Gay Marriage Week…Enter the Raffle, Win a Prize

War?  What are you talking about?  Budget?  Who told you the military’s operational budget hasn’t been approved yet for the current year?  Do you honestly think the Senate would put that aside with a war in full gear?  Wait, there is no war…so why is this ‘military’ in need of money so bad anyway?  Relax, it’s the right thing and you know it.  Just sit back, close your eyes and listen to that sweet sound of efficiency as it literally pours out of Washington DC this week like a symphony (from outer space). 

Yes, it is that time of the election cycle again, where years ago what used to be a political diatribe on how it’ll be a cold day in hell before “nigras will ever share THIS white man’s toilet, or any of the toilets I represent back home for that matter”, now we’ve got a wedge issue involving part of our society wanting to make life more difficult for a certain group of fellow citizens, and wouldn’t you know the strategy here has the South written all over it. 

And so, the politics of keeping a portion of our fellow taxpaying Americans down is certainly “alive and well”.  How “well” will be determined by the state of widespread gullability and hatred in those parts of the country where professional wrestling pegs its highest ratings.  All those greased up bodies of muscle graplin’ in their underwear, so sweaty, putting their hands all over each other, grunting, some wearing masks, others with makeup on…

Yes, it will be people who get their rocks off on these images that the GOP hopes will ‘come out’ to vote on the gay marriage issue.  Logical I suppose, but only in the sense that these people are electing leaders who’ll promise to protect the voter from him or herself for as long as they can hold out.  Millions longing for an authoritative voice who will tell them that the changes they fear, God also fears.  That the devil does indeed live among us, just as you suspected.

If it’s well known, I’ve never been aware of it, but the South seems to envision a candidate up at the front of the church, preaching, and the one that looks most like they fit in that setting, they vote for.  How Southern Catholics manage to end up taking the priest’s word about ‘gay anything’ is probably a job for the CIA to study on, recreate the phenomenon within societies of mice in laboratories, move on up to chimps and elephants eventually, then somehow manage to convert it into pill form.  Test the first round on this ‘military’ I keep hearing so much about. 

Because the book of Exodus didn’t seem to have an effect on this particular swath of church-goin’ folk when the chains were taken off of African-Americans.  Much of the century we just left in the dust had to do with weening these people off of that bad habit.  Dr. King got shot over it, the entire country was shamed by what went on during those times.  Now we’ve got a segment of our society that was here back then, that was being treated like less than the human beings that they were during the 80s, when AIDS took hold and the government treated it like they treat global warming now. 

Do we still owe on that debt?  Do anti-gay people even recognize that there’s a debt at all?  What do they think about affirmative action and professional wrestling?

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28 Responses to Gay Marriage Week…Enter the Raffle, Win a Prize

  1. S. R. says:

    When I got up this morning, meandered over to the computer, and saw that this was the top story at, I almost laughed my ass off. How contrived can you be? And what great timing! Five months before the election, five months to rev all of the tightasses up that Jimmy the Boa Wearer is going to come and turn your kids into little sissies. I wonder if this is going to occur every even-numbered year; just in time to work those bible thumpers into a tizzy. HA!

  2. captain_menace says:

    Since marriage is a sacred institute, then the logical next step must be the outlawing of divorce?

    Stay tuned for the “War on Divorce”!

  3. Indeed – – – the scuzzlebut on that of course is that the people who push against gay marriage (bible belt), also happen to be the people who get divorced most often in this country.

    That’s HOW RICH all this crap really is.

    I’m starting a campaign against butter knives next month – and if it all works out, NOBODY will be able to use one in this country! The ‘Land o Lakes’ lobby thinks I’m scared of some rat poison – joke’s on them, I brush my teeth with the shit – PLUS, the two lookalikes I’ve got on the payroll haven’t been shot at in days.

  4. adam says:

    You should use a I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOT BUTTER KNIFE!!!

  5. I’ve already got Fabio leaving dirty messages on my phone – this would push him over the top, the poor bastard would probably start up with the inahalants again. Hard enough to understand that guy with a chemical haze getting in the way. Not to mention the fact that when he’s really spun on that garbage, his bowels turn into a social menace…

  6. S. R. says:

    I can hear his percolating bowels all the way over here. Then again, he is just sitting a few feet away drinking beer at 0900. Fabio is a freeloading mooch.

  7. You’re right about that…a couple years ago I got a call from him, “Hey, come on down and hang out by the pool for the next few months.” Fucker didn’t even clean the filters out, just maxed and relaxed, ate lots of shrimp.

  8. S. R. says:

    At least he didn’t want to hang out by YOUR pool, or did he? Now that would take the cake.

  9. Yea – at this point, there’s really no ‘cool point’ value for having Fabio over at your cookout…probably a good thing.

  10. karl says:

    The gay marriage thing just died in the senate, so what is next for the repubs? They really cannot do anything other than flag burning that is not going to offend their base. If they do anything about immigration short of rounding up and executing illegals their base will have a cow, other than tax cuts is their any real legislation the republican led house and senate can bring forward that will not offend their base.

  11. karl says:

    I forgot the estate tax boondoggle, repubs without a doubt will work on that.

  12. I just watched it here, debate was allowed until 3PM, Senator Lautenberg (NJ) did a good job pointing out how obviously foul this whole thing is. In fact, they had a chart with Paris Hilton up front – I guess the estate tax would only benefit people whose estate is over $2 million. Even now, if you die with $1.5 million in assets, nothing would be taken out.

    Maybe I’m wrong – but who here has $2 million to hand over if they die tomorrow. Shit…all I’ve got is the house, and it’d take 7 more just like it plus 25 years of mortgage payments to each for me to get there.

    Shit…the stock portfolio turning into a house is a great thing, but damn I miss the daily work that went into that…

    $2 million dollars worth of assets, even split 10 ways, is a hell of a shot in the arm. Plenty of money after taxes to get someone a place to live and college to go to, plenty of opportunity to ‘rise up’…

    Of course, the people our Congress is pushing this for aren’t concerned about a place to live or money for college!

  13. captain_menace says:

    I have a hard time believing that folks with more than $2 million can’t find a way to shelter the money after they die.

    What do you guys think of a national sales tax to replace the income tax?

  14. karl says:

    A national sales tax might discourage consumption, a couple of years ago a national sales tax was a pretty big topic but it seems to have gone the way of SS reform.

  15. If you combine a national sales tax with more tax cuts for the rich, THEN (and this is crucial) start bombing Iran – the market will get a lift from the makers of those bombs, the income tax combined with a national sales tax would piss people off, but the important thing is people like Paris Hilton have enough money to act up, you know, so the E! Channel has enough material to remain relevant.

    You squeeze the little guy as much as you possibly can, make use of the natural resource that is ‘brown people’…you kill 50,000 brown people with 10 billion dollars worth of munitions, buy more using money borrowed from China – make sure everyone’s getting in on the action by purchasing ETFs specifically aimed at bumping up the stock prices of defense contractors.

    Everyone lump their retirement into these funds, and as long as there are brown people still left to exterminate, there will be value in these stocks…after a full career, a full blown attack on brown people that lasts just as long…the people of America can prosper.

    This is a plan I hope every white man in America can get behind. If the numbers don’t add up, we import brown people to help build the bombs…

  16. karl says:

    The estate tax repeal failed and Zarqawi is killed, in the last 6 years this is one of the few good days that the US has had. Of course their is that little Stock market hiccup. Of course as someone who is preparing to open my first 401k I am sort of hoping that the market stays low for the next 30 years, not to mention that as interest rates rise thanks to the pro-deficit policies of the repubs real estate prices will fall creating a good opportunity to buy foreclosures. It is goog to be future robber baron.

  17. captain_menace says:

    real estate prices will fall creating a good opportunity to buy foreclosures

    Don’t overextend yourself though. Plenty of foreclosures result from exactly this kind of speculation.

    A national sales tax might discourage consumption

    But the beauty is in it’s simplicity. I think there should be a re-balancing of consumption. Our addiction to oil is rooted in our consumption-driven economy. Just dreaming I guess. I’m already not looking forward to next April. Agghhh!

    What do you have against brown people Chris?

    Anyone hear the piece on NPR about federal employee pensions? These pensions are unfunded to the tune of… get this… $4 trillion. Unbelievable.

  18. Right Thinker says:

    Killing the Death Tax would be great!!! We can only hope.

  19. We? Right, have you got a fortune tucked away that you haven’t told us about? If so…I’ve got an idea or two in need of some capital!

    Plus, Abramoff has agreed to represent my business ventures through correspondence for as long as he’s in jail, then when he gets out, it’s his #1 priority…

    Not sure if everybody here knows who that guy is, but when it comes to getting politicians on board behind a business venture, you can’t get anyone better! He’s like Jonny Cochran is to trial lawyerin’ – only he’s ALIVE!

    I’m not going to leave the actual ideas here, as the last time I did that, the spatula that turns into a whisk showed up on late night cable two months later…my ‘boy in the bubble’ piece was ripped off by Richard Reves…

    The thieves that lurk on this site are plentiful – – – Limbaugh tells me to calm down, says that imitation is the #1 form of flattery. I ask him if this changes how he feels about Michael Savage…the answer is no.

    Which only goes to show that wisdom is usefull even if it’s not applied to one’s own life.

  20. captain_menace says:

    Killing the Death Tax would be great!!! We can only hope.

    I’d have no problem with that… as soon as they balanced the budget. Not before.

  21. captain_menace says:

    Hey Chris, I’ve been meaning to point you towards Knoppix. A bootable linux OS that runs off of a cd/dvd. No software installation required.

  22. Thanks! I’ll check it out. An assignment due today for my Networking Concepts class goes like this: “…she has stopped by with some questions about how two different operating systems like Windows 2000 Server and Linux can communicate with each other and even share information and resources…”

    It’s more involved than that, but understanding this stuff is key.

    So with this OS, you have to keep it in your cd/dvd rom drive at all times? I’m just thinking…so having duel drives would be key I suppose.

    If I can acquire a deep understanding of Linux, it will come in handy when there’s a server upgrade and the company is yammering nonstop about saving money. It’d be nice to be ‘that guy’…like in the FedEx commercials.

  23. Balance the budget? Is that part of the job description? You mean, these leaders actually have to make sure they don’t spend more than they take in?

    If this is true…this ‘budget’ you speak of, then the GOP must have been out the day they taught that!

  24. captain_menace says:

    then the GOP must have been out the day they taught that!

    Roger that good buddy!

    Right thinker is an excellent example of the modern conservative. Wants something for nothing. Cut taxes but don’t touch spending (of course he’ll cry out to the world that he wants spending cuts… but not really, shhh don’t tell anyone).

    Based on conservative logic we shouldn’t have a budget deficit because all the wealth created by tax cuts would increase federal tax receipts. Huh? Let me show you my voodoo!!!!!! Love my voodoo!!!!!

  25. captain_menace says:

    With knoppix you just stick it in your cd/dvd drive and it should autorun. I haven’t run it myself, but a lot of folk say it’s great for first timers because it doesn’t require an install (which can be painful on occasion). The great thing about knoppix (at least this is my impression) is that you can issue any crazy command at the prompt without fear of destroying the file system.

    A 10 second answer to the question would be that both OS’s use common/standardized protocols (TCP/IP – transport layer: layer 4 in OSI model) to communicate. Examples of standardized protocols would be http, ftp, telnet, smtp, etc.

    Linux is the ultimate network operating system really.

  26. captain_menace says:

    Also with ISOs of Linux distributions you actually need disk burning software that has the ability to unpack an ISO on to the disk. It’s not as simple as just burning the ISO file to disk. Wasn’t sure if you knew that or not. That was the first thing I learned.

  27. Heh – this doesn’t happen often when I’m discussing technical stuff, but this I did know (starting to grow on me). The headaches one encounters when first trying to burn ISO files, bundled programs, different types of video files…it sucks, but I’ve definitely learned a lot having done it.

  28. I’m starting to realize that about Linux through what people in the field have to say about it in class, on the message boards. Half of our assignments are posted to the message boards, and we have to read each others’ and leave comments. From a group assignment I just finished, the consensus was to go with UNIX servers and LINUX NOS – a rebuild of a network that went down in a fictional company.

    TCP/IP is the first thing anyone should assure their hardware and software are using – I think you’re right, that as long as that’s the case, the OSI model is fine, everything in the right order.

    Sounds like you’d like this program captain – it’s a pain in the balls work-wise, but in 2 years I should be able to find a job as a software engineer – just have to take a ridiculous amount of CLEP tests, oh, and PASS them…first two were cool (Business Management Fundamentals, US Governmnet), but failed the American Lit one by 5 points…80 bucks down the drain. Also, I have to reschedule something that can account for those credits, I wouldn’t have a chance in hell of passing the English Lit if I couldn’t even pass the American one…

    blah blah balh

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