Straight Shooter

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on 12/24/2006:

“…I didn’t want to take this position. I only agreed because I thought it would serve the national interest, and I will not accept it again.”Smoking Crack

Wall Street Journal: Will you accept a second term if it’s offered to you?

“Impossible. I wish I could be done with it even before the end of this term.”

President George W. Bush on 1/4/2007 (12 days later):

“I believe Prime Minister Maliki has the will necessary to make the tough decisions.”

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3 Responses to Straight Shooter

  1. Dusty says:

    LMAO..Bush is so damn dumb..does he think people don’t get any news at all? Maliki’s remarks were run to death by the MSM..bush comes off looking like the fuckwit he is.

    Maliki had no clue how hard it was going to be to please the 4 different factions of imbeciles that live in that religion-dominated society. Any time theocracy runs peoples lives..its a friggin mess dude..

  2. S. R. says:

    Is that Tom Sizemore?

  3. HA! You know who’s a good sport? Danny Bonaduci – – – he had a spot on The Soup this past week and I’ve suddenly developed a morsel of respect for the guy. Very funny, you should check it out when it replays.

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