Rolling Barrage – Square Wheels & Speed Bumps

Washington’s blog is a place I’ve visited consistently ever since he showed up here on  When I’m there, it’s a turkey shoot, complete with attacks on my intelligence, military service and overall level of sanity.  On top of that, the comments I submit are heavily censored, most times never appearing on the blog at all.  The crux of what I’ve read by Stillwell and Washington has basically centered around an idea that ‘Leftists’ are wrong, cowardly, illogical, detached from reality…yada yada yada.

First thing that strikes me about writers who hammer the same theme of pointing out the faults of their political opposition, is that by doing so they’re basically admitting that their own beliefs aren’t lighting up the scoreboard.  It’s an addiction that speaks well to the choir, but once a difference of opinion comes around, these people bunker down and become extremely lazy. 

The example I ran into today was a post about a congressional candidate by the name of Duckworth.  She’s a veteran without legs, running as a Democrat, so of course the right-wing is busy portraying her as a coward (just like they did with Hackett, Cleland, Kerry).  Rolling Barrage is on the right side of this one, pointing out to conservatives that it’s wrong to do this – BUT – since we’re talking about attack junkies here, this is what the post starts off with:

Leftists often combine a hatred for the politics of the right to a loathing of the military.

Of course, I responded.  Then I clicked on some of the earlier posts I’d commented on, to find that the comments of others had been approved, while mine were nowhere to be found.  This got me to thinking that my comment on the Duckworth thread wouldn’t ever show up either, and were it not for what I’m writing here, I’d put the odds at 20-1, if that.

So while I noticed this happening for a few weeks, I’ve held off on posting on it here.  At this point though, enough’s enough.  Either you’re serious about blogging and open debate, or you’re simply in it to give yourself a periodical pat on the back.  America and censorship don’t mix in my opinion, and to pound one’s chest on military experience, attack ‘leftists’ whether they have anything to do with the topic or not…while at the same time run the blog like a Chinese newspaper.  It screams of hypocracy. 

But I know…”at least it’s not as bad as the leftists would have it, blah blah blah” – – – From a ‘leftist’ who DOESN’T NEED TO CENSOR, why not get rid of the comments altogether?  If you’re only interested in a pat on the back, why don’t you and Stillwell just do that for one another in person and leave the rest of us out of it? 

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46 Responses to Rolling Barrage – Square Wheels & Speed Bumps

  1. Wisenheimer says:

    Maybe Washington read this, as it looks like the above post was approved, or at least ended up on the site.

    But lets not think you are imagining things here. This phenomenon does happen at RB. I’ve given up commenting at RB because it seems only my most benign posts are allowed onto the site. When they were approved at one time, I was basically told how stupid I am. Hmmm…almost 30 years old….jumped thru monumental academic hoops both in the military and civilian life….first time I’ve been held in such contempt.

  2. captain_menace says:

    Add me to the list of Washington’s skeptics.

    I’ve been wasting away this fine Sunday writing 3 or 4 posts over at that site (I need my own damn blog eh? Too lazy). Anyway, heavy heavy on the censoring, and not a single profane word was written.

    I’m not quite sure what he is trying to do with that site? Click through revenues? A site to impress his mom? Or perhaps just a great place for his dual personalities to battle it out (although no battles are apparent)?

    Anyway, I don’t see any “discussion” going on. It seems it’s simply Washington regurgitating “right wing” news clips. I’ve noticed that he has carefully distanced himself from the Bush administration. How nice. When your team is down, find another team.

    As for his “code” problem which prevents him from allowing unmoderated posts… I don’t buy it. Nice try, but come on, this is 2006. He pulled that problem from a 1997 newsgroup posting. And if it’s true, then Washington should really consider a different application for his blog.

    And Washington, when you read this… if nothing else, please know that your readership will increase when you have arguments and disagreement on your site. Humans thrive on conflict. Also know that there is no shame in being wrong sometimes. So ends the lesson.

  3. karl says:

    RB sounds a lot like an online Orielly Factor, probably complete with behind the scenes falalefel love.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    Stillwell may be his ‘Mr. Snerdley’ – – – and the blog is a wordpress one, so the ‘code’ issue was BS. Gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while, but after my Saturday ones never made it on, I had to say ‘screw it’.

  5. Right Thinker says:

    This sounds a lot like democraticunderground or dailykos. Too bad.

  6. captain_menace says:


    I just read his response to your last post. He’s not interested in discussion, or debate, or anything like that. He wants to bash the “left”. Not sure who his target audience is, but I hope they enjoy the drivel. For myself, I’m done. Brief, but educational experience.

  7. captain_menace says:

    This sounds a lot like democraticunderground or dailykos. Too bad.

    Do they censor? It’s been a while since I visited those sites. I think the last time I was there I got into an argument over those Alaskan bridges to nowhere. They weren’t bridges to nowhere, one of them would have been just down the road from me. Argghhh!

  8. Chris Austin says:

    WASHINGTON – You deleted my comment on Molly Ivins and my second one on Justice Scalia. Face it, you’re a person who’s better suited for dictatorship than democracy.

    Why are you so petrified by a difference of opinion? If it’s that you just want to be the smartest person who ever writes a word on RB, then like I said earlier, WHY HAVE COMMENTS AT ALL?

    Personally, I think masturbation should be done behind closed doors, but to each his own.

    I don’t have time for your nonsense. Have fun preaching to the choir!

  9. captain_menace says:

    He’s talking to himself on the site now.

    I’ve got $10 that says Washington created those identities and posted the comments himself in order to create the impression that he’s got visitors.

    Out of nowhere he gets 4 or 5 posts, all talking about nothing of importance really. Funny. At least with this approach now he is guaranteed to win an argument. Hardy har har.

  10. Washington says:

    If you are going to be indignant at least spellcheck your post.

    Thanks for my very own post as well-it shows how much I have gotten under your skin what with pointing out all of the errors you make daily.

    Remember-the Congress has two bodies…

  11. Chris Austin says:

    Washington, got your email. I’ll just do you a favor and stay away from RB from now on. I’ll keep it on my blogroll. Good luck to you, and keep in mind that the first ammendment says nothing about format, content or whether or not someone takes the time to check spelling. The history of this country is partial to the free flow of ideas, and censoring the voice of another for arbitrary reasons is your perogative, but when I put out my flag in the morning it doesn’t remind me of a country club. That’s what you’re looking for…I don’t fit, so be it.

  12. Paul says:

    I will say this about Washington. He says what he feels and he has a lot of loyal readers. Captain Menace doesn’t know what he is talking about and it shows. And remember this – a blog is not a democracy and many bloggers practice censorship not just The Rolling Barrage.

  13. Chris Austin says:

    Paul, he’s deleted comments of mine that weren’t foul-mouthed or insulting. Like his Molly Ivins post…I responded very well to that one, even reading it over again before posting to make sure. My argument was straight-forward and cogent.

    He can’t handle anyone outshining him. I took a couple of weeks posting comments and giving him the benefit of the doubt before discussing my thoughts on it here. Even when he used a comment of mine and spun it into a post where I was ‘the veteran’…even after he leveraged my words, spun them, I still held back because I knew that he was a novice blogger.

    In my opinion, up to this point he’d broken more than one of our ‘gentleman’s rules’ – those unspoken understood things that tell all of us what’s good or bad in terms of ‘manners’.

    Now, I disagree with a lot of what people post here on – – – but I’d never respond to one of them by insulting their intelligence or compassion. Washington on the other hand goes for that as his first response. The “move along ignorant child, the adults are talking” response…again and again and again.

    I never went after him personally or anything else but his writing and his positions. The classy thing to do after attacking someone’s mental capability would be to engage in a debate, not run away or censor.

    This is why everyone from the CEO to the interns here at are instructed to take the highroad…so when the lowroad is finally used, it’s that much sweeter.

  14. captain_menace says:

    Captain Menace doesn’t know what he is talking about and it shows. And remember this – a blog is not a democracy and many bloggers practice censorship not just The Rolling Barrage.

    Oh yeah? Well, I fart in your general direction.

    Practicing censorship isn’t a big deal, but when you claim to have an open blog, and then you secretly censor that’s just flat out lying. He had a post dedicated to pointing out that he was going to open his blog up to unmoderated posts. Now go to his site and see if you can find that post. Go ahead, I challenge you. That’s right you won’t find it. He censored himself. I guess he had second thoughts about his ability to openly debate the issues. Of course he’ll tell you it was a technical glitch, or there was obsenity being posted, or that there wasn’t a “continuity” to the discussion. Or he may get creative and come up with an ever better excuse. Of course you suck ups will simply say… “it’s his blog he can do what he wants, WAAAHH!” That’s right it is his blog. He can take it and go play with some other kids.

    I will say this about Washington. He says what he feels and he has a lot of loyal readers.

    Big woop, you suck up. Let me change two words, and you’ll see what a worthless sentence that was for you to write in defense of Washington.

    “I will say this about Saddam. He says what he feels and he has a lot of loyal followers.”

    Just goes to show that idiocy has no national or ideological boundaries. Congratulations! You found a link between Washington and Saddam that would probably have been overlooked otherwise.

    And then there’s this gem of a post from Washington the other day when he was ranting about the very dangerous Molly Ivins…

    That demonstrates the leftist mind-set towards freedom. Succinctly put:

    We welcome all views except those that do not fit a leftist agenda.

    What a disingenuous (def: lacking in candor; also : giving a false appearance of simple frankness) terd. Paul, if this is your kinda guy, then that says alot about you as a human, and furthers my argument for legalizing abortion. In fact if you send me your picture I’ll be sure to use it in all of my pro-abortion literature. Thank you for playing. Next.

  15. Chris Austin says:

    It says nothing about Paul as a human. He agrees with Washington’s point of view and/or enjoys reading his work. captain, you socked Washington over his number of readers, one of his readers responded. Paul’s a good friend, tallented writer and fellow ACC fanatic – – – politically we hardly ever see eye to eye.

    The abortion comment was morbid.

  16. Wisenheimer says:

    Menace was probably wound up with read life. i’ve done that same thing.

    “Move along ignorant child…” -good way to put it.

  17. karl says:


    Have you been following the story of congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian? I guess he posted some pictures on his web site that he claimed, showed a peaceful scene in Bagdad, of course the pictures were from Turkey.

    This is sort of the problem web sites like rolling Barrage have. They are trying to create an alternate reality but free thought can interfere with that goal.

    BTW I thought the “poster child for abortion” comment was pretty funny.

  18. Paul says:

    Chris, as for Captain Menace, I consider the source and ignore his comments. I can disagree with a person’s opinion without casting aspersions on his, or her, character. Menace cannot. If I speak about Washington rest assured I know about my subject.

  19. captain_menace says:

    poster child for abortion

    I’m glad you saw the humor in it.

    Paul, no offense meant to you. Seriously. I’m a bit thick-skinned, and so I guess that makes me insensitive at times. I was in a free-fire zone, and you were in the way. Hate me, love me, I’m here to please.

    But for Washington… no mercy. From my personal experience with him, which doesn’t stretch back longer than a week or two (first impressions are everything)… he’s a liar. And because of that his political philosophies mean absolutely nothing to me. He may be a great mouthpiece for current conservative views (dictated by changing winds), but he certainly doesn’t have the kind of new ideas that will rescue conservatism from the doldrums.

  20. Chris Austin says:

    If RB is here to save conservatism, the movement is doomed! I don’t recall reading Buckley sell his ideas throughout the years by simply calling his opposition stupid. That’s a good way to hang on to a certain number of people, but won’t do much to attract open-minded newcomers.

    Simply building a fort atop the intellectual work of others is foolish if one is unable to defend it.

    Scientology in the form of a blog…that’s Rolling Barrage, complete with the intollerance of ‘unapproved ideas’ and exclusion of those who don’t toe the line.

  21. Right Thinker says:

    This is why everyone from the CEO to the interns here at are instructed to take the highroad

    Insert intern jokes here:

  22. Paul says:

    Washington is no liar in my book and I know him well. He is for what he is for and makes no bones about it. I respect him and so do a lot of other people. Comparing Rolling Barrage to Scientology is a cheap shot Chris. Rolling Barrage is Washington’s and Stilwell’s domain – not a socialist love fest. Conservatism (the real variety) doesn’t need saving. 🙂

  23. Sal Paradise says:

    The real variety of conservatism…Paul, does this match up with the content seen on Rolling Barrage?

    I compared them with scientology because of the way that religion attacks every other belief system or treatment known to mankind – AND – how they censor and pressure their followers to consistently ‘toe the line’

    A system of beliefs, unwavering, with little to no tollerance for dissent. You know me well enough, I’m not the type to post comments that would need to be deleted, yet on Rolling Barrage it happened regularly…in fact, more comments of mine were censored than actually showed up on the site.

  24. Paul says:

    If a person who has a blog deletes my comments (and it has happened to me) I let it go and move on. In fairness to RB , I know that it’s readership is rapidly improving so someone out there likes the content and agrees with the message. Washington and Stilwell stick to their guns and they have never pressured me toe to the line. This is first hand knowledge not second hand. And what is “the real variety of conservatism?” In the end it is one’s opinion.

  25. Washington says:


    Thanks for the comments but as you can see the idea of freedom of speech is also attacked here.

    I am accused of censorship. However, if one does not fall into line with the high school level thinking that exists here that person is attacked. Paul is a nice guy, seems as if he has commented here for some time, and yet Menace attacks him personally-which shows the intellectual sophistication of a 14 year old child. Menace then says that he “in a free fire zone.” That means little to no self control, another hallmark of someone who cannot debate.

    Liberty and freedom mean choosing what one wants to read, say and do-on blogs, newspapers, and in life. If one person has one policy on their blog it does not mean that all should follow suit.

    Paul you are free to comment on my site about ANYTHING. At least there if someone attacks you outside the context of a debate, and for no reason other than they are in “free fire zone”, and the blog owner stands weak-kneed before a verbal assualt on a long time reader because his readership consists of less than a dozen people and he fears losing a reader (and this blog gets precious few hits)-it will at least be addressed.

  26. karl says:


    Several times you have said here that you don’t delete comments, or that it was a technical problem. Now you are saying that it is your right to delete comments? BTW, you are right, you can do whatever you want, it is your blog, but why lie about it?

    I try not to comment to much about your blog because I still think it might be some sort of on-line Phil Hendry show and then the joke is on the people you get to take you seriously. If you really take yourself seriously then I guess the joke is on you.

    Take Care

  27. captain_menace says:

    I am accused of censorship.

    You’ve been accused AND you’re guilty of it. Do you deny that you’ve censored after you said you wouldn’t? Please deny it.

    and yet Menace attacks him personally-which shows the intellectual sophistication of a 14 year old child.

    It’s called humor. I threw some insults around without using profanity. That isn’t easy to do you know. And in the end I apologized when I discovered that I had hurt his feelings. I’m not used to dealing with adult men that are so sensitive in a fairly anonymous blogging environment. Again, my apologies.

    And Washington, I would have much more respect for you as a conservative (which I don’t think you really are) if you actually had some ideas or plans for how we can fix the real problems with our country. The primary problem I see is excessive spending. Rather than coming up with real conservative ideas you simply throw around disparaging remarks about the French, liberals, leftits, immigrants, and any other group that mainstream conservatives set their sites on. It’s old, and so are your comments.

    another hallmark of someone who cannot debate.

    I will control my desire to truly tear you apart on this comment. What do you know about debate anyway? You get upset when someone attacks you, and you aren’t able to make a rebuttal. Get over yourself.

  28. Wisenheimer says:


    When was the last time Chris posted at your blog? Been awhile, although your group of cronies (every blog has them) continue to tear into him. Yet, you come over here and stir the pot.

    So I’ll make it simple. Why don’t you stay away from DI like Chris has stayed away from RB. You are becoming a troll here.

  29. Washington says:


    In order to tear someone apart you must use your brain. You have shown that you are unable to muster even the most simple, cogent thought, thus it would tax your reserves to no end to begin to debate.

    As for solutions to problems you take the easy way out. You don’t have positions, you simply snipe in short, quick comments. You don’t have the moxie nor the intellect to actually write something longer than 200 words. In short you are not in the arena at all-you simply ride the back of Chris who at least offers up some type of solution during the course of his posts. You are a crony-know your role-snipe and be a good lad.


    You are correct. Chris doesn’t post at RB and I shall cease commenting here.

    Have fun talking amongst the three of you!

  30. Paul says:

    Add me to the list. I shall no longer post here.

  31. Wisenheimer says:

    Wow, Paul moves fast! He already emoved DI from his blog roll.

    Paul, you’ll be missed. I don’t know why you got so offended.

  32. Sal Paradise says:

    “unable to muster even the most simple, cogent thought,”

    That’s textbook ‘smug asshole’ – Washington, when every response from you includes some form of this quote right here, it get’s old quick!

  33. captain_menace says:

    You are correct. Chris doesn’t post at RB

    I guess I’ll have to take your word on it, since it is impossible to tell what you censor, what you edit, and what you allow to be viewed.

    Washington, you will be missed 😉

    And Paul, I didn’t really get to know you, but I’ll really miss you too.

    I’ll go ahead and post some comments on both of your behalf. It might go something like this…

    Washington says:
    Menace you’re stupid. Liberals suck. And the French are such socialists. It really makes me mad.”

    Paul says:
    What Washington said.”


    nor the intellect to actually write something longer than 200 words

    Do a word count on some of my posts genius. I won’t claim to be brilliant or cogent, but I’m lucky if I can get anything in under 200 words. Geez, get something right why don’t you.


  34. Sal Paradise says:

    Wait, I missed something…Paul’s gone?!?!

    What the *%C@ – – – – that really sucks.

  35. Sal Paradise says:

    I wish I never posted this one. What do I care if someone somewhere thinks I’m a jerkoff? What I said about justifying the use of the ‘low road’ was wrong. If everyone did that…well, just about everyone in the world does do that already, and that’s why a prophet like Jesus is so important to so many people.

    OK, the Rolling Barrage casefile…officially closed at this point.

    “When you mix it up with an ________, you’re nothing but an ________.” -Henry Rollins

  36. karl says:

    Paul and Washington were a little high maintainence.

  37. captain_menace says:

    When you mix it up with an ________, you’re nothing but an ________

    I like how my Grandpa used to put it.

    “Captain Menace” he would say, with his hand rested firmly on my shoulder.

    “When you play with a pig you come out smelling like sh*t.”

  38. Sal Paradise says:

    Another good one! It’s really true. This is the logic that has kept me off of most sites that used to get hostile. Paul and Wisenheimer are the only two bloggers I read regularly.

  39. karl says:

    Everyone says Paul is a good guy, Why is he so smitten with Washington?

    Washingtons Blog is barely cogent and his statements here almost always contrdicted his other statements. Paul if you are still reading here, you are an “enabler” for encouraging Washington.

  40. karl says:

    I think this site might have been the model for rolling barrage:

  41. Had to share this – – – the dialogue:

    (Paul posts on his blogroll, here are the comments) I call it – WARM WORDS

    Thanks to your blogroll, I feel I’ve met a lovely friend named Joan Perry.

    Posted by: Carla | April 02, 2006 at 10:26 AM

    Its a shame you got rid of Dead Issue. : (

    Posted by: Sonicrusk | April 02, 2006 at 11:10 PM

    Deadissue is a good blog for those who like it . 🙂

    Posted by: Paul | April 02, 2006 at 11:37 PM

    🙂 🙁

    All in the game I suppose. Paul, what in particular set you off?

    Posted by: Chris Austin | April 03, 2006 at 08:21 PM

    Just voicing my opinion Chris. Freedom of speech is a cherished liberty.

    Posted by: Paul | April 03, 2006 at 09:05 PM

    I believe in reciprocity when it comes to blogrolls. If you are on mine, then I am on yours.

    Posted by: Sonicrusk | April 03, 2006 at 10:12 PM

    Freedom of speech has something to do with actual words. Removing an item from a list in lieu of using words is passive aggressive. This freedom we have should prompt a discourse in these types of situations.

    But that’s the internet for you, I guess.

    Posted by: Chris Austin | April 04, 2006 at 11:35 PM


    I thank you for the warm words for Rolling Barrage. Further you are correct; each blog owner decides what blogs to link to – for example why link to something you don’t read or enjoy?

    The freedom to make decisions about your own blog are as valid as making decisions about what magazine to read; none of us subscribe to every magazine so why would we link to a blog that doesn’t hold our attention.

    Posted by: Washington | April 05, 2006 at 12:52 PM

    That’s it…I was wishy-washy at first, but now I’m 100% certain.

    Washington is a Scientologist.

    Posted by: Chris Austin | April 05, 2006 at 09:42 PM

    Warm Words

  42. karl says:

    If I remember right, Paul and Washington starting getting wierd during a discussion about Issac Hayes leaving South Park.

    Maybe thay are really Tom criuse and Katie holmes.

  43. I heard that when the cameras were off, that kid he was in Jerry Maguire with, the one with the glasses – his normal prescription – Cruise would tell the kid to take off his glasses, then preach to him nonstop for an hour sometimes about how he didn’t really need them.

    Premire was on the set during production, and they wrote about how Cruise ‘played with the child who was laughing and having a good time whenever the level-headed, self proclaimed “child lover” Cruise had a chance, often practicing their lines in the superstar’s trailer.’

  44. karl says:

    I have a feeling Tom Cruise is going to go the way of micheal Jackson.

  45. Wisenheimer says:

    Why do I feel the need for another shower???

  46. karl says:

    Seems like the Bush supporters are willing to go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify his incompetence. I wonder if part of this goes back to 9/11. Once you admit that Bush is not a competent president it is pretty easy to see how a more competent President and administration could have stopped the terrorist attack. That means you don’t need to be afraid all the time, you just need to get a man who can do the job in the whitehouse. Some people want to live in fear and they want everyone else to live in fear as well. Just a thought as to why their are so many Bush deadeners out there.

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