Happy Easter

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Blog’s on hiatus until Monday…new posts at least.

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2 Responses to Happy Easter

  1. Right Thinker says:

    You goota love that Scalia. Won’t be bullied by special interests about trivial shit.

  2. Right, you believe that Scalia is right to not recuse himself based solely on his own perception?

    What if 5 of his fellow justices asked him to skip a case?

    I think it’s a sign of trouble when someone in an organization believes they’re infallable, and acts ‘as if’.

    Scalia doesn’t seem to care about whether or not his day to day public statements and actions “appear” self serving and/or insulting to any American who comes into contact with it. For an elected leader, this might be what the people voted him or her in for. A judge at this level shouldn’t be acting ‘as if’ they had been elected by the people they are paid to serve. A judge should be making headlines in the courtroom, not out.

    Justice O’Connor gave a speech that was politically charged…AFTER she left the bench, and it wasn’t advertised or recorded!

    She’s no longer a SCJ, so it wouldn’t technically be that unethical…that said, she still used discretion and didn’t end up on the babble circuit hawking a new book!

    Scalia and Ginsberg need to both remember who they are, act accordingly.

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