Tell Your Friends To Visit and Join the Discussion

I want to encourage anyone who wants to forward one of the articles posted here to do so. As I’ve been posting on an ‘as close to daily as possible’ basis, the traffic numbers have hit a number and remained strong. I really appreciate the time and thought everyone has put into the discussions, and encourage all of you to spread the word when you can.

Suggestions regarding anything with the site – criticism welcome – is greatly appreciated. Send me an email at [email protected] with anything you’d like to say. I’ve been brainstorming ways to make the site more user friendly, but with Word Press it’s difficult to make changes without a complete overhaul. I’m mainly concerned at this point with users being able to know when a comment they’ve posted has been responded to.

Thanks again for your support!

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9 Responses to Tell Your Friends To Visit and Join the Discussion

  1. karl says:

    This site needs a troll to liven things up.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    HA! I want to keep it clean…but you may be right karl. It’d be nice if there was a service on the internet – ‘Rent-A-Troll’ – you could pay to have some guy post like a jerk…say you wanted to flambay someone in the blogsphere.

    Hey – this could be a good idea.


  3. karl says:

    A friend of mine with a blog used to troll himself, but then conservatives started showing up and agreeing with the fake troll. I have always wanted to start a conservative blog and write the stupidest things possible and see how many republictims would flock to it.

    As for the need of trolls I used to read quite a bit but once they banned all dissenting voices the site got pretty boring. Another one is polipundit where if liberals don’t argue with them they turn on eachother pretty quick.

  4. Jaaaman says:

    Trolls….. yes, they can liven up the discussion. They have a tendency to create quite a spectacle, and get many people to start posting or joining a discussion. I have had very little troll activity on my site (Debate the Issues!), but I feel like it is just a matter of time before they start making there presence felt.

  5. Chris Austin says:

    Moorewatch is run, I think by the same guy who runs Right Thinking From the Left Coast…they like to call each other f’n idiots on that site. You make an argument and they come back with…’it’s not like that, it’s like this STUPID FUCKING DICKFACE LOSER LIBERAL!’

    Poor schmucks.

  6. Jaaaman says:

    Hmmm…… My last comment about trolls did not show up on here…. Oh well.
    I like your blog here Chris. I feel like you have done a very good job with it. Keep up the good work. And feel free to continue to post in the forum.

  7. Chris Austin says:

    Sorry Jaaaman – I have to moderate everyone’s first comment. Didn’t get to the moderation queue until tonight. I definitely enjoy your site as well. Good religious discussion…lots of topics.

    Thanks for the compliment! Did you read the last one on Tillman? Vilseck shows up within it.

  8. Right Thinker says:

    As for the need of trolls I used to read quite a bit but once they banned all dissenting voices the site got pretty boring. Another one is polipundit where if liberals don’t argue with them they turn on eachother pretty quick.

    Yeah, go to democratic underground sometime, it’s only democratic in name, a lot like Norht Korea. I usually go there when I need a good laugh, the system is locked down like fort knox so no voice of reason ever gets to the general populace.

    No free e-mail service and once you say the slightest thing right of the extreme left, you comments get deleted and it’s like you were never there. It’s a dream world for the weak minded.

  9. Chris Austin says:

    karl: As for the need of trolls I used to read quite a bit but once they banned all dissenting voices the site got pretty boring. Another one is polipundit where if liberals don’t argue with them they turn on eachother pretty quick.

    RT: Yeah, go to democratic underground sometime, it’s only democratic in name, a lot like Norht Korea. I usually go there when I need a good laugh, the system is locked down like fort knox so no voice of reason ever gets to the general populace.

    No free e-mail service and once you say the slightest thing right of the extreme left, you comments get deleted and it’s like you were never there. It’s a dream world for the weak minded.

    I hate that. People with any power will abuse it. I got booted from Hannity’s blog in about a half hour. If it came to it and someone was ignoring other people’s comments and just posting rant after rant, I might have to give them the boot – but it’s going to be their behavior, not their ideas that get them kicked off. Moderating the ideas is EVIL..dishonest.

    Aside from that, I can’t stand how some posters have to frame every argument they have with insults…I’ll clip some samples of this from the right wing blogs I post to.

    A troll…I think I’ve headed a few off at the pass through the moderation queue. Maybe I’ll let the next one slip by and see what happens.

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