Rumsfeld’s Not Busy?

This has been bothering me for a while now, and with conditions on the ground in Iraq being what they are, the military in general today compared with five years ago, when is the Defense Secretary’s boss going to finally tell him to focus on his own job for a change?  He’s failed at every step, yet wants to pretend he’s running the State Department…picking out Chavez and saying we need to do something about his military buildup is not supposed to be his decision to make, nor is his business at this point to play politics with our foreign policy.  If Bush had any respect for Secretary Rice, he’d put an end to this nonsense once and for all.  The man is in charge of the Pentagon, and whether he likes it or not, takes orders from someone higher up on the food chain. 

Or is the President simply too much of a wimp to do what it takes to get his shop in order?  Screw the ‘political fallout’ – the infighting has to stop – as nothing productive comes from this.

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2 Responses to Rumsfeld’s Not Busy?

  1. S. R. says:

    Rumsfeld should have been gone a long time ago. Then again, we all know that Dubya doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do.

  2. Rummy was in place so Dubya could prove his daddy wrong – and now he’s in place still because politics trumps everything else w/ this White House

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