There was no ringing endorsement from Democrats, most were against it but voted to save their jobs. Besides, they could always sabotage the war effort at a later time……..

  6. Chris Austin says:

    You’re making an assumption here Right. Basically taking a fact…that every Democrat voted for it…and because that fact doesn’t suit your political needs, pretending that it’s not a fact at all, but arguable.

    The vote is what it is.

  7. You’re making an assumption here Right. Basically taking a fact…that every Democrat voted for it…and because that fact doesn’t suit your political needs, pretending that it’s not a fact at all, but arguable.

    The vote is what it is.

    It was a vote with no heart or confidence. I will look for some articles I read where some democrat senators talked about how they thought 9/11 was our fault but they had to vote for was because of the public outcry. I’m not making this stuff up, I’ve read and heard these comments and I’ll go searching for them.

  8. Chris Austin says:

    DI: You’re making an assumption here Right. Basically taking a fact…that every Democrat voted for it…and because that fact doesn’t suit your political needs, pretending that it’s not a fact at all, but arguable.

    The vote is what it is.

    RT: It was a vote with no heart or confidence. I will look for some articles I read where some democrat senators talked about how they thought 9/11 was our fault but they had to vote for was because of the public outcry. I’m not making this stuff up, I’ve read and heard these comments and I’ll go searching for them.

    Right – anyone could have held this point of view and still felt that war was justified. I’m sure that the consituents in their districts were behind the war. The vote is what matters. It’s the mechanism that puts things into motion. Politics coincide with it, but the reason for someone voting comes secondary to what the vote accomplished.

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