War of Choice – Bush Should Serve Time

The British haven’t been as ruthless in classifying documents pertaining to the pre-Iraq War negotiations as our government has.  Bad for President Bush and the tens of thousands who have already died, as intent is no longer a question.  Documents now prove that our President even proposed painting an American surveillance plane in UN colors in hopes that it would be shot down by Saddam, hence providing a clear cut justification for what was inevitable from day one of his first term.  His mind was made up long before 9/11, and that fact alone makes him a criminal in my opinion. 

Human lives, billions of dollars and an untold amount of terror and destruction still to come in Iraq are inconsequental to this man.  From the start it was a plan rooted in greed, launched by the worst President we’re likely to ever see in our lifetime.  He deserves much worse than impeachment for what he’s done to the world. 

We have proof that WMDs had nothing to do with it, and at this point, whoever’s in denial of this – is so by choice.  Because regardless of whether you buy the neoconservative ideas concerning change in the Middle East, there are too many lies to reconcile at this point.  His last lie was in response to Helen Thomas in a press conference last week.  Still insisting that war was not his goal, yet the evidence now available to everyone proves otherwise. 

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4 Responses to War of Choice – Bush Should Serve Time

  1. Paul says:

    Poppycock !!!

  2. captain_menace says:

    Heck, the book “Plan of Attack” outlined that things were in motion long before the public was on board with the war. Bush himself was interviewed (as were many in his cabinet) by Bob Woodward in preparation for the book.

    The war has been bungled, yes. The question is, what do we do now? Bush is a lame duck now. Is America better off, or worse off if we publicly destroy him?

    What’s the next step? Other than publicly humiliating our leadership, and weakening our global position? If we did throw him and his entire administration in the slammer… what then?

  3. Sal Paradise says:

    I think we’re better off hanging the guy, because otherwise it’ll happen again. Also, if we hold him and his band of crooks accountable, then the rest of the world will see that our touch of temporary insanity didn’t go unnoticed from within.

    The guy actually thought that doing it WITHOUT the UN would be better for America? How about better for his friends?

    Seriously, enough’s enough. We cannot have future Presidents waging war in this manner. Especially since from the administration it’s been nothing but a ‘political issue’ since day one. They’ve treated this war like it was a bill in congress. This latest turn with blaming the media is a perfect example. To them, it doesn’t matter what’s “really” happening in Iraq, just what the public “thinks” is happening there.

    When they boast of “only 4 unstable regions in Iraq”, it’s totally misleading. It makes one think that the rest of them are fine, but the truth is, if our troops weren’t in those other areas, they’d be just as bad.

    So we’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

    This is BUSH’S responsibility, and according to all we know now, it was his plan to do this regardless of the consequences.

    Paul, you don’t buy that the Iraq War was predetermined prior to 9/11 – or – don’t think it matters now that we’re there?

    Like I said earlier, Iran is the big winner in all of this, next to the Shiites of course. They’re having a lot of fun killing whoever they want now.

  4. Right Thinker says:

    His mind was made up long before 9/11, and that fact alone makes him a criminal in my opinion.

    Well, we do know now that Saddam had Al Queda training camps in Iraq and that he was trying to rehabilitate his weapons program with the help of Russia, France and China. He had been in violation of, like, 12 U.N. sanctions. THis hardly makes him a criminal, more like a forward thinker. He did the job that no one else either had the stomach to do or was too corrupt to do.

    Chris, all you have proved is that Bush was one of the few beacons of accountability in the world.

    and at this point, whoever’s in denial of this – is so by choice.

    Nice disclaimer, framing your opponents position before they even get to reply.

    From the start it was a plan rooted in greed, launched by the worst President we’re likely to ever see in our lifetime.

    I have a feeling you are going to be proven very wrong on this one. History like leaders who take a stand for what is right, especially at great personal sacrifice. Bush has taken a viscious politial hit to help make the world a better place. I predict he will be a Top 10 presdident as history is concerned.

    Like I said earlier, Iran is the big winner in all of this, next to the Shiites of course. They’re having a lot of fun killing whoever they want now.

    This is a very ignorant statement. muslims have been killing whoever they want since the 600’s. It is total ignorance to think all this terror just started because of America in Iraq.

    Also, if we hold him and his band of crooks accountable, then the rest of the world will see that our touch of temporary insanity didn’t go unnoticed from within.

    You talk like this is fact. Just because it happens in your imagination and it’s all over dailykos doesn’t make it real. The reason the Left is so down in the dumps is they are activists of the imagination.

    The make up statements and positions, attribute them to a conservative and then rail against the imaginary comments. You can always tell a liberal post because they complain about things that never happened.

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