Birth Control is Unacceptable in Missouri

An attempt to resume state spending on birth control got shot down Wednesday by House members who argued it would have amounted to an endorsement of promiscuous lifestyles.

“State taxpayers should not be required to subsidize activities they believe are immoral or unethical, relating to contraceptives or abortions,” said Larry Weber, executive director of the state Catholic Conference.

“If you hand out contraception to single women, we’re saying promiscuity is OK as a state, and I am not in support of that,” Phillips, R-Kansas City, said in an interview.

Others, including some lawmakers who described themselves as “pro-life,” said it was illogical for anti-abortion lawmakers to deny money for contraception to low-income people who use public health clinics.

So South Dakota got the ball rolling, and now the hard-core anti-sex contingent in America is in full battle dress, ready to shame their people into finally buying in to the concept that ‘Hormones Are Evil’!  Indeed, all this talk about abortion has really been about something else for a lot of people.  A fear of sex, whether it’s prostitution, STDs or even the notion of explaining to a 6th grader the differences between men and women, and how babies are made…the underlying theme is a demonizing of sex itself, a sign of the very real problem in America today, where adults don’t want their children to know about certain things, in hopes that merely saying ‘Don’t’ will keep them safe. 

Lazy adults, wound too tight, mostly married and decades past a time when each of them experienced hormonal urges that could (and in some cases did) convince them to stick it in one of the farm animals.  I once tried to make love to a water jet in a pool…that kid doing it with the pie…it’s an innocent period in our lives, complicated by ferocious chemicals clouding our judgement, 100% natural, grade A humanity. 

These older folks have forgotten about all that.  In fact, a couple more layers of this onion coming off might very well show all of us that they honestly believe that the hormones represent Satan.  And it’s not ‘natural’ to be horny as hell when you’re young…(cowards!)

So here’s how I read this: “If you live in Missouri and have sex for any other reason than to produce a child, you’re a bad person.” I disagree, and happen to also think that it’s this type of regressive thinking that creates priests who mollest children, girls who get pregnant before they graduate high school and gay men or women who get married, only to destroy their family when one day they decide that they can no longer handle living a lie.  It’s this type of negativity that leads to the foolish suppression of those natural hormones turning into a mental problem, not only for the person, but also those around them. 

Aside from all that, it’s extremely anti-woman!  As she’s the one who has to carry a child, give birth and then ‘hope’ that the boy lives up to his end of the responsibility for raising it.  So while I was able to get free condoms at Planned Parenthood, my doctor’s office AND at every Army medical facility I ever steped foot in…a kid growing up in Missouri won’t. 

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8 Responses to Birth Control is Unacceptable in Missouri

  1. Right Thinker says:

    I say buy your own damn condoms and/or birth control pills!!!

  2. Sonicrusk says:

    Some people are broke Right Thinker, and, like it or not, they have sex too.

  3. Chris Austin says:

    Right, I don’t get it. Is or isn’t the goal to reduce the amount of abortions that take place? Is or isn’t it the goal to reduce the amount of people with STDs?

    Saying that free condoms shouldn’t be available to people having sex, who, are less likely to purchase them on their own (whether it’s lack of money or they’re embarassed to buy them in a store OR afraid word will get back to their parents if they do)…

    The result isn’t going to be that this teenager looks at the situation and decides not to have sex. We’re all aware of this having been that age. The result is instead going to be unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

    This is a fact. Social welfare is what this is about, and denying the effectiveness of education and contraception is pretty dangerous in this day and age.

    AND – – – our tax dollars already go to paying Halliburton $1000 to wash a bag of laundry…

  4. Sonicrusk says:

    I wonder if it’s about Purity of Essence?

  5. Right Thinker says:

    Some people are broke Right Thinker, and, like it or not, they have sex too.

    (Artie Lange Voice) WAAAAAAAHH!!! I can’t afford condoms so I have to bang a filthy whore without one, WAAAAAAAAAHH!!!

    WAAAAAAAAHH!!! The government won’t pay for me to screw my friends wife, WAAAAAAAHHH!!!

    WAAAAAAAHHH!!!! I got a 14 year old pregnant, I’m 38 and I’m going to jail because I didn’t get free condoms from the State, WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!

  6. Chris Austin says:

    The ‘Artie’ doesn’t apply here Right. We’re talking about kids here. If a kid is going to have sex, they should do it safely. They should know how people get STDs, how people get pregnant, how to prevent both and a way to get their hands on it.

    You don’t give a diabetic a monitor and no insulin.

    Just like the diabetic is going to eventually die without it, a kid is going to have sex whether they have a condom or not. It’s nature…no use trying to buck reality.

  7. Sonicrusk says:

    Just like the diabetic is going to eventually die without it, a kid is going to have sex whether they have a condom or not. It’s nature…no use trying to buck reality.

    and I agree.

  8. karl says:

    Sort of like the war on drugs, first the idea is to scare everyone about them, and then make the penalties so severe that you probably should be scared of them.

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