
While the boy wonder was busy “listening” to people in the know about how best to continue fucking up the lives of millions in Iraq, he had the presense of mind to address a dip in the polls by dispatching Laura to inform you and I, that the piles of headless bodies (Sunni), those full of holes made by murderers with power tools (Shia) and the multitude of mothers and children barely managing to exist from day to day as the hell that surrounds them grows more gruesome by the day, has little to do with the public’s lack of confidence in her husband, but rather it is the media that continues to get the story of this war wrong day after day, callously shirking their responsibility to report on all the “good things” happening, out of laziness I suppose, or perhaps it is true that the thousands of people who have risked their lives to bring us the story had it in for Laura’s man all along…just like she and the 25% of Americans, who seemingly don’t fear for the safety of anything not attached to an umbilical cord, had suspected all along.

That’s right, it’s YOUR FAULT for buying into this anti-Bush rhetoric, this news, cooked up in the heads of traitors who understand psychology and unleased throughout the country for the purpose of turning your stupid brain into an organ of evil, much like the inside of a smoker’s lung, black and sticky without the ability to function like it once used to, leading to the necessary convulsions for survival with hatred and death expelled outward in the form of idiotic lies about our president and his devine path we were at one point lucky enough to walk alongside him on towards the glory that was just over the next hill if we’d had the strength or the character to not abandon faith and christ once things got tough. And so now we are without salvation, understanding or even the intelligence God provided us to begin with…Laura told me so.

She’s not the only one looking for an appology either, as there are plenty of stupid white men whose desire was a war, which they got, only not the outcome they expected along with it because of how stupid everyone involved was about carrying it out, and a fellow like Richard Pearle wants us to know that he is owed an appology from the soldiers and their bosses and their bosses’ bosses for draging his brilliance through the mud, like a band of arrogant vandals they persecuted his vision and striped away all the important parts, leaving him without an oil tanker bearing his moniker, no high speaking fees, just the burden of stupid people and their failures unjustly attached to his name.

Forget about the fatherless, homeless children who are afraid and the smell of burning garbage and the roving bands of murders killing at will day after day…it’s about these people we see on television and read about in Vanity Fair, and what this war has done to them, how it has tarnished their image and spoiled their legacies. These poor people and all the bad things that have been done to them. Boy wonder hasn’t been happy in so long now…we should all be ashamed of ourselves!

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5 Responses to Animals

  1. bernie kosar says:

    I really don’t have a bone to pick with Laura. My meeting with her was very personable. I shook her hand, and I looked within her soul…She is one righteous being. You know she smokes, right? Anyway, she is not the problem, it’s her hubby. I also shook his hand and peered within the froth that habitates in his brain…I saw nothing but a memo. It was exhiliarating and at the same time it was a let down because this was the leader of the free world…And he was giving me nothing! It was like he was the vicious enemy insect of “Stormship Troopers”…He wanted to suck out all of my energy and intellect because he had none of his own. (I met them both at a speech at Ft. Campbell, KY in OCT 2001 and there are photos of it in Time Magazine 12/31/06 issue–Dude, It was like Munich in the 1930s-scary shit!!!! -Because I and another Army soldier in the whole base, probably, were the only ones that really wished Gore had prevailed, we had to remain silent and take it so subltly in the ASS!! -Take that Elisabeth Shue!

  2. S. R. says:

    John Wayne Gacy was a clown. Yeah, so? Doesn’t negate the fact that he was a serial killer. Good doesn’t negate bad.

  3. To be in the military while that went down must have been ROUGH! If it were me, I’d have immediately made extra copies of my will that day. There was a great episode of King of the Hill where Hank shakes Dubya’s hand…”it’s LIMP!”

  4. captain_menace says:

    Ahem, I think you meant to say “Starship Troopers” (awesome flick by the way). You’re mixing up your sci-fi analogies.

  5. I loved Starship Troopers – – – I really liked Lost in Space too, a couple of sci-fi films they got right…

    Nice to see you droping a comment menace – – – I may have worn out my welcome over at the other place. Can’t help it…did you check out the China thread I posted w/ my quote, Romney’s and Konop’s? That one is a classic – – – if some day any of this crap is marketable, that one will be worth something.

    I’m going to post some of the papers I wrote for school here in the next week, still have 4 assignments this week to finish and I’m halfway through the degree, and I hope the grades match up with reality…that I do have a clue of what I’m writing about. We’ll see…

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