Grumpy Old Men


The Army Times is coming out tomorrow with a call for Rumsfeld to go, and Cheney has come out and said that the public can’t take his toys away, nor will he testify in Congress if ordered to do so.  The President, of course, is reading a book with a classroom full of children…and the White House staff is drawing straws to determine who is the one that has to tell him that Democrats took over Congress, something that requires the purchase of a helmet and bulletproof vest first thing Monday morning. 

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4 Responses to Grumpy Old Men

  1. S. R. says:

    Well see how things go. After 2004…

    One thing’s for sure, George W. Bush will never do anything he doesn’t want to do. Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him.

  2. I think a lot of people who don’t actually exist voted for him in Ohio and Florida.

  3. Dusty says:

    Touche’ Al 🙂 I will be watching the returns with a tranquilizer in my system most likely..I am a pessimist and think everyone that voted Repube last time will do it again..they have just been lying to all those damn pollsters.

  4. S. R. says:

    Yeah, I get the same errie feeling that I had in 2004. Of course, peiople are going to vote a certain way, but they didn’t. I’m with Dusty.

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