Howard Dean: Party Crasher

Unfortunately, the only party he’s crashing is his own. This is the Dean conservatives know and love, the guy who’ll get up on stage and call the GOP, “pretty much a white, Christian party.” I’m pretty sure that was news to GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman who is Jewish or great people such as Powell, Rice, Owens and a major portion of the Hispanic and Cuban community.

I remember watching with glee when Dean was chosen for the DNC chairmanship. I was drawn to it like a rubberneck passing a car accident on the highway. Could the GOP really be handed such a generous gift from their mortal foes, the Democrats? Being allowed behind the wheel of the DNC organization rewards one of the most spectacular failures of our times, Howard Dean. I wouldn’t let him behind a wheel of cheese.

Now get this, anyone who dares mention the Charles Manson-esqe look in Dean’s eyes is labeled a racist or trying to divert the attention to Dean and away from important issues such as Social Security and National Defense. Does Dean even know that National Defense means keeping our enemies out, not inviting them to swank Hollywood parties and Democratic fundraisers?

So, Dean, the wealthy white boy from a state with very few minorities and in scant numbers in his own Governor’s staff also had this to say about Republicans, “they never made an honest living in their lives.” That’s right, Mr. Welfare State is criticizing business owners or doctors, calling them dishonest.

Dean is a Republican’s best friend, he makes us look great. He treats minorities like commodities, showing up at their churches come election time, then wiping his feet on the lawn in disgust as he leaves to jump into his limo. I wonder how much sanitizer he had to spray on himself after shaking hands with his ‘constituents’.

So, march on Howard Dean, your lunatic ramblings and disrespect for anything religious or ethnic reminds people that we only see a Democrat when his hand is outstretched looking for donations. Once they get what they want, it’s ‘see ya in four years’. Howard Dean, you are a disgusting human being and I love that you’re a liberal.

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14 Responses to Howard Dean: Party Crasher

  1. Chris Austin says:

    Proof will be in the results come 2006. I don’t like the language he uses to express himself, but it is just words. Nobody’s dying when Dean makes a mistake. Just like nobody’s dying when Pat Robertson or Tom Delay say some of the ridiculous things they say.

    Whether or not it affects the bottom line is probably more about whether or not he keeps saying things like this in the future. A negative ad about Dean only works if he runs for office again.

  2. Right Thinker says:

    I disagree. Dean speaks for the democratic party and is, essentailly, its poster boy. People are going to look at Dean and think, so this is what the DNC is all about, this is their message. No actual plan, but lots of goofy comments and mud slinging. I’m already dreadind 2006 because this is a window into the future.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Right Thinker says:
    I disagree. Dean speaks for the democratic party and is, essentailly, its poster boy. People are going to look at Dean and think, so this is what the DNC is all about, this is their message. No actual plan, but lots of goofy comments and mud slinging. I’m already dreadind 2006 because this is a window into the future.

    Right – Republicans are just as guilty of saying things like this. Watching the NRA yearly meeting this year on CSPAN, or hearing the sermon of a right-wing evangelical, I hear statements just as bad and sometimes worse than what Dean said.

    The thing I’m considering when I look at this is that it’s his first year on the job, and people make mistakes. Last week at a Social Security “town-hall” rally, Bush said the following: “If you’ve retired, you don’t have anything to worry about — third time I’ve said that. (Laughter.) I’ll probably say it three more times. See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. (Applause.)”


  4. karl says:

    Dude, when I said you needed a troll I did not mean to give him the keys to the blog.
    I am starting to see Deans effectiveness, he is good at getting the Republictims on the defensive. The same thing happened in the primaries, he was the first person to critisize the president and the war. He is willing to speak his mind, and sometimes says some things that people disagree with. I know he offends the PC police of the GOP but he says things that need to be said. I see why Repubs are spending so much time attacking him, he sees them clearly.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Cmon karl, Right’s not a troll. I think the best way to bring people in is to have pieces that represent the right-wing perspective as well. Also – there are a number of issues that I’ll probably never get to writing about or linking an article to. Having multiple contributors offers more issues for disection.

    I agree that Dean says some things that need to be said. The thing he needs to remember though is that when he offers a more favorable sound byte for Republicans to use, he’s not doing himself any favors.

  6. karl says:

    BTW, I was kidding about the troll thing.
    If Repubs are more than just the party for evangelical christians where is the outrage regarding the anti-semetism at the the air force academy?
    I know Mehlman is jewish so that makes it OK. Does he also help to justify Homophobia.

  7. Chris Austin says:

    Oh, I know…we have bold print and italic print…there should be a specific ‘sarcasm’ font.

    Patent pending – Patent pending – Patent pending

    The article is in the background right now. Nothing to do with Right, some business reasons I can’t explain right now. Stay tuned!

  8. karl says:

    I think you were posting at the same time I was, you are right it is good to have other perspectives, plus you are actually getting an honest days work out of a conservative, which we all know what Howard says about that.
    Dean could be a mixxed blessing, he inflames the base on both sides, the republicans are good at inflaming their base without offending mainstream America, Dean may or may not be able to do that. Personally I think that repubs are a little bothered by his honesty so they are trying to undermin him.

  9. Chris Austin says:

    HA! Had you seen the new opinion article I linked to by Ted Koppell? I read that yesterday and thought it was great. The loss of personal information by private companies is scary stuff!

    Yea – – – I don’t want the site to be all one sided like every other blog on the net.

  10. Right Thinker says:

    Right – Republicans are just as guilty of saying things like this. Watching the NRA yearly meeting this year on CSPAN, or hearing the sermon of a right-wing evangelical, I hear statements just as bad and sometimes worse than what Dean said.

    But these guys don’t speak for an entire political party. The small fish put their own opinions forth but Dean is the defacto leader of the Democrats.

    Dude, when I said you needed a troll I did not mean to give him the keys to the blog.

    I’ve looked into what trolling is and I’ve come to the conclusion that I suck at it. I haven’t even made reference to your mother yet, pretty sad trolling if you ask me.

    I am starting to see Deans effectiveness, he is good at getting the Republictims on the defensive.

    If you see the crashing of the DNC as a good thing, like the rest of us, then I’d agree that Dean is effective, very effective. And that defensiveness you see from Republicans is what we call ridicule. It’s what you do to egotistical, loudmouth morons like Dean.

    Does he also help to justify Homophobia.

    Whoa, when the hell did that happen?

    Personally I think that repubs are a little bothered by his honesty so they are trying to undermin him.

    The word Dean and the word Honesty should never be used within a paragraph unless the word opposite is also used. Example, Everything Dean says is the opposite of honesty.

  11. karl says:

    I have been giving Dean some more thought, and I think in some ways you are right. He is acting a little like Rush Limbaugh or some of the other people who run the republican party in aa informal way;a And you are right he has a formal role so maybe he should tone it down. 2006 will show whether or not he has done a good job.
    One thing I find interesting is all the free advice repubs are willing to give regarding democratic politics, I am pretty sure you do not have the parties best interest at heart. In fact I am pretty sure like most repubs when you say something, first you are thinking how it will effect you financially, then how it will effect your party, then how it will effect religion, then finally how it will effect the country.

  12. In fact I am pretty sure like most repubs when you say something, first you are thinking how it will effect you financially, then how it will effect your party, then how it will effect religion, then finally how it will effect the country.

    HAHA, yeah, I would agree that when a conservative walks around with a H. Dean sign or pin its because they love to see the DNC tear itself apart.

    Remember, when I’m doing good financially then the country is doing good financially, liberals saw to that. As for party, a sign of success means success for the country since these are the people of my country. Religion is only a section of the party, like Canadians and Hockey, they don’t all love it.

    You can’t help the country as a whole while it’s individual components suffer so if I go broke, my employees get laid off and no money goes to charity and there is one fewer workers at the RNC. No one wants that!!!

  13. Chris Austin says:

    RT: You can’t help the country as a whole while it’s individual components suffer so if I go broke, my employees get laid off and no money goes to charity and there is one fewer workers at the RNC. No one wants that!!!

    I’m really concerned about what you mentioned here Right. A question, how much have health care payments risen for you and your employees in the past few years?

    In terms of looking out for small businesses, the one major element of our government’s intervention that appears to be getting out of control with zero attention paid to it is health care costs. Would you agree?

  14. I concur healthcare has gotten out of control. But that is something that I can’t control and if I go out of business then my former employees are out of not only a job but their healthcare as well.

    One of the problems with healthcare is the “runaway research” in that when we have a cure for a deadly disease we are obligated to provide that cure to patients who are about to die. Drug companies will spend hundreds of billions for these cures expecting that people will pay to live and the cost is recouping the research costs.

    It’s not like you could just cap drug costs because the drug companies would then stop making drugs. Somehow the research costs need to come down and alternative medicines need to be developed.

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