Sopranos Mystery Solved! Vito in Chicopee, MA

A little while before this last season started they were filming scenes in Chicopee, MA – about 15 minutes from where I live, and where I’m actually going to for an appointment tomorrow.  The actor that plays Vito says in an interview on set that, “my character Vito is driving to somewhere and gets lost in Chicopee.”  So Heather and I were looking forward to that, but it never made it into an episode…or so we thought!  What I’ve always figured was that the level of secrecy surrounding the show had something to do with his interview never matching up with reality, thinking about why they’d bother to drive to Chicopee at all if they weren’t going to use what they filmed there?  I think that what they shot there was a scene in which he meets up with a guy who borrows money from him in a Stop and Shop right before he gets killed.  An extra laugh thrown in to lighten the mood after the Soprano crew finds out…Patsy says, “wish I’d borrowed money from him”, and the guy cooking at the stove with his back to the table they’re all sitting at is the one who did borrow money, and he has a smirk on his face. 

So what, right?  Well that was until I looked up the directions on Google for this address in Chicopee I’m going to tomorrow.  Fans of the show will get the inside (filthy) joke behind the interview in two seconds once you see this…and in fact, I think the Stop and Shop idea (supermarket chain headquartered in Quincy, MA) was inserted, with a filming in Chicopee, so someone like me could figure out someday about the character in question, and how David Chase came up with the name…either that or they actually did have him lost and seeing that sign, then decided it was too corny to keep once the show was finally edited…who knows?  I’m sticking with the first scenario because I feel smarter that way!


Which would mean that the crew was wrong about Vito’s position on the infield too…

Links to original story: Springfield, messageBoardSpeculation, moreGuesses

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One Response to Sopranos Mystery Solved! Vito in Chicopee, MA

  1. Dusty says:

    OMFG..johnny cake road..I get it 🙂

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