Ironsides, Mike Hammer, Popeye Doyle…can we find someone to finally investigate the theft of our democracy?

(SOURCE – Miami Herald) After a week of early voting, a handful of glitches with electronic voting machines have drawn the ire of voters…several South Florida voters say the choices they touched on the electronic screens were not the ones that appeared on the review screen — the final voting step. Election officials say they aren’t aware of any serious voting issues. But in Broward County, for example, they don’t know how widespread the machine problems are because there’s no process for poll workers to quickly report minor issues and no central database of machine problems…Debra A. Reed voted with her boss on Wednesday at African-American Research Library and Cultural Center near Fort Lauderdale. Her vote went smoothly, but boss Gary Rudolf called her over to look at what was happening on his machine. He touched the screen for gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis, a Democrat, but the review screen repeatedly registered the Republican, Charlie Crist…A poll worker then helped Rudolf, but it took three tries to get it right, Reed said…Joan Marek, 60, a Democrat from Hollywood, was also stunned to see Charlie Crist on her ballot review page after voting on Thursday. ”Am I on the voting screen again?” she wondered. “Well, this is too weird.” Marek corrected her ballot and alerted poll workers at the Hollywood satellite courthouse, who she said told her they’d had previous problems with the same machine. Poll workers did some work on her machine when she finished voting, Marek said. But no report was made to the Supervisor of Elections office and the machine was not removed, Cooney said. Workers at the Hollywood poll said there had been no voting problems on Friday. Mauricio Raponi wanted to vote for Democrats across the board at the Lemon City Library in Miami on Thursday. But each time he hit the button next to the candidate, the Republican choice showed up…

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4 Responses to Ironsides, Mike Hammer, Popeye Doyle…can we find someone to finally investigate the theft of our democracy?

  1. Dusty says:

    That is my biggest fear Al..that people won’t notice who comes up on the final screen and just hit”ok” like here in Kern, they DON”T have plans in place for malfunctions..its friggin ridiculous. The machine should of been pulled out of commission and run through to find out why it kept screwing up.

  2. Apparantly the poll workers at a lot of places in the country wouldn’t know how to use the mouse on a computer, let alone deal with a problem with one of the machines. The system is broken, and there will be shenanigans. This story from Florida wasn’t about Republicans voting and their result coming out Democrat. Ohio in 2004 was a disgrace, and it’s going to keep happening until someone at the federal level with the power to fix it actually has the will to do so.

  3. S. R. says:

    Well, I hope my Polling Place in the Hood has functioning machines because I won’t have time next week to play fuck around.

  4. bernie kosar says:

    Thank God my ballot requires only a magic marker! My polling place this year is in a freakin’ Starbucks. I can vote while I wait for my triple venti mocha!

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