Zakaria: McCain’s Plan For More Troops ‘Just Willing More American Deaths’

This Morning on ABC, commentator and foreign policy scholar Fareed Zarkaria slammed John McCain’s plan to send more U.S. troops to Iraq, saying it “will not work.” Zakaria explained that “we have enough troops” but the Iraqi government won’t let them “go after the militias.” According to Zakaria, sending more U.S. troops to Iraq in this context is “just willing more American deaths.”

This fact (in bold) is not understood by the American population. Mainly this is because the press refuses to educate us on such specific points concerning the war, remaining much more inclined to reduce everything to a level suitable for a 2nd grade elementary school classroom. (1) A Shiite military general feeds locations of Sunnis who are popular in their communities to Baghdad – – – – (2) A Shiite political leader elected to serve in Baghdad hands over the information to a militia – – – – (3) The militia conducts kidnappings, mass executions, torture, etc. often leaving the bodies in some place where they will be found and reported on – – – – (4) The US Army investigates and quickly determines who is to blame, to include the Shiite military general who was involved – – – – (5) Word is sent to Baghdad that so and so should be arrested and investigated in connection with the murders – – – – (6) Baghdad does not act on the information sent by the US Army, releases a press statement saying the evidence is flimsy and the accusations were either incorrect or overzealous – – – – (7) The next day brings about another example where steps 1-6 are relived, day after day after day after day.

Zakaria is one of the smartest people in the media and has been right about everything he’s said on Iraq since day one. Anyone who’s not sure about McCain’s motivation for wanting more troops sent in, let me assure you that it’s 100% political, and the only purpose of it is to be able to say in 2008, “if we had gone with my plan to send in more troops, we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now with all the violence in Iraq.”

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