Operation “Last Call” – Texas

You can be staying in a Dallas hotel, drinking at the bar downstairs and if you’re having too much fun (judgement call), an undercover police officer will run you in.  The dragnet is an attempt to lower the amount of DUIs in the state, but of course, whether or not you drove yourself to the bar is inconsequential.  Texas Logic, it’s a state of mind, with this being just the first example…

Next month the state is planning a series of sting operations aimed at lowering the number of prostitutes operating within major cities.  They’re going to bust women purchasing condoms in bulk if they appear to be ‘skanky’ at the time.  Governor Rick Perry hailed the two initiatives in a recent speech, “if you plan on being sloppy or skanky ’round here, there is a place for you…and the name of that place is Oklahoma.”

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37 Responses to Operation “Last Call” – Texas

  1. karl says:

    At first I thought you were joking when I read this, but no. Seems like whenever a bunch of social conservative AKA Christian socialists get in charge they spend most their time focusing on trivial crap, that not only does not improve the situation but violates everyones civil rights in the process.

    This sort of happened in Colorado(home of focus on the family and promise keepers) the state had some pretty big financial problems and our legislature was spending all its time on trying to require the pledge of allegiance in schools. Thanks to the social conservatives and their trivial concerns the Dems were able to make some sizeable gains in both houses here in Colorado, hopefully the trend will be national as well. Conservatism does have a place in governing, origanally it was conservatives who wanted to balance the budget, but the unholy alliance they have with the religous right is ruining the party.

  2. Chris Austin says:

    Judging by the fact that to curb DUIs they’re arresting drunks who had no intention of driving…

    I’d have to agree with you.

    Shiavo was the start of all this!

  3. captain_menace says:

    Next month the state is planning a series of sting operations aimed at lowering the number of prostitutes operating within major cities.

    Yep, makes sense to me. Pay a lot of money to incarcerate a bunch of low-income women on non-violent offenses. All together now, “more prisons, more prisons.” I feel really sorry for the Texan politicians, where are they going to go to get some good whoring action now? Oh! That’s right, high end call girls will be left alone.

  4. Chris Austin says:

    That’s right, they just want to get rid of the ‘nut gobblers’…the non-drug addicted $1000 an hour hoar with a portable dungeon and trapeze will be alright.

  5. Wisenheimer says:

    Texas always likes to push the limits on civil liberties. All of this crap will eventually get tossed out by the SCOTUS; Texas will say, “Hey, at least we tried…”

  6. captain_menace says:

    Texas will say, “Hey, at least we tried…”

    You left off the ending of that sentence…

    “Hey, at least we tried, now let’s go party with some hookers! Yee Haw!”

    I lived in Beaumont Texas when I was a kid. My dad inspected oil tankers. One of the things I remember more than anything else was the nasty chemical smell that hung in the air. I also remember the panic caused by a half inch of snow one year.

  7. Wisenheimer says:

    I lived in West Texas for three months in the dead of summer. I would’ve been better camping out in an oven. But Texan women really are fly.

    Chris, do you have an article to link off of for this post?

  8. captain_menace says:

    But Texan women really are fly.

    Yep, no argument there. I flew out of Dallas once on a flight packed full of Mary Kay reps that were just leaving their annual convention. Talk about a high energy flight.

    I couldn’t live in that kind of climate. Just walking from the car to a mall or restaurant was enough to drench me in sweat. I’m in Alaska now, and our highs usually top out in the high 80’s. Very rarely will we hit the 90’s. The average in summer seems to be high 60s to low 80s. Perfect for me. Don’t ask about Alaskan women.

  9. Wisenheimer says:

    Don’t ask about Alaskan women.

    I don’t need to. I’ve seen enough episodes of Cops.

  10. captain_menace says:


    They are good to have around in case a bar fight erupts. I don’t intend for this to sound racist, but the meanest, toughest guy I ever met was a Native chick in a crappy bar in Juneau, Alaska.

  11. Chris Austin says:

    Wisenheimer – I saw this on TV – should be out there.

  12. Washington says:

    ’cause if it’s on tv it must be real!

  13. Chris Austin says:

    Absolutely! Personally, I don’t believe anything I read until it’s covered on FoxNews. Until then, it’s mere speculation!

  14. karl says:

    Isn’t that what America should be about. An ordinary guy can get on a plane and have a chance to join the mile high club with a Mary Kay rep? Now if you tried it an air marshall would probably make you wear chastity pants for the entire flight.

  15. captain_menace says:

    Isn’t that what America should be about.

    Sounds great to me. And as for the chastity pants, I wear them anyways… “you never know when one of them durned homos may try and stick it in my pooper”. JK

  16. karl says:

    I recomend pie tin and duck tape as a pooper protector

  17. captain_menace says:

    I’d like to see you explain that one to the TSA guys when it sets off their beeper wand.

  18. Right Thinker says:

    While I’m all for putting an end to the carage caused by drunk driving, this crackdown on the public is what you expect to see in places like France. I vote for bringing back the chain gangs and limiting the first offender priviledge. Let’s get these drunk drivers our breaking rocks somewhere for a few years.

  19. karl says:

    You know, if we just aborted every child eventually it would reduce the rate of drunk driving.

    Sorry, I guess I am channeling Bill Bennet today. I better stay out of the casinos

  20. Right Thinker says:

    karl says:

    You know, if we just aborted every child eventually it would reduce the rate of drunk driving.

    The Left’s answer to every social problem. Is there someone we can euthanize? Stalin, Jong Il, Mao, Pol Pot, Marx, Minh, Amin, Islam, Socialism/Communism.

    No one to kill? “Shit, better spin it into a vast Right-Wing conspiracy until election time and then we can forget about it once were re-elected.”

    I better be careful what I say, Howard Dean might try to offer me a job….or euthanize me.

  21. captain_menace says:

    Hey Right,

    Should there be a child on the planet for every time you jerk off? Isn’t your seed sacred, and not something to flush down the toilet every time you get intimate with yourself? That poor little spermy swimmer…

    Are you willing to care for every unwanted child on the planet? I’m not. We KNOW that abstinence doesn’t work.

    It’s not about euthanizing anyone. It’s about people making decisions for themselves without the help of the government. The dictators you mentioned weren’t concerned with personal choice, which apparently you aren’t concerned with either. That means you have something in common with those guys. How does it feel to be in such company?

  22. karl says:


    The rights answer to every social problem is to arrest everyone at the age of 14. I guess that would work as well, if we arrest every person with a drivers license that to would reduce the number of DUI’s

  23. Right Thinker says:

    That means you have something in common with those guys. How does it feel to be in such company?

    Did you have to smoke the whole rock to come up with this or were a few hits off the ole’ crack pipe enough?

    Should there be a child on the planet for every time you jerk off?

    You’ll hve to ask Karl, this whole euthanasia deal was his answer to reduce drunk driving.

    Are you willing to care for every unwanted child on the planet? I’m not. We KNOW that abstinence doesn’t work.

    I can’t afford to take care of every child on the planet, they wouldn’t all fit in my livingroom either. Who is the we in we know abstinance doesn’t work. By definition it doesn’t contribute to pregnancy, no sex, no pregnancy. Are you saying abstinance causes pregnancy???

    It’s about people making decisions for themselves without the help of the government.

    Unless your a pharmacists and then your forced to be an abortionist, but that’s another story.

    The dictators you mentioned weren’t concerned with personal choice, which apparently you aren’t concerned with either.

    Isn’t it your choice to dip your wick, to get some stank on your hang low, to drink and then drive?

    The rights answer to every social problem is to arrest everyone at the age of 14.

    Maybe that’s the answer to your dating problems but not for social problems.

    I guess that would work as well, if we arrest every person with a drivers license that to would reduce the number of DUI’s

    Or people could take responsibility before the fact and arrange for a ride home or take responsibility after the fact and do the five years in prison. What is your aversion to personal responsibility for your actions??? Cna any liberal answer this question?

  24. captain_menace says:

    Unless your a pharmacists and then your forced to be an abortionist, but that’s another story.

    Pharmacists aren’t born. People CHOOSE to be pharmacists. If they don’t like what the job entails, then they should get a different job. If I hired a ditch digger and he didn’t want to dig ditches he would be fired the first day (I love the free market).

    Or people could take responsibility before the fact and arrange for a ride home or take responsibility after the fact and do the five years in prison.

    Total agreement here, they should be five very hard years.

    Maybe that’s the answer to your dating problems but not for social problems.

    What is the answer to these social problems?

    You’ll hve to ask Karl, this whole euthanasia deal was his answer to reduce drunk driving.

    If I wanted to hear the answer from Karl, I would have asked Karl. I asked you and you didn’t answer. In fact, you really didn’t address any of the issues raised. You just bullshitted your way along. Me wonders what you’re smoking?

  25. Chris Austin says:

    Personal responsibility isn’t the issue here Right. That concept is subjective based on who’s doing what and who is doing the judging. There are plenty of legal acts that certain Americans find offensive, and that’s where the matter of ‘personal responsibility’ becomes a murky concept.

    Because it’s one thing to say, “you break the law and you pay” – and completely another to say, “it’s not against the law, but it offends me, so you should pay a price”

    We agree that Texas is collectively stupid and fat (6 of the top 10 fattest cities in America) by instituting this law, as it attempts to prosecute a lesser law violation to prevent a more serious violation that may or may not have been in the cards to begin with.

    It gets around the ‘prior restraint’ hitch because ‘public intoxication’ laws are on the books. Most of us understand this type of a law to be the type that’s applied conservatively, because if applied broadly, there wouldn’t be enough room to jail everyone, not enough time to try them in court, and in the meantime, REAL CRIMINALS would get away with REAL CRIMES.

    This applies to a number of the ‘best’ ideas our more Christ-based citizens seem to come up with, and in a lot of cases, non-crimes are treated as the opposite. Case in point:

    The morning after pill! Science doesn’t support your description of the pill as an ‘abortion pill’ – – and the religious-right is against it because it ‘promotes promiscuous lifestyles’.

    A promiscuous lifestyle is not unlawfull.

    It’s the same thing as this operation in Texas…

  26. Right Thinker says:

    Unless your a pharmacists and then your forced to be an abortionist, but that’s another story.

    Pharmacists aren’t born. People CHOOSE to be pharmacists. If they don’t like what the job entails, then they should get a different job.

    Exactly, when these people bedcame pharacists, the job was to help people but now that his abortion bpill came out a few months back they are unfairly being forced into the abortion trade which isn’t what a pharacists duties were.

    If I hired a ditch digger and he didn’t want to dig ditches he would be fired the first day (I love the free market).

    In thic case the ditch digger wants to dig ditched but suppose last month the job included mandatory whacking illegal mexican immigrants in the back of the head with the shovel. For 40 years it was all about digging ditched but as of a few moths ago it’s digging ditches and whacking illegals.

    Now, if you advocate repaying the student loans and paying for re-education of pharamcists whose jobs have changed due to government mandates then I’ll be onboard. Changing someones job mid-career with no choice or input from them is patently unfair. You can’t force someone into a career they don’t want to be in. If the government is going to force a career on someone it should give them the option of getting out without penalty.

  27. karl says:

    How did I get to be the authority on jerking off? You guys need to stop looking in my windows.

  28. karl says:

    Another potential invasion of privacy:

    FAIRFAX, Va. – Fairfax County is taking part in an unusual White House drug study.

    Wastewater from communities throughout the Potomac River Basin is being tested for the urinary byproducts of cocaine.

    “Apparently, they’re able to ascertain how many people may be using illicit drugs, in this case cocaine, with such studies,” Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly tells WTOP.

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    Earlier this month, county workers collected five days worth of water samples at the pollution control plant in Lorton. The samples were sent to a lab in Rockville, Md., to be analyzed for the traces of the main urinary byproduct of cocaine.

    “It does not indicate that we have an unusual drug problem in Fairfax County,” Connolly says. “I’ll be interested, obviously, in the results. It’s kind of an unusual study and an unusual request. Obviously, we’re prepared to cooperate with any endeavor to try to make sure the use of illicit drugs is discouraged in our community.”

    Seems like the current administration is obsessed with victimless crimes while ignoring bigger problems.

  29. Right Thinker says:

    karl says:
    How did I get to be the authority on jerking off? You guys need to stop looking in my windows.


    There are a lot of things about this exchange that I’d rather not re-address. I think our discussions could use more structure.

    P.S. Which, in your expert opinion, is better, Vaseline or Lotion?

  30. Right Thinker says:

    In fact, you really didn’t address any of the issues raised. You just bullshitted your way along. Me wonders what you’re smoking?

    I’m sorry, I though your asking me toi take care of every child on the planet was a joke. Seriously, I don’t have the fianncial ability to take care of every child on the planet.

  31. Chris Austin says:

    Besides being able to put a number in a box on a spreadsheet, I’m not sure what value there is to testing the dookie water for coke. What does one do with this information? Bring it to congress and fight for tougher sentences for abusers?

  32. captain_menace says:

    I don’t have the fianncial ability to take care of every child on the planet.

    Neither do I. And that is why I’m OK with women having abortions if they want. I sure as heck don’t want to support their unwanted children with my tax dollars. Kids born to poverty are much more likely to end up on welfare, in jail, or both. Either way, they are a burden to society, sad but true. I’d rather have those tax dollars going to educate my kid, and helping to pay off the debt that the current administration has racked up.


    How did I get to be the authority on jerking off?

    The important thing is that you are good at SOMETHING. Not everyone has such a valuable skill. So… any advice?

  33. captain_menace says:

    I’m not sure what value there is to testing the dookie water for coke

    And you wondered where Red Bull really came from…

  34. Right Thinker says:

    karl says:

    Another potential invasion of privacy:

    My cocaine laced piss floating in the sewer is constitutionally protected?

  35. karl says:

    Next they will be testing the sewage from indavidual homes for drugs, I just think some things should be private, like what I do with my Kimber Henry doll.

  36. captain_menace says:

    Next they will be testing the sewage from indavidual homes

    Boy do I pity the poor sucker that gets assigned to my sewage. I think you could successfully argue that my waste should be classified as WMD.

    what I do with my Kimber Henry doll.

    I hope you give the doll a bath every now and then.

  37. Right Thinker says:

    what I do with my Kimber Henry doll.

    I hope you give the doll a bath every now and then.

    Are you kidding? Then the spooks on stake out in the sewer will know what he’s up to.

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