Salivating over World War III

Boy do some of them want it! Bill Kristol is apparantly the cheerleader, again.  Pick apart these arguments all you can, but first understand the upside of engaging Syria and Iran.  If Israel launches the offensive, they can be fighting a war on four fronts instead of two.  “Politically and militarily this would simplify things quite a bit”, Kristol reports having been told by his “extremely intelligent sources”.  Air support from the US would simply be the icing on the cake.  Combined, we could bring down thunderous peace in the Middle East and save the world from this terrorist element. 

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3 Responses to Salivating over World War III

  1. S. R. says:

    Terror! Liberty! Freedom!

  2. A shepard’s pie

  3. captain_menace says:

    Wasn’t Kristol a major proponent of our current shithole situation in Iraq? That guys got the shit touch. Of course in 10 years after nuclear war has devastated the Middle East he’ll shrug his shoulders and say… “the plan was good, but it was executed poorly.”

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