Being Bill Cosby – 4/6/2006

I’m never in doubt when it comes to this man’s sincerity, and he’s not a politician…he is an icon of about a decade’s worth of family TV habits, both white and black homes.  If watched by a sixteen year old dropout, drug lookout (sometimes delivery man) living in Fort Worth, is it even within this person’s understanding of reality, can it even ‘seem real’?  Perhaps it seems just as real as The Fresh Prince of Bel Air? 

What does that say? 

Cosby told the crowd, “It’s painful, but we can’t cleanse ourselves unless we look at the wound.  Ladies and gentlemen, you had the highest murder rate, unto each other.  You were dealing drugs to each other.  You were impregnating our 13-, 12-, 11-year-old children.  What kind of a village is that?”

At the rally in N.O. — a city devastated by Hurricane Katrina last August — Cosby told 2,000 people in front of the Convention Center of his desire for the city’s society to have an “extreme make-over.”

Well, who is Cosby?  Certain corporate board members and residual earners out there are currently vacationing on secluded island paradises, hence the reason could not secure an interview with even a single one of them.  Well, except for the guy who played that friend of Rudi’s, Peter…in 20 episodes at least, never says one word!  This guy’s got four jetskis, motorcycles, batting cage in his back yard, heated driveway, mailbox AND lazy-boy…for 63 DAYS every summer, all in a row, he eats a two (sometimes three or four) lobster dinner. 

So Bill Cosby has been the kind of guy you trust with the keys to the car.  It’s racially charged, but entirely relevant based on the numbers.  The schools the government finances, and beat cops making sure a bonanza spot in the local drug trade gets broken up quickly, quality of medical care and ratio of librarys to liquor stores in the area…let’s not lose sight of the fact that the numbers needed to really make a difference are not there.  The attention, positive attention needed to occupy these children once school is over, and rolemodels in the family they can look up to who are making it on their own, legit.  

When I hear or read these statements Cosby makes, this is the train of thought my mind tends to run down, and then it hits me that his true message is, “Get Cosby (be like him, not actually kidnap him)…wake the fuck up and GET-COSBY.  Get on the bus, buy a beat up car, whatever and PLAN ON shit odds from the start.  Whatever you do, don’t idolize the scumbags who got rich off of white boys downloading their songs – instead…GET-COSBY!” 

Look at the life his character on the show lead, a doctor married to a lawyer with a nice house and lots of kids…that’s not a pie in the sky dream for every single one of these young men and women who end up in the game and never get out.  Tony Soprano teaches us that all the time.  Smart people who are born as good as any of us are, and through their memories and experieces are rendered ignorant and/or hopeless of anything better going on elsewhere.  

I think it’s all the same thing.  An adolescent appreciation for the wrong people that continues on longer for some than others.  It’s a question for science, and the answer to it is something that I suspect nobody wants to hear.  A running theme in this country for some time now, as the entertainers we pay to relay the news use more and more words alongside less and less numbers, saturated in babble about much that doesn’t matter at all, chasing blonde haired windmills all over the Carribean and pretending these problems don’t exist within our society. 

Cosby’s criticism probably wants the message to be less direct, softened, with a good amount of needless words added.  The media is trained to give his haters more time than needed, because they’ll be damned before getting burnt like it happens in movies.  If they don’t cover it, for all intensive purposes, it didn’t happen. 

Hear that America?  Howard Beale is NOT walking through that door folks!  Bullworth is NOT walking through that door! Larry Bird is NOT walking through that door!

It’s bad for business…disrupts the flow of the drug. 

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