No Idea

Of why the font changes three times in the previous post, or why it distorts the rest of the page.  Being that I’m 11 months away from a software engineering degree, it shouldn’t be out of my grasp to figure out what’s wrong, though, without being paid for something, my mind requires incentives far greater than going to bed knowing I’ve mastered the nuance of this blog of mine…I fall asleep with thoughts of problems in coding something due sometime soon for school, and that’s alright – besides the urge to hop out of bed and sit at the computer now and then – or maybe I’m thinking about the boys doing something that makes me smile, or the Patriots, Celtics…many things I can drift off to sleep with, but the font particulars of, it doesn’t get into that rotation right now.  Maybe after I see that Branch has resigned, that it’s week 14 and Seymour-Wilfork-Warren-Bruschi-Vrabel-Colvin are all healthy, maybe then I’ll be able to rely on HTML code.  Until then, I’m taking insomnia seriously…and my ultimate motive behind posting this is that by doing so, the font problems go away somehow. 

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3 Responses to No Idea

  1. S. R. says:

    When I first got my WordPress blog and transfered all of my 100= posts over from SimpleBlog, this same type of thing happened. I believe my webmaster had to reload it (WP). I’ll ask him about it and maybe he can post a solution over here.

    As it is, to avoid this type of stuff from happening, I type posts in Word, copy/paste to Wordpad, and then copy/paste to the blog itself. Time consuming, but it maintains a font standard.

  2. nick says:

    Just had some whacky formatting in that post, try clicking the \’html\’ tab when editing your post and you can see what tags wordpress is sending to the browser. You must have copied and pasted something in there because it brought some html tags that you could not see with it.

    I just copied the plain text into notepad, and recopied it back into wordpress, that basically stripped all of the whacky text formatting since notepad does not support any of it.

  3. S. R. says:

    Nick’s right. I meant notepad in my previous post.

    : P

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