A Time for Realism

The idea was horrible to begin with, and it was carried out by the most incompetent batch of losers we’ve ever had in the history of our republic. Those who believe we must remain have only fear to offer, and politics now require them to predict the end of the world if we leave. The future prestige of the United States isn’t their concern, but rather the future prestige of their political party. To read the words of a true believer like ‘eeevil conservative’, you’d think that war was an issue on par with the federal defecit or illegal immigration. Take a position that we need to stay, and basically ignore the fact that our enemy has gained strength and capacity over the past two years, along with the reality that political figures within Iraq are using their power to murder the “base” of their opposition. In this country we have Democrats and Republicans, but in Iraq it’s all about which descendant of Muhammad is going to come back to life some day.

The US Army doesn’t have the authority to arrest an Iraqi Army general whose orders are to capture and kill Sunnis for no reason other than the fact that they’re not Shia. We’ve been there for 3 years, and nothing positive has resulted from it. Iraq is a failed state in the throes of civil war, and the United States is responsible for it. The lives of hundreds of thousands have been ended or ruined because of us, and our military is turning soldiers into slaves through “stop loss” just to maintain the appearance of authority over there. So to the hack political mind, willing to believe or fear on command, the fact that 100 headless courpses weren’t found a couple blocks from your house may allow you the comfort of faith and trick you into believing it’s all that’s needed to prevail, but at some point you should be able to dig down deep into your heart and scrape up some empathy for what we’ve done to these people in Iraq.

Iran this, Iran that…we had a mission here and unlike social legislation that can be fixed later on down the road, in war it’s essential to get it right in order to win. The true-believers still left don’t believe in this statement. They insist that in order to win, all you have to do is say you’re going to win over and over and over again. At least long enough to have an opposition party to blame for losing once it’s finally time to end this immoral cluster of death and failure known as the Iraq War.

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4 Responses to A Time for Realism

  1. captain – SR, I posted this on Control Congress…been throwing down the gauntlet over there in recent days, and John’s co-host ‘eeevil conservative’ touched a nerve on the war…I was going to go to sleep two hours ago, but had to write something original to post over there (this is a carbon copy). The spin over Murtha has been getting posted on over there the past two days and I suddenly remembered that Republicans fear him…loathe him. He makes the illegitimate bullshit spouted on the war every day sound every bit as foolish as it actually is. What other Democrat can do that on a consistent basis?

    Anyways – should be interesting to see what is written back on this one. Yall should check it out.

    And menace – IF is a poem I’ve read in the past, but it certainly packs a punch every time around. Thanks for suggesting it! Was trying to write something on what I thought about it, but figured it was best to just post it and let it explain itself.

  2. S. R. says:

    I’ll go there and keep tabs. Potential Iraq resolutions move glacially.

  3. S. R. says:

    Any link to the original posting?

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