A moral obligation to liberate Iran

The Iranian population is crying out for the US military, to liberate them from this evil government now draging a once proud Persian society through the muck.  Clearly, once we drop bombs strategically throughout the country, our forces could then roll on in, most likely greeted as heros.  Many people don’t know this, but Iran is a country rich in oil reserves.  You might also be surprised to know that oil is being sold for about $75 dollars a barrel.  So once we oust the democratic government and liberate all of Iranian society, the revenues from oil sales can fund the rebuilding effort that will be needed.  Engineering projects are complicated and expensive, so America would certainly lend the resourses of it’s own economy to help out with this.  Looking to their left and right at Iraqis and Afghanis alike, basking in the warm glow of Allah’s love, with the almighty’s loyal servant the United States of America keeping everyone safe, Iran cries out “What about us?”  And this is the unfortunate plight of a savior.  People hear of your good work and before long the number of outstretched hands prove to be overwhelming. 

 Map of Truth

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8 Responses to A moral obligation to liberate Iran

  1. captain_menace says:

    Way way OT:

    I’m ashamed guys.

    I’m completely addicted to Rockstar Supernova. The reality show that will place “one talented singer” in the band Supernova. I’m even blogging about it with 14 year old girls (although they don’t have the knowledge of musical history that I possess 😉

    There is a guy on the show that just rocks. Lukas Rossi.

    You can watch the video clips and tell me I’m a freakin nut.

    WMV vids

    I especially can’t get enough of the “Let’s spend the night together” performance. Truly I’m addicted. I’ve got it tivo’d, and I’ve got the wmv on continual loop. I may need an intervention. HELP!!!!

    Please someone else watch the season with me so I’m not alone. My wife is beginning to think I’m a little funny (the strange funny, not haha funny).

  2. S. R. says:

    Sounds like a plan, this Iran biz.

    : )

    : P

  3. captain_menace says:

    I think your illustration says it all. Clearly young girls in Iraq and Afghanistan are happy, while those in Iran are clearly unhappy. It is our solemn duty to bring happiness to unhappy Iranian girls.

    I smell an “Iranian Girls Gone Bad” video on the horizon.

  4. adam says:

    william kristol, you go girl!

  5. Has there ever been a more unqualified person to lead a charge like this than Kristol? His project for the new American Century turned out like a plop of elephant shit…so hey, why not have him on our show, pick his brain…see what other kinds of ridiculous nonsense he’s got sputtering up there.

  6. captain_menace says:

    Watch the movie “Why we fight”.

    Our foreign policy is developed by a bunch of wonks (consultants) who have absolutely no accountability whatsoever. The military, and defense dept. employees end up holding the bag when things go south. It’s almost too perfect, the wonks make millions. When things fail, they just sell a new plan.

    It is truly pathetic to listen to Kristol on the talk shows. No one ever brings him to task for developing the plan that has failed miserably. Ughhh!

    I’m very curious to know exactly how much U.S. government contract money Kristol has collected for his “consultative” services. This disclaimer should be posted on the ticker of every news agency that presents him as a guest.

  7. This is one I’ve been meaning to see, but haven’t yet – luckily, the internet is going to bring it to me in about 6 hours – anyone else eager to see ‘Why We Fight’ – here’s the link:


    menace – hopefully I’ll be watching this tomorrow

  8. As far as Kristol goes – it’s amazing to me how show business makes legends out of numbskulls. The booking agent wants someone who will sound the siren, argue for war with Iran…doesn’t matter WHO, just that they’re recognizable and fluent in english.

    Stephen Colbert is the ONLY media person I’ve seen take Kristol to task over what he’s been wrong on…and that’s really sad since he’s got a show on Comedy Central.

    Vietnam created a generation of voters who were taught to distrust the media, yet these same voters happen to trust brand names just as strongly as they distrist the media…the brand name can outshine the value of what it represents.

    At this point, any type of plan that relied on the “expertise” of middle-aged white men who are pontificating…our foreign policy has had enough of that type of influence.

    Joe Wilson was such a problem because he was someone 100% qualified (compared with every other person in this country) to determine whether Nigeria was peddling uranium…that’s ‘true expertise’, and it offends those who have no basis for their own opinions. Professionalism is a threat to the people running our country right now.

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