Suddenly EVERYTHING = Terrorism

Americans with a particular skin pigment purchased 150 prepaid cell phones for the purpose of reselling them.  The news report this morning was about terrorism and said that the phones could be used to detonate a bomb.  My first impression was that the phones would be sold on the street to a particular brand of criminal, one whose line of work conditions them to fear wiretaps.  Imagine a bookie somewhere gearing up for football season.  His people each get a phone that they then throw out before the next weeks games, making it logistically impossible for law enforcement to get a wire up, due to the response time of the company that makes the phones.  The company says they can turn a request around in 7 business days, and since gambling is about as low as the trafficking of guns or drugs on the FBI’s priority list, the bookie has a failproof system, and the cops’ only hope is to turn out informants and hope for the best.

A person that understands the street can make money in a number of different ways, a lot of them 100% legal.  These guys might need a vendor’s liscense to resell the phones, and they must pay tax on the transactions (you know this never happens).  At best, the feds have them on tax evasion ONLY IF they keep track of these guys, can prove the phones were sold without the profit declared on the individuals’ 1040.

The press is interested in spooking us daily from now until November.  An activity that’s way too similar to what the White House and Republicans plan on doing also from now until then.  The irony here is, that the REAL REASON for someone to purchase 150 disposable cell phones has everything to do with crime…only it’s the types of crime politicians don’t give a shit about.  Drugs, thugs, witness intimidation, loan sharking, forced prostitution, smuggling, black market sales of weapons – all crimes taking place on a larger scale today than they were ten years ago, but because they won’t scare people into voting a certain way, they don’t matter to anyone with the power to stop it.

Legislation that forces these cell phone manufacturers to turn around a request for a wiretap in 24 hours would go a long way towards reducing the viability of this criminal tactic, but I’m sure there are a batch of lobbyists who’ll make sure that never happens.  Which is sad when you think about what the feds actually DID uncover in Michigan – to dig a bit deeper and understand that aside from the detonation of a bomb, these products act as a stone wall to law enforcement, a problem that manages to hinder the safety of Americans, threaten Homeland Security.   

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7 Responses to Suddenly EVERYTHING = Terrorism

  1. realmichaud says:

    We need to make sure that these scare tactics by the government in using terror will come to an end.

    This novemeber I believe is the last chance we have to force thier hand.

    I am angry that Americans are being outright and in the open brainwashed by the Nazis that currently occupy our government.

    It must stop before it is to late!!

  2. S. R. says:

    Those that sell pancakes to suspected terrorists are furthering the cause of Islamic radicalism. So, be forewarned Stuckey’s, Pancake House, Bickford’s, and Carrows — we’re watching you!

  3. Right Thinker says:

    My first impression was that the phones would be sold on the street to a particular brand of criminal, one whose line of work conditions them to fear wiretaps. Imagine a bookie somewhere gearing up for football season. His people each get a phone that they then throw out before the next weeks games, making it logistically impossible for law enforcement to get a wire up, due to the response time of the company that makes the phones.

    My first impression is that criminals, bookies and football coaches can go into WalMart and buy their own phones. This is a huge leap to attribute 150 cell phone purchases to football sports betting.

    A person that understands the street can make money in a number of different ways, a lot of them 100% legal.

    You would have to be pretty lazy to say “I can go to WalMart and get this for 30 bucks or I can buy what is most likely junk merchandise from this guy right here for 50 bucks.

    How about we just go with the most logical choice, that these phones will end up over seas in the hands of terrorists and not a conspiracy to bet on highschool football.

    We need to make sure that these scare tactics by the government in using terror will come to an end.

    I am pretty sure I want to know when we are under threat of possible attack. If you want to lounge around waiting for your friends and family to get blown up, feel free. I’ll choose to take a more proactive stance.

    I am angry that Americans are being outright and in the open brainwashed by the Nazis that currently occupy our government.

    Well then Good News, there are no Nazis occupying the U.S. Governemnt so you can calm down now. I’m probably going to regret asking this but what proof do you have of Nazis occupying the government? Uniforms? Membership cards? Text books? Hatred of Jews?(no, that’s Democrats)

    Those that sell pancakes to suspected terrorists are furthering the cause of Islamic radicalism.

    The left says so many goofy things now a days I can’t tell if this is a serious comment or a joke. It’s like listening to Howard Dean.

    It must stop before it is to late!!

    Yes, stop all that protecting the public and fighting terror and such. I hate all this safety and waking up every morning and not seing a U.S. city on fire. Let’s elect Howard Dean president, disband the military and offer ourselves as slaves to the lowerst bidder. The world is due for another great liberal, like Joseph Stalin or Pol Pot.

  4. Right – I know what I’m talking about here. When Trac phones go on sale somewhere, it’s worth the drive, because in a convenience store or a mall they can run around $130+ for one with 150/200 minutes. You cannot take a Trac phone bought in Texas and use it overseas – the network is within the continental US.

    Paying attention to what police are dealing with in combating street crime will provide these details. You just focused on my bookie example, when in fact, drug dealers are the #1 users of them. Assuming the visitors of deadissue aren’t habitual crack smokers, I went with gambling instead.

    Right, these are AMERICANS!!! The right-wing will sacrifice the lives of these guys and many more to get the chance to pretend something big went down somewhere.

    All across America, every day, people purchase everything you can imagine in bulk in order to make a profit selling it on the street. A vendor’s lisense in Massachusetts will allow you on the (for example) 4th of July to load up on glowsticks, sparklers, lighters, cigarettes and candy – and sell them up and down the beach where the fireworks are going off. People make good money at times with the right products in the right areas.

    I assume you don’t live in a ghetto, but for those who do, a 30% break on disposable cell phones is an OPPORTUNITY! People in the neighborhood, don’t want to pay full price, “Hey, Habib and Geronimo are selling them for 10 bucks less than the corner store”

    What happened to JUSTICE in this place? Politicians need headlines, so EVERYBODY is guilty from the start.

    The FBI put out that news release CORRECTING the initial report because what they did in releasing it the first time and framing it as a terror related issue, was in fact a crime. It was SLANDER. And those AMERICANS had every right to lawyer up and get their name back from the fucks who stole them and smeared each with feces.

    We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this to happen to our fellow citizens. THIS is why I think the concept of us being a “country” is 100% bullshit. None of us matter. Just like these guys didn’t matter.

  5. Frodo says:


    Do you really live in that fantasy world? It is like some lefties who “Question the Timing” of the recently broken up Skybomber plot … even after reading about the evidence. Good grief you people have taken a vacation from reality.


    And I quote: “MI5 agents secretly infiltrated a bomb factory and found liquid explosives and detonators weeks before they foiled the plot to blow up America-bound passenger jets flying from British airports.

    The high-risk strategy which allowed the terror plot to almost reach fruition – potentially putting civilian lives at risk – is understood to have been discussed with the Prime Minister and by the Government’s crisis management Cobra committee.

    Hours of tape recordings, photographs and video are now likely to be used as evidence against the men if they are charged for their part in the alleged plot.

    Tiny eavesdropping devices picked up conversations involving various members of the suspected terrorist gang as they put the finishing touches to their plans to blow up a series of commercial flights over the Atlantic.

    During months of careful work, the specialists are understood to have managed to get inside the gang’s bomb-making factory – giving final confirmation that the plotters were indeed planning mass murder.

    Intelligence sources last night indicated that some of the bomb-making chemicals and equipment being used by the gang had been seen ‘in situ’ but could not be removed or replaced without raising suspicion.”

    End quote.

    Go ahead you far left wing nut jobs and kick all the moderate Democrats so you can run on your anti-war platform. Good luck with that tactic. All you and the KOS gang have done so far is defeat a standing Democrat, in a Democratic primary, by a very slim margin I might add. Oh and by the way the polls are turning stronger for Liberman in recent days and he is widening his gap. Not that this is any indication of the way things will go in the general election … just saying.

    Regarding the Dearborn mens cell phone club read this:

    “Assistant Washington County Prosecutor Susan Vessels said Abulhassan and Houssaiky knew the phones were being used for illegal activity. She said the men were found in possession of a list detailing the specific types of phones to buy, based on the kind of microchips they use.
    “Mr. Abulhassan made a statement to officers that he knew what they were doing was wrong and that he knew no one would ever use over 600 phones for legal purposes,” Vessels said. “(He also stated) he did not know for sure, but that he believed the phones and chips were being shipped overseas.”

    Al says” The press is interested in spooking us daily from now until November. An activity that’s way too similar to what the White House and Republicans plan on doing also from now until then.”

    Unbelievable you actually want to use the press is unfair to us argument?
    As Michelle says “I love the fair and balanced headline of the Marietta Times article, by the way. It’s: “Racial profiling?” Talk about burying the lede.”

    Who is being fair and unbalanced in this report Al?

    Good grief.

  6. captain_menace says:

    Is road rage terrorism? If so I’m going to start writing down plate numbers. There are some real jackasses on the road these days.

    I think crying wolf over terrorism will only go so far. At some point people will no longer be scared of the threat. Not necessarily a good thing, but that’s human nature. How else can you explain how people could live in Baghdad, or Beirut?

    Interesting times indeed.

  7. Right Thinker says:

    I assume you don’t live in a ghetto, but for those who do, a 30% break on disposable cell phones is an OPPORTUNITY! People in the neighborhood, don’t want to pay full price, “Hey, Habib and Geronimo are selling them for 10 bucks less than the corner store”

    That is what doesn’t make sense, these guys buy the cell phone and then add 50% and sell them. Is some guy going to pay more for a disposable cell phone because he is too lazy to walk three blocks? Hell no. Who buys a cell phone of $37 and sells it for $50 and makes a killing?

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