George C. Wallace Community College Cancels Early Admissions Program

Following the lead of Harvard, Princeton and other schools of higher learning, George Wallace will now also be cancelling their early admissions program, citing as others have, the amount of undue pressure being put on students to over achieve at the expense of their current educational challenges.  Though not everyone is pleased about this change in policy.  Zed Miller, an aspiring hog farmer from Henagar had been planning to “git my application in dere ‘fo it be time to haul slurry down ta-da crick at night, but dey stomp ou-at dream din-ey?”  Planning to retake the GED exam in a week, now he’s not sure if “rushin” makes sense anymore.  “What I gonna jump to hoots fo now if they’s done fixinna wait till later on anyhow?  I’z better to study what’s goin on night time wit this slurry fo now, stedda gittin caught up wit dat mess.”

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