From the Protestant Reformation to Focus on the Family

“We ought to embrace the whole human race without exception in a single feelilng of love; here there is no distinction between barbarian and Greek, worthy and unworthy, friend and enemy, since all should be contemplated in God, not in themselves.  When we turn aside from such contemplation, it is no wonder we become entangled in many errors.”   -John Calvin

The evangelical Protestant movement as a whole is not the kind of religion we perceive it to be, embodied in Pastor Ted Haggins and his mega-church in Colorado Springs.  What we’re seeing in his case and that of James Dobson is rather the evangelical movement as a marketing force for itself, rather than a marketing force for God.  There are too many parallels between the marketing of born-again evangelical Christianity and the marketing of Apple computers as I see it.  The evolution of Protestant religion in the case of born-again evangelicals from the Reformation to today is a case study in becoming what one despises through the ignorance of one’s own history.  While the Catholic church’s hook being that baptism at a certain age in a certain setting ensured entry to heaven helped to retain through fear the person whose curiosity would have lead them down a different path, the Protestant faith generally rejected such things, while embracing the two sentences I chose to open with up above.  Today we see that not only has the hook been made part of the evangelical Protestant faith represented by Haggard and Dobson, but that they’ve managed to add several barbs to it as well.

It is my firm belief that God plays less of a role in this religion than its members would like to think.  Debates that leverage scripture are healthy and relevant, but not to the extent that these folks use it to make their points.  Getting back to the marketing concept, when you debate a born-again evangelical using scripture, it often feels like having a corporate lawyer explain to you the fine print on a contract you failed to understand fully before signing.  Ala our government’s runup to the Iraq War, they fix the facts around the favored policy, and never give up.  If you’re not convinced, it is their duty to rescue you, and ultimately it comes down to ‘Father Knows Best’.  Though, by the time you finally come around, you’re too punch-drunk to realize it. 

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10 Responses to From the Protestant Reformation to Focus on the Family

  1. john says:

    Dear Al,

    Jesus only commanded two things in the entire new testament and they were love god and love each other. Unfortunatley more often than not I dont see a whole lotta love coming from the bible thumpers, just a bunch of rules and hatred for everyone they disagree with or dont understand and they all end up getting busted with their pants down. Its all a big business for really lazy people, every minister I have ever known has been one lazy sod. Yet I’m supposed to believe they are more in tune with the Lord than the poor schmuck working 80 hours a week to feed his kids.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. S. R. says:

    Lazy sod? This is something i’d like to hear more about out of curiosity.

  3. bernie kosar says:

    Amen, Brother John!

  4. John – it’s a sham, a lot of this religion practiced by the loudest folks America has to offer, but I have to say that there are millions of evangelicals who do not fit the mold of what you’ll find in Colorado Springs. The militant evangelicals are just better represented in the media and in Congress.

    I don’t think that they will be able to retain even half of the generation of children who grow up around it. My concern is how they’ve managed to infiltrate the prisons, and the amount of contempt they create amongst their own against the neighbors they’re supposed to love.

  5. john says:

    Prime example of a lazy sod.

    I have a friend who answered the call and became a minister. He has a sales job during the week. He will finish up his sales in about 3 or 4 hours then go home and get paid for the rest of the day. I asked him what do you do with the time you are getting paid for while your at home? He said ohhh I work on my sermons. This is where he got caught with his pants down. I asked do the bosses know you are on the clock sitting on your ass working on “sermons?” He answered, “officialy no but unofficaly yes.” Isnt that stealing I asked and he answered without skipping a beat not when your working for the lord its not, thats the way god wants it. Brainwashed christo fascist ughhh. I’m supposed to believe he is more in tune with Gawd than anybody else when his sermons are basically stolen, I’m in the wrong business. He should do a sermon called stealing in the name of, maybe I should do it.

    A lot of people find religion in the jailhouse it gives them a sense of security and looks good for parole boards. I remember the onion field killer Jimmy Smith getting sprung back in the 80’s and he was highly religious at the time of his release but went right back in a few years later. For so many of those fellas its just a ruse to look reformed and shelter from the harsh reality of prison life. The black muslims have a pretty good thing going for them in the pen. They enforce strict discipline amongst their people to the point I was ready to convert to islam but then I changed my mind and converted to satanism, why not go directly to the source.

  6. Satanism does has its perks – especially when you’re driving. The music sucks though.

  7. S. R. says:

    I’m guessing John’s preacher buddy sold real estate during the day?

  8. bernie kosar says:

    Brother John,

    Satanism is just another way to explain capitalism. Good for you, man. Take it in the ass, brother…just like any other inmate…errrrr citizen!

  9. john says:

    Hey I’ll take it anyway I can get it. Thats so gross ahhhh. Strike that.

    Actually the douche bag sells beverages.

  10. KING: Have you spoken to him?

    DOBSON: I have talked to him. I was asked to serve on a three person restoration panel and I originally wanted to be of help and said that I would, but I just don’t have the time to do that. And I called my board of directors, we talked about it at length and they were unanimous in asking me not to do that, because this could take four or five years and I just have too many other things going on.

    KING: How’s he doing?

    DOBSON: I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him since it happened.

    KING: Oh you haven’t?

    DOBSON: I talked to him the day that the news broke and I have not talked to him since then.

    KING: Was he sad that day?

    DOBSON: Oh, of course. I mean you can imagine he was shocked, he was numb, he even lied about it. There’s a video of him saying that none of these things are true, but they were true or a least some of them were

    KING: When you say, Doctor, when you say “restoration” you mean restore him from being gay to not gay or what do you mean?

    DOBSON: Yeah, probably that, too.

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