
Someone on the Control Congress board hit a nerve in me today, talking trash about my state. The population numbers from 2000 and 2005 show almost a 1% rise, but according to him people are leaving because of the STD infected, homosexual agenda being pushed on kids in schools. So many people in this country hope for my state to crumble, yet when it doesn’t, the tactics of deception and bunk spiritless voodoo take over. You know what I think? I think they hate us for our freedom!

Gay marriage has been legal here for a couple years now, and civil unions for even longer in Vermont, with neither showing the negative social effects predicted by homophobic fear merchants to this day. Massachusetts is home to some of the best schools in the world, so isn’t it predictable that the right-wing would despise academia? Indeed, and so the devil that intelligence represents is discarded, with a void that is then filled with nonsense about how evolution is a myth, global warming is a myth, and “just wait a few more years and from the sky a supernatural being will descend, casting all the hethons who think they’re so smart down to hell while you go to heaven.”

Thankfully, our street-smarts can smell the stink coming off that age-old lie from a mile away. So when a child in school doubts something as basic as evolution or whether condoms are effective or not, we tell them the truth. The desire of one taxpayer to deny benefits for their neighbor based on prejudice and fear is not championed as freedom. To get what some of us surely want, the public schools aren’t going to be denying the scientific fact that sexual orientation is determined by nature. We’re not going to lie to them because we’re too lazy or uncomfortable to act like adults. The idea that there’s such a thing as the “good lie”, and that the ignorance it breeds will keep us safe, is typically dead-on-arrival in my state.

Resentment over Massachusetts’ dedication to truth, science and freedom is found everywhere in the political arena, which tells me that we’re still leading the way. I’m proud of that!

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7 Responses to Massachusetts

  1. captain_menace says:

    I’d love to see folks bail out of Boston, no offense.

    Then the housing market would dip and I could actually afford to live there.

    I love the Boston area! Have a cheesesteak for me, you can’t get a decent one up here.

  2. S. R. says:

    I like Massachusetts all around although I have never been there in winter. For all of its liberalism, the state hasn’t descended into the depths of fiery Hell. Neither has California.

  3. States in the bible belt have double the rate of divorce as does Massachusetts. The meth problem isn’t what it is in the midwest…there are so many things I could compare and contrast.

    We don’t have as many Ted Haggards I suppose…perhaps that’s our downfall.

  4. S. R. says:

    Gays usually do quite well financially and contribute to society accordingly. If this is due to no kids, I do not know. I know lesbians with children who do quite well.

    My town is a thorough red and we have an atrocious meth problem. Meth and IV drug users have problems that extend past overdose. They don’t work and are prone to infections that fester. They then end up in the OR on the taxpayer’s dime. Waka Waka Waka.

  5. Dusty says:

    Since I live in the same city as SR, I can attest to the redness of it, and the problems with meth freaks. I hate that people put down MA. a state I loved more than anywhere I have lived before or since. I miss the people and the culture.

  6. Meth hasn’t capsized on Agawam shores, and I hope it never does. I posted on the effects a while back…here’s the link:

    This is a real problem, so of course the government avoids any discussion of it with a ten foot poll. All I hear on CSPAN when it comes to drugs is a couple of Republicans with their heads all jumbled up about weed being as addictive and damaging as crack cocaine…I have the name of that douchebag as well, the one I heard talking about it on CSPAN a while back, but I’d have to go digging that up.

  7. captain_menace says:

    Gays usually do quite well financially

    Damn! I knew I should have been gay. I think I’d make a first class bitch.

    with their heads all jumbled up about weed being as addictive and damaging as crack cocaine

    They must have been smoking some of that Matanuska Thunderfuck they grow up here in the Matanuska-Susitna valley during the long summers. Definitely better than your grandpa’s weed.

    As for meth, this says it all.

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