bBlogBouillabaisse – disappointment

1. Van Helsing emailed a link to a great article that ran in the Wall Street Journal about a handicapper whose skill in picking winners has made him a target of Las Vegas, with lines changing up or down based solely on his picks being published on his website or emailed to his subscribers. The bookmakers in Vegas subscribe to his site and when his picks are announced, spikes in the betting on those specific games will show up…check this out: The Man Who Shook Up Vegas

2. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has been a favorite of mine for quite some time, and he’s getting louder by the day having taken over the top spot on the Judiciary Committee from Arlen Spector. One document I have here is a bill he’s introduced to go after war profiteers – Statement on Introduction of the War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 (1/4/07) – He’s also been on AG Gonzales about his idiotic interpretation of Habeus Corpus (Video) – As well as the case of a Canadian man whodisappointment was apprehended in an airport and sent to Syria where he was tortured (Video – I’m looking for the 60 mintues from a year ago on this story) – Several clips from last year I’ve archived and will seed if anyone’s interested in acquiring all of them – but here are some links to earlier posts on Leahy – Senator Leahy 3/31/06 Book Burning at the Associated Press 3/23/06Senate Hearing on Warrentless Wiretaps 2/7/06 Stay tuned, as Leahy isn’t running for President, but is going to make more of a difference this year than anyone who is.

3. The End of Football – Jim from Borrowed Suits banged out a great read pertaining to the end of this season for the Patriots. Dr. Thompson shows up for a paragraph at one point!

4. I generally resist posting on what I’m currently listening to, but this one show I pulled the other night, currently seeding, is from 1969 – Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash Studio Sessions – and for any fan of music on any level, I’d highly recommend you hop on this torrent ASAP!

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2 Responses to bBlogBouillabaisse – disappointment

  1. Jim says:

    Thanks for the plug. And a nice nod at the B-Boys (an all time favorite of mine). I’m out for a week w/ limited computer access in Providence. Read you then…

  2. Double meaning there – Beastie Boys of course, but also acknowledgement that deadissue isn’t located anywhere near the “Madison Avenue” of our beloved blogsphere.

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