Moonie Madrassa Bulgogi

Hillary said that she was “in it to win it”, but I had no idea that meant something like this:

Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage? This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campe is asking about Sen. Barack Obama. – Insight Magazine

The Washington Times Racist Neo Nazi FabricatorsInsight admits to not having checked out the backstory they were provided, but stands by the connection of this fabricated lead to the Clinton campaign. The immediate reaction I had was to connect Insight with NewsCorp and Rupert Murdoch, though it did seem like poor politics to set the bar so low at this point in the game. After a couple minutes of research, I realized that the connection here is much more grave, as Insight is under the control of a Korean I happen to consider more unhinged than Kim Jong Ill and Byung Hyun Kim put together, none other than the Reverend (cult leader) Sun Myung Moon. This lover of bulgogi is also the owner of a world renowned ‘nigger-hating’ standard bearer known as the Washington Times.

At this point I don’t know what to believe, but if there were ever a Japanese-American running for President, you can be sure that this organization would be photoshoping his/her head on every piece of animal porn they could get their hands on. Just put it out there, repeatedly, and understand that as long as the job gets done, whatever had to fall along the way…be it journalism, integrity or the faith of Americans in the inherent goodness of of their fellow man…at least no nigger, Jap or hyphenated loud mouth broad is going be delivering a State of the Union address anytime soon! Of course, if Condolezza Rice happens to run, they’ll give her a pass. The sniper rifle and noose can certainly be put up in her case.

Bulgogi Yum YumsWhether or not any of this plays out in a big way down the stretch is probably a given, as once the suits who own The Washington Times directs an editor somewhere else to run something, it is not whether the story is reliable or not, but just that it is out there in the first place. Do you think somebody like Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh cares about whether or not a story is legit. Do you think the FoxNews network gives a story like this a second thought before making it part of their playlist for the day? Of course they don’t, and if the real story comes out, they’ll talk around it by throwing out the ‘liberal media bias’ argument and condemn journalism as a whole, then perhaps chalk it all up to ‘what goes around comes around’.

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6 Responses to Moonie Madrassa Bulgogi

  1. S. R. says:

    More of the same it appears. BTW, what is that dish, chipped beef? Carne asada?

  2. Dusty says:

    I knew about Insight and its owners, therefore I never bought the story or where it came from. John Fuckwit Gibson ran with this for a week until CNN finally came out and debunked it publicly. Then the asshats at Faux started up with..well Hillary is the one that leaked this lie..nothing like hitting two democrats with one ugly lie.

  3. Bulgogi – – – the only part of Korean cuisine I could stomach.

  4. Pingback: ACRU on the US Attorney Scandal

  5. satan says:

    Kill all Antifa scum!

  6. wef says:

    screw all westerns screw nazism

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