This Creepy Guy Named Foley

I’ve been swiming upstream lately with the new semester starting this week, trying to get smart on the material and ahead on assignments, so politics has been far down on the list…though, the reaction from Republicans on this matter of a middle aged man hitting on a teenager had to be addressed.  My memory immediately reverted back to swallowgate, and what the right had to say about President Clinton during all that.  Matt Drudge made his bones on that story, and he in particular seems to be saying that there’s blame to go around, on both sides of the communications, calling the page a “beast”…Newt Gingrich defends Hassert and Congress covering up the whole thing by claiming that they would have been gay bashing…the White House refers to it as a lesser scandal, a few “naughty emails”, no big deal…but back to Drudge, here’s a transcript:

And if anything, these kids are less innocent — these 16 and 17 year-old beasts…and I’ve seen what they’re doing on YouTube and I’ve seen what they’re doing all over the internet — oh yeah — you just have to tune into any part of their pop culture.  You’re not going to tell me these are innocent babies.  Have you read the transcripts that ABC posted going into the weekend of these instant messages, back and forth?  The kids are egging the Congressman on!  The kids are trying to get this out of him.  We haven’t got the whole story on this. 

You could say “well Drudge, it’s abuse of power, a congressman abusing these impressionable, young 17 year-old beasts, talking about their sex lives with a grown man, on the internet.”  Because you have to remember, those of us who have seen some of the transcripts of these nasty instant messages.  This was two ways, ladies and gentlemen.  These kids were playing Foley for everything he was worth.   Oh yeah.  Oh, I haven’t…they were talking about how many times they’d masturbated, how many times they’d done it with their girlfriends this weekend…all these things and these “innocent children.”  And this “poor” congressman sitting there typing, “oh am I going to get any,” you know?

Am I missing something here?  The guy was in charge of lawmaking in regards to adults who prey on young people, AG Gonzalez has been focusing (rightly) on the dirty doings of pedophiles on the internet…either it’s mea culpa time, or a lot of these Republicans are looking to be severely weighed down by karma for a long time.  It’s bad enough that the man was kept in a leadership position for so long, but for the objective of retaining control of the House to justify a coverup of something like this… 

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34 Responses to This Creepy Guy Named Foley

  1. black dog says:

    17 year old kids are still 17 year old kids. Just because this old poof gets busted monkeying around means the right wing structure is going to destroy them? Throw Foley and Drudge to the lions.

  2. S. R. says:

    Pretty indefensible. Drudge has a lot of balls.

  3. I don’t think it takes balls to be a GOP hack in the media these days…especially on the radio! Ann Coulter is still landing money for book deals, interviews, etc…

    Shameless bullshit like this has become the standard.

  4. S. R. says:

    Not so much balls as in guts. What’s a better word….bullshit will indeed suffice.

    Blaming a victim lower on the power ladder than yourself is low.

  5. Right Thinker says:

    If Democrats were to have a super power it would have to be the power of blatant hypocrisy.

    Stubbs – Inserts penis in Page’s rectum, gets censure.
    Clinton – Insters penis into intern’s mouth, get’s hassled.
    Foley – Receives and sends sexual e-mails and IM, resigns.

    I see the issue here, Foley had the perfect opportunity to insert his penis into a young page and he blew it. There must be 100 Democrats who would kill to be in that position and Foley totally blew it, blew his opportunity.

    You have Pelosi marching next the the Grand Marshal of the Gay Pride Parade, who happens to be the head NAMBLA. At least Ted Kennedy just bangs whores so I guess that makes him the moral compass of the Democratic party.

    Look, there was no cover us of any sort. There were e-mails going back and forth, and according to the Democrat’s standards of sexual conduct, this was and still is a non-issue. The pages sent Foley some e-mails, so what???

    Foley immediately resigned because, unlike Clinton, Stubbs and the rest, Foley still has integrity, something Pelosi and Reid can’t claim. Democrats have no ideas, no platform and no answers to the issues of the world or the nation so they engage in a massivily hipocritical attack to gain power.

    It’s just sad really, old hippies with no direction or vision desperately trying to validate their idea and views trhoug any means necessary. Trying to show thier lives mean something and all their efforts and sacrifice wasn’t all for nothing.

    Is this all the Democrats have? E-mail and IM??? I’m pretty sure Leiberman never molested any young adults but he’s out, the perverts like Clinton and Pelosi are in.

    Instead of saying “Up, Up and Away!!!” Democrat’s battle cry can be “Blatant Hypocrisy, never admit you are wrong!!!!!”.

  6. I agree with you on the universal trait in politics to git jiggy wit it, but the coverup is what this is about. How many times had the house ethics committee not investigated members in the past few years? Delay, Ney, Cunningham…all had to be scooped up by the feds, so with Foley it’s about simply reading the newspaper for a few years to know whether or not the GOP cares about cleaning up its own act, whether it’s Abramoff-esque quid pro quo or this, an effort will be made to hold onto the seat, the member will be threatened with no future lobbying work if they don’t do as they’re told, etc.

    The playbook isn’t a secret at this point.

  7. captain_menace says:

    Come on, I think RT may be on to something here. It was just IMs and email. In fact I think RT should be entitled to one month of free babysitting service from Mr. Foley. Or maybe he would prefer a one month complimentary pass to the “After Dark Foley Live-chat”? After all, he still has integrity.

    Waaahh!!! The Democrats aren’t playing fair, boo hoo hoo. Life sucks when your guys are down eh? Focus more on sports and less on politics, right Al?

    Or is this Foley thing just a simple diversion so that Democrats can get on with what they really enjoy… wanton destruction of human embryos for evil scientific experiments. I don’t have any proof of this, of course. But, my spidey-senses are tingling.

  8. Right Thinker says:

    but the coverup is what this is about.

    What coverup? What was covered up? Copies of the e-mail and IM got around but just because people didn’t care about a non-issue doesn’t mean coverup. Watergate was a coverup, Monica was a coverup, consenting adults sending e-mail back and forth is not a coverup.

    How many times had the house ethics committee not investigated members in the past few years?

    They saved just as many Democrats as Republicans, that’s probably the reason.

    In fact I think RT should be entitled to one month of free babysitting service from Mr. Foley.

    Since Foley never touched anyone that should be ok, remember it was Stubbs and Clinton who poked their people. If Foley wants to send my adult children e-mail and my adult children respond then who am I to care?

    Waaahh!!! The Democrats aren’t playing fair, boo hoo hoo. Life sucks when your guys are down eh?

    This has nothing to do with fair and my guys aren’t down. All Democrats have in hopes of getting elected is turning nothing into a huge political bonfire. How many Democrats new about the e-mails and said nothing?

    Are you proud that Democrats have nothing to offer the American people aside from bashing a gay man who already resigned?

    Are you proud that Democrat’s only hopes of winning is pinned on faux outrage and twisting facts?

    Are you happy that the only thing Democrats can offer is the next time a Democrat is in a similar position with a young boy there with definitely be penetration?

    All the democrats have now is desperate attacks and the lunatic fringe.

    Or is this Foley thing just a simple diversion so that Democrats can get on with what they really enjoy… wanton destruction of human embryos for evil scientific experiments.

    Don’t forget euthanasia of the unconscious, proving Bush brought down the twin towers and crazy environment global warming crap. Oh, and covering Africa in malaria through the ban on DDT.

    don’t have any proof of this, of course. But, my spidey-senses are tingling.

    Uh-oh, when a liberal starts to tingle and the children need to run for cover.

  9. Dennis Hassert is a victim in all of this, I want to say something here that I feel needs to be said. Dennis Hassert is a brilliant man. You don’t make it into a leadership position within the United States government otherwise. I assume that if you disagree with me, you’d rather have the terrorists running the government. I can’t accept that position. I love my country too much to let it happen. And while this witch hunt takes place in DC, you can be sure that the will of those fighting against freedom in Iraq only grows stronger. Sometimes I wonder why this is, but when you’re dealing with the type of crazed, depraved mentality as found in those across the aisle attacking Hassert today, it’s important to understand that in order to win, they’ll happily allow the terrorists to take over in Iraq as well as here on the homeland.

    So Foley sent some instant messages to minors, so he liked chating about his penis…who doesn’t? The real problem here as I see it is human nature, and how the liberal media clings onto their facts and ignores the sense shared by millions of well educated, level headed evangelicals across the country, that Foley being a homosexual had more to do with his pedofile tendencies than the permisiveness of the current house of representatives. I hear all the time about how straight men mollest children, but I ask you this…if you were Satan, wouldn’t you put out a smoke screen like this to protect your gay soldiers from scrutiny?

    Seems to me that not only are the Republicans blameless in all this, but their base of faith-based voters have managed to unearth the cause of it all. If you choose to be gay, God rightly burdens you with an insatiable desire to have sex with children. The most crystal clear and logical of revelations one might ever have this close to the end of days. And god bless Dennis Hassert for what he’s done here, as without his leadership, we’d have never gotten to the bottom of this.

  10. Right Thinker says:

    Dennis Hassert is a victim in all of this, I want to say something here that I feel needs to be said.

    Dennis isn’t a victim, the only victims here are the American Public and maybe the district in Florida tht lost a senior representative. If this non-issue sways the elections then the American People are the real victims.

    Sometimes I wonder why this is, but when you’re dealing with the type of crazed, depraved mentality as found in those across the aisle attacking Hassert today, it’s important to understand that in order to win, they’ll happily allow the terrorists to take over in Iraq as well as here on the homeland.

    Exactly, they let it happen in Vietnam and I’m sure they wouldn’t shed a tear if South Korea got overrun.

    that Foley being a homosexual had more to do with his pedofile tendencies than the permisiveness of the current house of representatives.

    They are wrong that being homosexual and pedophilia have anything to do with each other. Besides, pedophilia isn’t the targteting of 16 and 17 year olds but targeting of children.

    If you choose to be gay, God rightly burdens you with an insatiable desire to have sex with children.

    Totally wrong.

    Dennis Hassert is a brilliant man. You don’t make it into a leadership position within the United States government otherwise.

    Is George Bush a Brilliant man? John Kerry? What does brilliance have to do with networking and charisma?

  11. captain_menace says:

    You know RT, we had 8 years with a Democrat president in office. I look back fondly on those times. Maybe not entirely because Clinton was in office, but I felt better about being an American during those years. I’ll take the Democrats in office. I’ve seen what your folks are doing, and I’m not impressed. They’ve had 6 full years. Just lots of crap in my opinion.

    Yes Clinton penetrated Lewinsky. He was an adult she was an adult. He was married, so he is clearly guilty of adultery. Very idiotic move, hormones out of control, mid-life crisis… I don’t really care. Foley was preying on underage boys. A bit of a difference. His party chiefs knew about it, and did nothing. They could have at least removed him from the committee for exploited children… at the very least.

    The most interesting part of all of this is the Republican outrage and defensiveness related to this even being an issue. You seem somehow offended that Americans are disgusted by this recent turn of events.

    Politics is about messaging and capitalizing on an opponents weakness. As far as I know this hasn’t changed in centuries. When your opponent is down, kick him in the teeth. Do you disagree? The key is to not screw-up. The Republicans seem to have forgotten that when you hold yourself up as a moral example, you really should behave in an ethical and moral manner. And yes, that includes not preying on 16 year old children under your supervision (in case this is lost on you). And shame on Hastert for letting this go on under his nose. That part really sickens me.

  12. Al: Sometimes I wonder why this is, but when you’re dealing with the type of crazed, depraved mentality as found in those across the aisle attacking Hassert today, it’s important to understand that in order to win, they’ll happily allow the terrorists to take over in Iraq as well as here on the homeland.

    RT: Exactly, they let it happen in Vietnam and I’m sure they wouldn’t shed a tear if South Korea got overrun.

    I certainly wouldn’t…S. Koreans are racist! A South Korean bleeding out from a gunshot wound would rather die than be operated on by a Japanese doctor. They work 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there isn’t a single thing worth watching on S. Korean TV. They’re funny looking and often have terribly bad breath due to chain smoking and too much kimchee at lunch. Worst of all though, is this feeling they seem to have about the rest of the world, that everything the rest of the world has is merely being “rented” from the korean government…those bombs and atomic submarines they’re always showing off equal nothing more than penis envy to me.

    The North Korean army supposedly has kimchee deposits buried all along the DMZ, barrells of the stuff, numbering in the hundreds of thousands…US intelligence picked up on this, sent crop dusters across the border and poisoned the stock, so we THOUGHT…turns out the spray was killed by the contents of the barrells, which will be dug up and happily eaten by thousands of troops storing up calories for the big fight.

    What astonishes me about North Korea the most though, is how ridiculously ignorant they are of history…as everyone here in the states knows, General MacArthur had the Koreans and Chinese begging for mercy during the entire war…when he went to the President with a plan to drop nukes on the entire shoulder of the peninsula, a couple hundred, the Korean and Chinese troops cheered, delerious in their joy of not having to spend another day getting kicked around by the US military. To them, this quick death would have been a blessing.

    Of course, we never did drop the bombs, and eventually Ted Williams was discharged, meaning the war effort was doomed all at once. Pussified foreign policy led to the DMZ and our buildup there in the first place – the lack of cahones and intestinal fortitude here at home for a long hard slog. Well, the ample amount of Americans volunteering for military service today should equal a sign to President Bush that this country IS ready to finish that job.

    Kim Jong Ill has weapons of mass destruction. That’s all we need to know. Time to fire up the think tanks and get this effort off the ground.

    If it doesn’t happen (and it probably won’t, because too many voters hate America), and South Korea gets overtaken and subjugated by their emaciated cousins from up north…well, it’s not the first time the south had to be taught that hatred and racism is wrong.

  13. Right Thinker says:

    You know RT, we had 8 years with a Democrat president in office. I look back fondly on those times. Maybe not entirely because Clinton was in office, but I felt better about being an American during those years.

    I grew up during the Reagan years so you can image my embarassment through the Clinton years. When George Bush beat Al Gore was the first time I could hold my head high as an American. I will take Republicans during wartime over Democrats anytime.

    Foley was preying on underage boys.

    Since they were e-mailing him it doesn’t seem too much like preying. And underage? Come on, we have already established they were not underage, age of consent is 16.

    You can rationalize Clinton and Stubbs but want to crucify Foley just for the sake of politics. How about your guys get a platform and a message that the American people can stomache?

    The most interesting part of all of this is the Republican outrage and defensiveness related to this even being an issue. You seem somehow offended that Americans are disgusted by this recent turn of events.

    It isn’t an issue, the last guys who did way worse just got censure. That was the perpetrators, Foley resigned. Let it go.

    The guy is gone but liberals want to beat this dead horse all the way to elections because they have nothing the American people want. Like I said, win an election on your party’s merits, not on some trumped up almost-scandal.

    Again, what about all the Democrats who knew about it? I don’t see you calling for their heads. Half of the ethics committee are Democrats, and before you jump in with the evil Republicans block everything kneejerk response tell me which Democrats filed complaints in a timely fashion and not right before elections.

    The Republicans seem to have forgotten that when you hold yourself up as a moral example, you really should behave in an ethical and moral manner.

    Maybe Republicans know that just because a man is gay it doesn’t automatically make him a child molester. Since we are talking about adults, the child molester thing doesn’t fit.

    I love that the Left thinks a 14 year old should have an abortion without the consent or knowledge of her parents but a 17 year old is too impressionable and young to e-mail a gay man. What’s the deal?

    The 14 year old is capable of making life decisions but a 17 year old is a target for molestation through the mail. How do you molest someone through the mail anyway?

    Faux outrage by the left, that is all this is.

    And shame on Hastert for letting this go on under his nose.

    How do you prevent someone from communicating legally? Don’t we have an Ammendment that protects our speach?

    I certainly wouldn’t…S. Koreans are racist!

    This gets the “Spit my drink on my keyboard” award.

    Kim Jong Ill has weapons of mass destruction. That’s all we need to know. Time to fire up the think tanks and get this effort off the ground.

    I call it the Bill Clinton Bomb, because that is who gave it to them.

    well, it’s not the first time the south had to be taught that hatred and racism is wrong.

    I see you are a supporter of the war in Iraq then, since they hate Americans and anyone not muslim.

  14. CM: Foley was preying on underage boys.

    RT: Since they were e-mailing him it doesn’t seem too much like preying. And underage? Come on, we have already established they were not underage, age of consent is 16.

    You can rationalize Clinton and Stubbs but want to crucify Foley just for the sake of politics. How about your guys get a platform and a message that the American people can stomache?

    He didn’t rationalize Stubbs, but did point out that Clinton was guilty of infidelity, not a crime, which is good, because George Bush Sr. would have been arrested a long time ago if it had been. Come to think of it…if infidelity were a crime, even if it just counted for politicians, you could probably wipe out more than half of the presidents that this country has had. The DC “madam” business has been thriving forever, and it’s not because only one party happens to contain members who don’t feel like going home at night.

    It’s only when a party or an individual in power claims the high-ground and tells the rest of us that we’re wicked and in need of legislative guidance to reel in our decrepid states of morality that the distinction begins to gain momentum.

    When the party that champions morals and family values and tough on crime legislation to combat our collective demons gets caught theiving and seducing teenagers…THAT’S the moment when one side benefits and the other suffers. Obviously the side that didn’t campaign on being squeeky clean and God fearing in front of all else will be spared the wrath. They’re not the hypocrites in this instance.

    Foley held a leadership position that put him in a unique position to become king hypocrite a month before the election. With Cunningham, Delay, Ney and more to come already gone for breaking the commandment “thou shall not steal”…well, it’s probably going to seem like a mistake to have run as the “HIGH OCTANE MORALITY” party all these years.

    Al: I certainly wouldn’t…S. Koreans are racist!

    RT: This gets the “Spit my drink on my keyboard” award.

    All parody aside…South Koreans are just as racist as your average white boy in Alabama…even more racist than senator Allen, but they do come in second to the editor of The Washington Times.

    RT: Again, what about all the Democrats who knew about it? I don’t see you calling for their heads. Half of the ethics committee are Democrats, and before you jump in with the evil Republicans block everything kneejerk response tell me which Democrats filed complaints in a timely fashion and not right before elections.

    Republicans haven’t been able to pin the “Democrat who knew about the emails” button on anybody yet. Burden of proof is on the party with piss running down it’s leg and a handfull of mud with noone to chuck it at.

    cm: When your opponent is down, kick him in the teeth. Do you disagree?

    I certainly don’t. Albert Haynesworth wouldn’t either.

    The key is to not screw-up. The Republicans seem to have forgotten that when you hold yourself up as a moral example, you really should behave in an ethical and moral manner. And yes, that includes not preying on 16 year old children under your supervision (in case this is lost on you). And shame on Hastert for letting this go on under his nose. That part really sickens me.

    This is the entire scandal in a nutshell. I cannot tell my kids not to steal all their lives only to have them catch me splicing our neighbor’s cable in the middle of the night.

  15. Right Thinker says:

    He didn’t rationalize Stubbs, but did point out that Clinton was guilty of infidelity, not a crime,

    He seems to have missed perjury, obstruction of justice and witness tampering which is all I can remember off the top of my head. None of that happened with Foley.

    This is the entire scandal in a nutshell. I cannot tell my kids not to steal all their lives only to have them catch me splicing our neighbor’s cable in the middle of the night.

    Is that why the Left stands for nothing? Because then you have no pedistal to fall off of.

  16. captain_menace says:

    Faux outrage by the left, that is all this is.

    No outrage here. Not even surprised. And no, this won’t affect my vote come this November. You’re a one-trick pony RT. You consistently suck at the tit of the Republican party, regardless of their behavior. I’m not a Democrat, have never claimed to be, and won’t be voting Democrat this year in our statewide elections. I’ve got my eye on an independent governor, and our Republican Congressman (I like pork just like the rest of America). So get your facts straight before you start slinging around labels. You won’t however, ever, ever hear me defending the actions of elected officials who should know better than to abuse their office (like Foley clearly has done, whether you can admit it to yourself or not).

    In fact I believe that the Democrats really didn’t need this little scandal (it may actually hurt them due to backlash). There are far more important issues that the Republicans have either failed to address, or have completely screwed up. Let’s begin with our national debt, all $8.5 trillion of it (roughly 66% of our annual GDP). Then we could move on to the burgeoning cost of health care for the middle class, we could then go on to discuss our complete lack of a national energy policy that moves us away from foreign energy sources, then we could go on to our failed Iraq policy, our inability to capture Bin Laden. You get the picture. Democrats certainly didn’t need Foley to illustrate Republican incompetence and corruption.

    BTW, I grew up under Reagan too. I guess it pays to have a background in acting.

  17. Right Thinker says:

    This is the entire scandal in a nutshell. I cannot tell my kids not to steal all their lives only to have them catch me splicing our neighbor’s cable in the middle of the night.

    So, since Bill Clinton never advocated that he was an ethical man and his party never said they were a party of morals they can then go nail all the young boys and girls they want?

    So there are one set of rules for Republicans and one set of rules for Democrats? How did that happen?

  18. When you run on one thing and do the opposite, in politics, that usually leads to problems in the next election. Voters take it to mean that the party/politician either views them as schmucks – or – that the party/politician is just too stupid to understand why voters would be upset at all in the first place.

    Here it was clearly the first as even after Foley was known to house leaders to be unprofessional w/ the pages a few years ago, he wasn’t removed from the leadership position he held…this could have been fixed, as he could have been given something more prestigious in the meantime. The leadership never considers how it would look for Foley’s actions to be exposed in public, because they think:

    “Hey, we got into Iraq and reelected in 2004 without getting any of it right…these voters are stupid…”

  19. Another Lawmaker Has Page Problem?
    By Justin Rood – October 16, 2006, 11:46 PM
    Reuters reporting:

    A U.S. congressional board which oversees a Capitol Hill internship program rocked by a sex scandal, discussed allegations on Monday involving a second lawmaker, said Rep. Dale Kildee, a Michigan Democrat.
    Kildee made the comment as he emerged from a closed-door meeting of a House ethics committee, which has been focused on the case of former Republican Rep. Mark Foley of Florida, who resigned last month following disclosure he sent inappropriate electronic messages to male teenage interns, known as pages.

    “It’s only been allegations made,” Kildee told reporters of the House page board’s discussion about a second lawmaker, who he declined to identify.

  20. Right Thinker says:

    he wasn’t removed from the leadership position he held…this could have been fixed

    Stubbs was given a leadership position and a standing ovation.

    When you run on one thing and do the opposite, in politics, that usually leads to problems in the next election.

    So when Democrats reward each other for these transgressions but crucify Republicans then there should be problems in the next election?

    Anyone want to talk about the Democrat in Iowa running for Governor who did worse than Foley???

    Yeah, that’s right, 3, count ’em, 3 question marks.

  21. What does the Iowa race for governor have to do with Washington DC? Stubbs and Clinton have been over with for a while now. The political press releases candidates for office send out rarely cite things from 2 decades ago as reasons for people to vote for them.

  22. Right Thinker says:

    Just another example of how the Left has a real short term memory when it comes to “scandal” and they have a habit of looking the other way (cover up?) when it’s their guy and being at the front of the lynch mob when it’s the other guy.

  23. We lived through Clinton…over 150 hours of testimony taken over whether or not he improperly used his Christmas card list…not even 15 on Abu Gharib. You don’t see the difference there? One involved politics, the other involved torture and a reason we would be losing the war in Iraq. Republicans in charge of the house both times…

  24. Right Thinker says:

    We lived through Clinton…over 150 hours of testimony taken over whether or not he improperly used his Christmas card list…not even 15 on Abu Gharib.

    What’s the point? The President didn’t do anything at Abu Ghraib. If Bush had be photographed holding the leash of a naked terrorist then I’d be happy for more than 150 hours of testimony.

    Republicans in charge of the house both times…

    Yes, with Democrats kicking, screaming, fillibustering and dragging the whole system down. Republicans never had the majority vote and that is what matters, Democrats are the party of obstruction and Republicans couldn’t shut down the fillibuster.

    So your assertion that Republicans were in total control is not accurate.

  25. Again – you’re trivializing an aspect of warfare that is critical. Understanding what motivates your enemy is crucial to prevailing. If Congress didn’t find it pressing to investigate Abu Gharib, then we have no business winning the war. That scandal fucked us in this war, and it was a symptomatic failure that has gone unfixed to this day, because since it happened, things have only gotten worse in Iraq.

    100% of the population could have shown up at the polls to vote and this incident would have still overshaddowed it.

    What legislation have Democrats fillibustered? Can you name any besides a few appointments? In terms of the bills that have passed, Republican leaders have used every rule in the book to prevent Democrats from offering ammendments or even debating on the legislation itself.

    Crying obstruction is basically admitting failure, since the entire game in politics is to reach a concensus. If the GOP is crying about obstruction at this point, it means they weren’t tallented enough to govern in the first place.

    Bill Clinton passed welfare reform in the 90s, a bill that was vetoed twice, reworked…it went through the process is what I’m saying. In the past 6 years, there has been no process. The GOP leadership has their bill, they release it 24 hours prior to a vote, don’t allow for ammendments or debate, then the President signs it.

    You’re bucking history with this crybaby argument about obstruction, as the process the GOP has been working with is so well documented, AND THEY’VE WORKED LESS DAYS THAN ANY OTHER CONGRESS IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES!

    I suppose you’ll say “why bother showing up if you don’t have 75% of both chambers…Democrats are just going to ruin your plans anyway”

  26. captain_menace says:

    Republicans couldn’t shut down the fillibuster.

    Yes, because that would have required real cross-party collaboration.

    Those are some very pathetic excuses RT… even from a Republican.

  27. Right Thinker says:

    Understanding what motivates your enemy is crucial to prevailing.

    Really, how much time did we spend trying to figure out Japan’s motives in 1941? How about Germany? Korea? Vietnam? Why is it all of a sudden soo fricken important to retreat into a hole until you have motive for attcks against you? Where did this lovey dovey sense of understanding the aggressor come from? I don’t get it. How about we ask them after we defeat them like in every other conflict, huh?

    If Congress didn’t find it pressing to investigate Abu Gharib, then we have no business winning the war.

    Abu Gharib only matters to liberals and the NYT. Islam is making up their own attrocities in the style of the NYT so they don’t need Abu Gharib. It was a few people behaving badly and is old news. I doubt people who blow up women and children for a living will give much of a crap about underpants on your head.

    What legislation have Democrats fillibustered?

    What haven’t they fillibustered? Pelosi and Reid made it know that Democrats are to obstruct all Republican efforts for anything. You know this already.

    Crying obstruction is basically admitting failure, since the entire game in politics is to reach a concensus.

    Sure, if both sides are working in good faith, which the Democrats are not. They are obstructing everything to gain political points. Are you sure this is how you want Republicans to ast if the tables are turned?

    In the past 6 years, there has been no process.

    I know, Democrats won’t lets this stuff pass no matter how many times it’s reworked. That is the essense of obstruction.

    You’re bucking history with this crybaby argument about obstruction, as the process the GOP has been working with is so well documented, AND THEY’VE WORKED LESS DAYS THAN ANY OTHER CONGRESS IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES!

    Remember, it’s Reid and Pelosi that are making the pubic calls for obstruction, don’t shoot the messenger. Maybe you need to take this up with your won party and find out why they can’t get a long.

    Yes, because that would have required real cross-party collaboration.

    How would you collaborate with Democrats that refuses to Collaborate? Seriously, do you just ignore the facts that don’t fit your views?

  28. RT: Remember, it’s Reid and Pelosi that are making the pubic calls for obstruction, don’t shoot the messenger. Maybe you need to take this up with your won party and find out why they can’t get a long.

    This is why Republicans are being voted out of office in November. You’re making the case for why people should vote Democrat by pretending the GOP is the first political party in the history of mankind to not do well. Everyone knows that in politics you account for failures by laying blame elsewhere. Once people begin seeing through the politics though, the game is over. Simply claiming “it’s not our fault” won’t get the job done forever.

    AL: Understanding what motivates your enemy is crucial to prevailing.

    RT: Really, how much time did we spend trying to figure out Japan’s motives in 1941? How about Germany? Korea? Vietnam? Why is it all of a sudden soo fricken important to retreat into a hole until you have motive for attcks against you? Where did this lovey dovey sense of understanding the aggressor come from? I don’t get it. How about we ask them after we defeat them like in every other conflict, huh?

    Germany wanted to rule the world, we understood their motivation and defeated them. Korea and Vietnam are wars that we LOST – so why use them as examples at all?

    Right, the objective isn’t to just have a war, but to win a war. There’s more to it than ‘weapon kills enemy’. By your account, we might as well close up West Point and stop teaching classes on warfare to officers in college.

    RT: Abu Gharib only matters to liberals and the NYT. Islam is making up their own attrocities in the style of the NYT so they don’t need Abu Gharib. It was a few people behaving badly and is old news. I doubt people who blow up women and children for a living will give much of a crap about underpants on your head.

    Even Bush knows that Abu Gharib hurt the chances of victory in Iraq.

  29. captain_menace says:

    Why is it all of a sudden soo fricken important to retreat into a hole until you have motive for attcks against you?

    Because we are not fighting the old style imperialist showdown. These are enemies who fight unconventionally. I’m very amazed that you don’t understand this very basic concept.

  30. Right Thinker says:

    Because we are not fighting the old style imperialist showdown. These are enemies who fight unconventionally. I’m very amazed that you don’t understand this very basic concept.

    I understand the concept unconventional warfare very well, I’m amazed that you don’t understand the very basic concept fighting an enemy that is attacking you.

    What, are they just gonna wait to attack again until you can figure out thier motives and learn about their religion? Why are you even trying to defend this nonsense?

    Are you calling “Time Out” in the war on terror until you can run the data through committees, develop profiles and then get buy-in from the leadership before Islam is allowed to attack us again?

    I’m not going to explain this to you like a child so if you don’t get it by now then I can’t help you.

  31. Right – Sunnis are attacking Shia, government officials are sending their own militias out to engage in this type of thing – AND – more than half of the oil being pumped out of the ground is being sold on the black market with the $$ received going to fund the insurgency.

    Simply saying “all we gotta do is kill the enemy” is the reason we’re fubared in Iraq. You’re simply restating the strategy that has gotten us to this point.

    And you did use Vietnam and Korea, two failed wars, as examples of where knowing our enemy didn’t matter. We LOST those two wars! Those two wars were DISGRACEFULL! Iraq is about to join that list.

    In all three of these wars, “just kill the enemy”, wasn’t good enough. In fact, with the first two, “just kill the enemy, and destroy the homes of millions of non-combatants” didn’t get the job done. The United States has a history of failing in this regard, but as long as WW2 is in somebody’s mind, suddenly we’re infallable.

    So in 2006 we’ve got an attitude about this that screams apathy…or you could say, the 35% who still think it was a good idea to invade Iraq are apathetic towards details involving the war, and angered by anyone who isn’t.

  32. Right Thinker says:

    Simply saying “all we gotta do is kill the enemy” is the reason we’re fubared in Iraq. You’re simply restating the strategy that has gotten us to this point.

    All I’m saying is that the Captain’s idea of writing a note to al Sadr asking him to not attack people until we are able to understand their motives is completely nuts.

    Having this happen in Iraq is much better than having it here in Las Vegas.

  33. captain_menace says:

    All I’m saying is that the Captain’s idea of writing a note to al Sadr asking him to not attack people until we are able to understand their motives is completely nuts.

    You can take the credit for your own lame ideas RT.

    You seem to see only two possible options… ATTACK, or crawl into a hole. Typical of modern conservatives I guess. There are many many ways to fight an enemy. I don’t think your idea of notewriting is an effective one.

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