Exxon Loves You

ExxonSince it’s 70 degrees in January up here in New England, I figured we could all enjoy learning about the fine work being done on our behalf by ExxonMobil (h/t Crooks and Liars) to calm everyone down, and help us realize that Senator Inhofe has been right all along. Climate change is not only a hoax, but the idea that it could be a human-induced cause of all these beach-days in January is nothing but a sick ploy on the part of greedy corporations hoping to profit off of the public hysteria that is already out of control. Yes, these people are hoping to line their pockets at the expense of everyone, especially the poor coal miner whose job they are hoping to eliminate permanently. Not to mention the fact that by spreading these lies about climate change, we’re ensuring that our good friend China is forced to suffer in the future due to their heavy reliance on smokestack lightning…and after all they’ve done for each and every one of us here in America (who shop at WalMart), to demonize their way of life over some petty rumors would seriously affect the US’s image throughout the world.

ExxonMobil is doing the hard work necessary to prevent all this noise from disrupting your child’s Nebulizer treatments. THIS is what America is all about!

Group: ExxonMobil paid to mislead public– ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday…

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8 Responses to Exxon Loves You

  1. S. R. says:

    I didn’t realize the aberration of this year’s east coast weather until I heard on NPR that highs were THIRTY DEGREES above normal. Then the substitute weatherman on the Today Show said that similar high temps had been recorded in NY Central Park in the 30’s and 50’s. Is it a natural fluctuation?

    That guy above looks like former Bakersfield congressman Bill Thomas. Is that his real chin??

  2. Dusty says:

    All the rightwingers that pooh-pooh global warming get their panties in a wad when I bring up the Oil Companies finger in the research pie. Why would they get bent out of shape by being forced to admit the anti-global warming forces are being led by Big Oil?

    Yes SR..that is Lee’s chin..he is proud of his excesses isn’t he? Fat bastard is a shining example of all that is wrong with corporations running our lives, our science and our government.

  3. A great book to read is ‘The Republican War on Science’ by Chris Mooney. My sister in law got it for Christmas two years ago and I was able to read it before she went back to NYC. The library is sure to have it. Dusty – I think you’d find it especially enjoyable to read.

  4. Dusty says:

    Al, if you can not get Technorati to allow your claim..go to the FAQ’s section on claming and send them an email about it. I had to do it recently because their site wasn’t letting me ping mine. They said they had me under some kind of “watch”..lil ol’ me? wtf?

    But anyway..it works for me now..so get on the bastards! I get a lot of visitors due to my technorati tags on every post.

  5. Exactally! I had the same experience over a year ago, where people would pop in out of nowhere, but I went on to technorati a week ago and the last they had on deadissue was over a year ago…

    thanks for the advice!

  6. Pseudo-Guru says:

    Extra frying fat stored in that flap beneath the chin. Over here in Europe, there ain’t much skiing either. But most people simply DO NOT want to deal with it—and that’s beginning to be impossible. They will have to deal with it. Along with the natural gas wars that are coming. I teach English to business people and my students just shrug when I bring up the subject. Well, they just shrug when I bring up any subject that isn’t easy to deal with. Plus they all work/slave for huge multi-national corporations. It’s amazing to live in such a double world—to be aware of what’s going on, but to meet such deep denial every day. Thank god for all those Pharmaceutical companies! I’m sure they have a pill for me!

  7. S. R. says:

    All of my hits are for “images.”

  8. DO you label those movie photos unique to the post or something? Or are the models still racking up points?

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