House Debate – Iraq –

“I can’t help but feel through eyes of a combat-wounded Marine in Vietnam, if someone was shot, you tried to save his life. . . . While you were in combat, you had a sense of urgency to end the slaughter, and around here we don’t have that sense of urgency,”

said Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest (Md.), a usually soft-spoken Republican who has urged his leaders to challenge the White House on Iraq.

“To me, the administration does not act like there’s a war going on. The Congress certainly doesn’t act like there’s a war going on. If you’re raising money to keep the majority, if you’re thinking about gay marriage, if you’re doing all this other peripheral stuff, what does that say to the guy who’s about ready to drive over a land mine?”

How about that!  Reminds me of that song…”sanity never came my way, sanity never came my way, don’t know what I’ll do today…” are some of the hacks feeling frisky?  I suppose they are, but the thought never escapes my mind, the scary notion that to millions, such a statement exists on a level below ‘children’s cartoon’.  I can hear it now – “What the hell is he talking about?” – perhaps the pot gets stirred and everyone is in agreement that the man must be executed for treason.

Roll your eyes if you want to – I’ve actually seen it.  All kinds of inputs saying the same thing over and over, calling around town for a 14 dollar 30-pack of beer, no preference, just as long as it says ‘beer’ somewhere on the can.  A ferocious devotion to indifference, not blurred a smidgen by anything other than the 5’1″ Japanesse stripper sent over after another order was made for a 5’9″ Blonde…it just happens, again and again to these guys.   

In the grand scheme such things are trivial, a speck of nothing, indeed…now, if  you want to talk about something about to crush the economy, suck up our resources, cause an outbreak of ‘fire rain’ in Arizona, the only things that really matter in terms of this legislative year are to shame queers and queer sympathizers, once and for all put the flag burning issue to rest, get to the bottom of the steroid issue, finally determining who will be responsible for calling who on the emergency alert tree (should opposite parties be forced to assist the enemy?)

It’s sad, but widely known that 25% of US congress members can’t opperate their own phone in an emergency.  A very old DC joke goes something like, ‘who’d you rather have to rely on in a life or death situation?  A politician or a queer nigra woman with only one leg and 4 fingers?’  Studies have been performed on peoples’ response to that question over decades, and oddly enough, the number one response over all these years by a wide margin has been, ‘are the four fingers on one hand, or two each?’ 

Clearly, none of these people were lobbyists…but that doesn’t make them irrelevant.  Sure, they can get the sized and shaped stripper promised, nice spread of food, poker, hepatitis – and for those Sopranos fiends – David Lee Roth and Lawrence Taylor will sit in for a couple hundred hands, tell stories about how many hundreds of thousands of women they slept with in their prime, you’ll be reminded of the fact that they’re both millionaires and you’re not.  Good, wholesome fun.  Just like this ‘skirmish’ in Iraq…

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6 Responses to House Debate – Iraq –

  1. Right Thinker says:

    “To me, the administration does not act like there’s a war going on. The Congress certainly doesn’t act like there’s a war going on. If you’re raising money to keep the majority, if you’re thinking about gay marriage, if you’re doing all this other peripheral stuff, what does that say to the guy who’s about ready to drive over a land mine?”

    This is one of the funniest kinds of stupid ideas, I would think very hard about giving this guy my vote again. Only a bufoon would state that the government should completely shut down until the war is over.

    No legislative business, no new bills or ammendments, no building new roads and no debate or discussion of anything but the war. 24/7, drink martinis and eat lobster lunches just as long as you don’t do any part of your job not associated with debating the war.

    Like Bugs Buuny says, “What a Maroon!!!”

  2. Straight to a false choice – If the man complains about WASTING TIME on a gay marriage ammendment that was dead on arrival, then that must also mean he’s against doing anything else.

    Straw man city – Bush-style

  3. S. R. says:

    I took it as meaning that Iraq should be a primary focus, not the only one. We are at war, aren’t we?

  4. Right Thinker says:

    Straight to a false choice – If the man complains about WASTING TIME on a gay marriage ammendment that was dead on arrival, then that must also mean he’s against doing anything else.

    He is saying we should have had more war debate instead of addressing other issues. He clearly is against any business that doesn’t involve war. No matter what the topic was, his response would be the same. Chater schools, SS reform, Medicare reform, anything not from the extreme liberal agenda.

    It’s a nothing statement designed to hide the fact that the Democrats have nothing to offer themselves to the country. Why didn’t he say we should have been working on Private Accounts instead of Gay Marriage or we should be addressing abuses by Teachers Unions or Activist Judges instead of Gay Marriage?

  5. Al Swearengen says:

    That’s not supported in his voting record or what he said on the house floor. You’re putting ideas and words into his mouth Right.

    Truth is – – – when you ask the American people what they’re worried about, gays getting married doesn’t rank very high at all…in fact, it’s in the 30s.

    So it’s not like talking about ANYTHING but the war would have provoked an equal reaction from this REPUBLICAN.

    It was a Republican who said this afterall. DURING A DEBATE ON THE IRAQ WAR.

    What you said in your last comment was that he ONLY wanted to talk about the war…as they were talking about the war, his problem is that he wants to talk about the war…

    I think his statements were quite within the rhelm of political reality in our current time and place. He’s not irrational or crazy.

    Not everyone who disagrees with the talking points is crazy or irrational. Now…if the talking points are weak, in order to make them work, of course you’ve got to accuse the opposition of being crazy. That’s a litmus test…throughout history, whenever a political leader accused his or her opposition of being insane, you could bet that they were doing so out of a position that was soft on facts and hard on…well, all the things that ruin people once they get power…greed, lust and the like.

    Right – this congress is pissing valuable time down into the toilet right now in a fit of political futility.

    If a poll said 30 people in the country were afraid of witches, the GOP congress would start up the bonfires tomorrow.

  6. captain_menace says:

    If I was single again I’d be rejoicing every time I found out a man was gay. Less competition for breeding mates 😉

    I’ve never understood the usual male repulsion to homosexuality (at least in the more ‘tolerant’ nations). A guy wants to stick his wanker some where that I consider strange, no biggie, as long as it isn’t in me ole pooper.

    As for Iraq. I think we need to leave. And when we do leave there is going to be some god-awful ugly bloodshed (much worse that now). I don’t see a way around that, whether we prolong our stay or not. Let the Muslims handle their own radicals at this point. Then American can focus on domestic radicals like RT 😉

    Radical dude!

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