I Just Shot a Man

I think he was from the gas company.  Got him in the basement right now, his pulse is still pulsing, but not for long.  Keeps yelling about how he’s got kids…I correct him, said he should have paid better attention in Latin class, because he’s got his past, present and future tenses all mixed up. 

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2 Responses to I Just Shot a Man

  1. S. R. says:

    Hell, he should consider himself lucky to be down there it’s so damn hot outside. Kissing concrete in the basement sure beats m,osquito bites on a humid Massachusetts day.

  2. Right Thinker says:

    I’m surprised Saddam Huessein didn’t take your guns when he defeated us in Iraq. His Terrorism Minister, Musab al-Zaqawri, should be by soon to pick them up…oh, wait. Nevermind.

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