The 3 Smaaatist States

On the ACT College Entrance Exam, it’s like this:

1. Minnesota  2. WISCONSIN (Nick)  3. Iowa

Big Ten country, out of where the Pats 1st round pick Maroney (RB-MIN), Brady, HOBBS, Hochstein, Light, Eugene and VRABEL are from. 

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3 Responses to The 3 Smaaatist States

  1. dobbler says:

    Wow… Vrabel. Now there is an ex-Steeler pick, we should have held on to.

  2. Indeed – although, Pittsburgh does tend to harvest more than its share of young linebackers…kind of like a Denver fan being upset about not getting the RB they wanted in the draft.

    It’s interesting how a system can dictate what the outcome is going to be with a certain individual. Rothlisburger was the key, as he and Hines Ward can beat you faster than any other combination I can think of…excluding Manning-Harrison, as that’s not necessarily going to be there when the chips are down and the season is on the line, whereas Roth-Ward, Brady-Branch…that is guaranteed to be a factor regardless. Ward is definitely my favorite Steeler…were you convinced of a fix in the Indy game last year?

    100% sure of it – no doubt in my mind.

  3. dobbler says:

    If you mean fix, as in the Steelers win… Then no. If you mean fix as in, Colts advance to Denver than yes… Sorry, but many Colts fans have eluded to the fact that they were screwed. I say only a screw could refuse to identify the underhandedness of the referees by botching some of them calls, and allowing Indy to get as close as they did.

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